LPC11U35 ADC Tick & USBSerial

Dependencies:   mbed

Dependents:   SmallDoseMeter_SingleCH_AE_lpc11u35_V1_00

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Feb 19 08:51:33 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
+//  MBED AE-LPC11U35 Small Dose Measure  Program  1CH入力 / Range固定   //
+//      SingleCH Dose CH0:AD7 P14=P0_23 , RNG P19=P0_1                  //
+//                   // CH1:AD6 P07=P0_22 , RNG P23=P0_2  (Dummy)              //
+//            Since 2018.02.14  H.Tsunemoto                             //
+//  for ADC Measurement Timer(0.1mSec)Interrupt                         //
+//   Sample Time 1.0msec - 1000msec                                     //
+//   Since 2016.05.18  H.Tsunemoto                                      //
+//   Sample Program Import (1) Serial_interrupt: LPC11U68_USBserial     //
+//                         (2) Timer_Interrupt: LPC1114_ticker          //
+//                         (3) Internal_ADC_with_interrupt              //
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "LPC11Uxx.h"
+#include "USBSerial.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "math.h"
+// --- MBED I/O Asign  declaration --- //
+//Virtual serial port over USB
+USBSerial serial;
+//Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+//Serial device(P0_3,P0_1);
+Serial device(P0_19,P0_18);
+// ADC Port Asign P14: ad_ch1(AD7)  P7 = ad7
+AnalogIn ad_ch1(P0_23); // AD CH1 P14 MBED ADC Input
+//AnalogIn ad_ch1(P0_22); // AD CH2 P7  MBED ADC Input Dummy
+DigitalOut led1(P0_7);  //P3 = P0_7 LED1); Dummy 
+DigitalOut led2(P0_8);  //P4 = P0_8 LED2);
+DigitalOut led3(P0_9);  //P5 = P0_9 LED3);
+DigitalOut led4(P0_10); //P6 = P0_10       // LED 4 Dummy 
+//DigitalOut POut_CH1_Rng(P0_1);   // Pout CH1 Range Select No Control
+//DigitalOut POut_CH2_Rng(P0_2);   // Pout CH2 Range Select No Control
+// Debug Led ON/Off
+#define Debug_LED_Active 1
+#define Debug_LED_Disable 0
+int i_LED_Active = Debug_LED_Active;
+//   <<< ADC Sample Parameter & Function declaration >>>   //
+//----  ADC Interrupt Timer -----//
+int main_loop_count = 0;
+Ticker ADC_Timer;
+Timer t;
+int ADC_Count1=0;
+int ADC_Count1Block=0;
+#define ADC_CH1 0
+//#define ADC_CH2 1
+volatile unsigned short Adc_inp_temp[2];
+volatile unsigned long adc_CH1_Inp;
+//volatile unsigned long adc_CH2_Inp;
+// Ative Mode Status Controll
+#define ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Stop 0
+#define ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Busy  1  //
+int i_adc_ActiveMode_status = ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Stop;
+volatile int i_adc_Sample_Total_Count = 0;
+volatile int i_adc_Sample_Total_Time = 0;
+volatile int adc_Sample_Ave_Count = 4;
+#define ADC_SAMPLE_Empty 0
+#define ADC_SAMPLE_Conplete 1
+volatile int i_adc_Sample_Status = ADC_SAMPLE_Empty;
+typedef struct st_adc_ave{
+    volatile unsigned long sample_Add;
+    volatile unsigned long sample_Ave;
+volatile ST_ADC_AVE st_adc_sample_ave[2];
+const ST_ADC_AVE const_ADC_AVE_Default=
+    0           //unsigned short sample_Add;
+#define ADC_SAMPLE_RATE_MAX  1000
+//-------- ADC Measure Mode Parameter declaration  --------//
+typedef struct  st_adc_param{
+    int   i_sample_interval; // DAC Output Pattern
+    int   i_CH1_Range;
+    int   i_CH2_Range;
+ST_ADC_PARAM st_adc_mode_param;
+//-------- ADC Measure Mode Parameter Default Set  --------//
+const ST_ADC_PARAM const_ADC_Param_Default=
+        1000       //i_sample_int=1000 microS
+        ,0
+        ,0
+ };
+//int adc_sample_interval = 1000;  // ADC Sample Rate 5 - 20000(20.0mSec)
+void ADC_ave_Init();
