Voili voilou

Dependencies:   RoboClaw StepperMotor mbed

Fork of Robot2016_2-0 by ARES

Wed Apr 13 11:27:34 2016 +0000
Impl?mentation des dispositifs du robot

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 1 #ifndef FUNC_H
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 2 #define FUNC_H
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 3
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 4 #include "mbed.h"
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 5 #include "../RoboClaw/RoboClaw.h"
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 6 #include "../Odometry/Odometry.h"
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 7 #include "../StepperMotor/Stepper.h"
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 8 #include "Map/Map.h"
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 9 #include "AX12.h"
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 10
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 11 #define SEUIL 0.25
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 12
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 13 extern Serial logger;
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 14 extern RoboClaw roboclaw;
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 15 extern DigitalOut bleu;
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 16 extern DigitalOut blanc;
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 17 extern DigitalOut rouge;
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 18 extern Stepper RMot;
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 19 extern Stepper ZMot;
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 20 extern Stepper LMot;
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 21 extern AnalogIn capt1;
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 22 extern AnalogIn capt2;
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 23 extern AnalogIn capt3;
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 24
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 25 extern int i, state;
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 26 extern bool EL, EZ, ER;
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 27
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 28 void ELpressed(void);
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 29 void ELunpressed(void);
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 30 void EZpressed(void);
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 31 void EZunpressed(void);
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 32 void ERpressed(void);
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 33 void ERunpressed(void);
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 34
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 35 void pressed(void);
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 36 void unpressed(void);
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 37 void JPO(void);
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 38
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 39 void init_ax12(void);
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 40 void goHome(void);
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 41 void checkAround(void);
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 42
sype 41:b5a2fbc20beb 43 #endif