+void Start_ADC();
+int ADC_Inp2CH();
+void Tick_100usec_ADC_Interrupt();
+//void ADC_Stop();      // 2018.02.19 for 100μsec Timer 2=>1 共通化
+                        // STOP時は ADC入力のみ停止
+void ad_sample_send();
+void adc_param_init();
+// --- Serial Communication  ---  //
+//void Tx_interrupt();
+//void Rx_interrupt();
+//void send_line();
+int read_line();  // Return Rec CHAR Count 2013.08.08 Tsunemoto Append
+void Rx_1char();
+//---------- H.Tsunemoto Scince 2013.08.08  ---------// 
+//--------- Timer Innterrupt For DAC Control  ---------------//
+int timer_count=0;
+int timer_1Sec=0;
+//void TIMER0_IRQHandler(void);
+//void timer0_init(void);
+//---------  New Append Function  ---------//
+void Ser_Command_Input();
+//------------    Command Check & Set Function ---------------------------------//
+// ADC No.1 "SMP 1000"  ADC Sample Rate 2 - 1000 msec
+bool com_Check_SMP(int i_RecCharCount);
+// ADC No.2 "RNA 0" ADC CH1 Range  0 / 1
+bool com_Check_RNA(int i_RecCharCount);
+// ADC No.3 "RNB 1" ADC CH2 Range  0 / 1
+bool com_Check_RNB(int i_RecCharCount);
+// ADC No.4 "START" ADC Sample Start
+bool com_Check_START(int i_RecCharCount);
+// ADC No.5 "STOP" ADC Sample Stop
+bool com_Check_STOP(int i_RecCharCount);
+// ADC No.6     // "STAT?"
+void com_ADC_Table_Param_Send();  
+// ADC No.7     // "LED0" LED Ena
+bool com_Check_LED(int i_RecCharCount);  
+// Circular buffers for serial TX and RX data - used by interrupt routines
+const int ser_buffer_size = 255;
+// might need to increase buffer size for high baud rates
+char tx_buffer[ser_buffer_size];
+char rx_buffer[ser_buffer_size];
+// Circular buffer pointers
+// volatile makes read-modify-write atomic
+volatile int tx_in=0;
+volatile int tx_out=0;
+volatile int rx_in=0;
+volatile int rx_out=0;
+// Line buffers for sprintf and sscanf
+char tx_line[80];
+char rx_line[80];
+//---  2013.08.08 Tsunemoto ------//
+//--  rx Data Cr Rec Counter
+volatile int rx_cr_Rec = 0;
+// 2016.06.21 Test Thresh Up
+//volatile int debug_Count_Over = 0;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------//
+//              <<<<  Main Function  >>>>                      //
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------// 
+// main test program
+int main() {
+    // Serial Speed Set 
+    device.baud(115200);
+//    serial.serial_baud(device,115200);
+    timer_count = 0;
+  ADC_Timer.attach_us(&Tick_100usec_ADC_Interrupt, (100));
+//--- ADC Measurement Control Parameter Initial Set ---//
+    adc_param_init(); 
+// -- Main Loop -- //
+    while (1) {
+            if(i_LED_Active == Debug_LED_Active){
+                 led3 = (led3+1) & 1;
+            }
+            if (i_adc_ActiveMode_status != ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Stop){
+                ad_sample_send();// --- ADC Sample & Serial Data Out  ---  //
+            }
+            if(rx_cr_Rec != 0){
+                Ser_Command_Input();
+            }
+             /////////////////////////////////
+      }
+//-------     A/D Input & Data Send(Serial)                              -------//
+// int ADC_Count1=0;                                                            //
+// int ADC_Count1Block=0;                                                       //
+/// #define ADC_CH1 0                                                            //
+// #define ADC_CH2 1                                                            //
+// unsigned short Adc_buff[3][ADC_BUFF_SIZE]                                     //
+// int adc_buff_inp = 0;                                                        //
+// int adc_buff_out = 0;                                                        //
+//#define ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Stop 0
+//#define ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Ready 1  // 
+//#define ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Busy  2  //
+//int i_adc_ActiveMode_status ;
+//                                                                              //
+//bool b_Trigger_Start_sendFlag = ADC_TRIGGER__START_READY;
+//bool b_Trigger_EndFlag = ADC_PULSE_END_READY;
+//int i_adc_Waveform_count=0
+//int i_adc_Sample_Total_Count = 0;
+//int i_adc_Sample_Total_Time = 0;
+void ad_sample_send(){
+//float f_num;
+   // A/D  CH1(P19) / CH2(P20)   => HEX SHORT 
+    if(i_adc_ActiveMode_status == ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Busy){
+        if(i_adc_Sample_Status != ADC_SAMPLE_Empty){
+           if(i_LED_Active == Debug_LED_Active){
+                led4 = (led4+1) & 1;
+            }
+                if(st_adc_mode_param.i_sample_interval ==0){
+                    st_adc_mode_param.i_sample_interval =1;
+                    }
+    // 2018.02.19 for Small Dose Special Range = 0 Dummy & Duplicate 0CH Data Send
+ //              sprintf(tx_line,"%1d,%03x,%1d,%03x\r\n"
+                 serial.printf("%1d,%03x,%1d,%03x\r\n"
+                        ,0
+                        ,(st_adc_sample_ave[0].sample_Ave / st_adc_mode_param.i_sample_interval)
+                        ,0
+                        ,(st_adc_sample_ave[0].sample_Ave / st_adc_mode_param.i_sample_interval)
+                        );
+ /*
+                serial.printf("%1d,%03x,%1d,%03x\r\n"
+                        ,st_adc_mode_param.i_CH1_Range
+                        ,(st_adc_sample_ave[0].sample_Ave / st_adc_mode_param.i_sample_interval)
+                        ,st_adc_mode_param.i_CH2_Range
+                        ,(st_adc_sample_ave[1].sample_Ave / st_adc_mode_param.i_sample_interval)
+                        );
+                i_adc_Sample_Status =   ADC_SAMPLE_Empty;   
+ //                send_line();
+                    serial.Write(tx_line);
+                if(i_LED_Active == Debug_LED_Active){
+                    led4 = (led4+1) & 1;
+                    led4 = (led4+1) & 1;
+                }
+       }
+ //           led4 = 0;
+    }
+void Start_ADC() {
+    ADC_Count1Block=0;
+    ADC_Count1=0;
+    t.reset();
+//    t.start();
+    //memset(Samples, 0, AANTAL_SAMPLES);
+    //ADC_Timer.attach_us(&ADC_Interrupt, 200);
+    // 2013_0827 Tsunemoto for 1/4Sample Average
+ //   ADC_Timer.attach_us(&ADC_Interrupt, (st_adc_mode_param.i_sample_interval>>2));
+//   ADC_Timer.attach_us(&Tick_100usec_ADC_Interrupt, (100));
+    ADC_ave_Init();
+    //ADC_Timer.attach_us(&ADC_Interrupt, st_adc_mode_param.i_sample_interval);
+//    i_adc_Waveform_count = 0;
+    t.start();
+ //    led1 = 1;
+ //   wait(0.0005);
+ // 2016.06.21 Test Thresh Over Count
+ //    debug_Count_Over = 0;
+//**    ADC 1/4 Sample Parameter init  **
+//** 2013.08.27 Tsunemoto              **
+//typedef struct st_adc_ave{
+//    unsigned short sample_Add;
+//    unsigned short sample_Max;
+//    unsigned short sample_Min;
+//ST_ADC_AVE st_adc_sample_ave[3];
+//const ST_ADC_AVE const_ADC_AVE_Default=
+//#define ADC_SAMPLE_AVE_MAX 4
+//int adc_Sample_Ave_Count = 4;
+void ADC_ave_Init()
+  //  int i;
+//    for (i=ADC_CH1;i<=ADC_CH2;i++){
+        st_adc_sample_ave[0].sample_Add = const_ADC_AVE_Default.sample_Add;
+ //       st_adc_sample_ave[i].sample_Max = const_ADC_AVE_Default.sample_Max;
+ //       st_adc_sample_ave[i].sample_Min = const_ADC_AVE_Default.sample_Min;
+//    }
+    adc_Sample_Ave_Count = 0;
+//** ADC Sample Input for 1/4 Ave & MAX/Min Cansel  **
+// return ;0= No Buffer inc
+//         1= Buffer Inp & Count INC
+int ADC_Inp2CH()
+int i_ret=0;
+        Adc_inp_temp[ADC_CH1] = ((ad_ch1.read_u16()>>4)&0xFFF);
+  //      Adc_inp_temp[ADC_CH2] = ((ad_ch2.read_u16()>>4)&0xFFF);
+        adc_Sample_Ave_Count++;
+        // CH1 Ave 
+        st_adc_sample_ave[ADC_CH1].sample_Add = st_adc_sample_ave[ADC_CH1].sample_Add + (unsigned long)Adc_inp_temp[ADC_CH1];
+         // CH2 Ave 
+ //       st_adc_sample_ave[ADC_CH2].sample_Add = st_adc_sample_ave[ADC_CH2].sample_Add + (unsigned long)Adc_inp_temp[ADC_CH2];
+        if(adc_Sample_Ave_Count >= (st_adc_mode_param.i_sample_interval)){
+            st_adc_sample_ave[ADC_CH1].sample_Ave = st_adc_sample_ave[ADC_CH1].sample_Add;
+ //           st_adc_sample_ave[ADC_CH2].sample_Ave = st_adc_sample_ave[ADC_CH2].sample_Add;
+            ADC_ave_Init();
+            i_adc_Sample_Status = ADC_SAMPLE_Conplete;
+            adc_Sample_Ave_Count = 0;
+            i_ret = 1;
+        }
+        return(i_ret);
+void Tick_100usec_ADC_Interrupt() {
+     int i_inp_ret;
+//2018.02.19  100μsec Interval Timer IRQ Common Control
+//void cyclic(void)
+// {
+   if( i_LED_Active == Debug_LED_Active){
+       led1=1;
+    }
+    Rx_1char();
+    timer_count++;                  //increment timer_count
+    if(timer_count >= 10000){
+        timer_count = 0;
+        timer_1Sec++;
+    }
+        i_adc_Sample_Total_Time++;
+   if( i_LED_Active == Debug_LED_Active){
+       led1=0;
+    }
+     if(i_LED_Active == Debug_LED_Active){
+        led2 = 1;
+      }
+        ADC_Count1Block++;
+    ADC_Count1++;
+    if(i_adc_ActiveMode_status == ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Busy){      
+            i_inp_ret = ADC_Inp2CH();
+    }
+    else if (i_adc_ActiveMode_status == ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Stop){
+    }
+    if(i_LED_Active == Debug_LED_Active){
+        led2 = 0;
+    }
+//    ADC Measurement Parameter Initial Set                          //
+// 2013.08.14 H.Tsunemoto
+//typedef struct  st_adc_param{
+//    int   i_sample_interval; // DAC Output Pattern
+//    float f_trigger_level;
+//    unsigned short us_trigger_level;    // (3.3f/1023) * f_trigger_level (Image)
+//    int i_pre_trig_point;
+//    int i_pulse_end_time;
+//ST_ADC_PARAM st_adc_mode_param;
+void adc_param_init()
+    st_adc_mode_param.i_sample_interval = const_ADC_Param_Default.i_sample_interval;
+//-----    Serial rx Commmand Input & Parameter Set Function   -----//
+//  Tsunemoto Since 2016.05.20                                     //
+// ADC No.1 "SMP 1000"  ADC Sample Rate 2 - 1000 msec
+// ADC No.2 "RNA 0" ADC CH1 Range  0 / 1
+// ADC No.3 "RNB 1" ADC CH2 Range  0 / 1
+// ADC No.4 "START" ADC Sample Start
+// ADC No.5 "STOP" ADC Sample Stop
+// ADC No.6     // "?"
+void Ser_Command_Input()
+    int i_RecCharCount;
+    bool b_CommadERR = 0;
+    while(rx_cr_Rec != 0){
+         // Read a line from the large rx buffer from rx interrupt routine
+        if(rx_in != rx_out){   
+           i_RecCharCount = read_line();
+           if(i_RecCharCount != 0){
+                switch(rx_line[0]){
+                    // Header "A"  ADC Control Command
+                    case 'S':
+                        if(i_RecCharCount == 1){
+                                    i_adc_ActiveMode_status = ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Busy;
+                                    Start_ADC();
+                       }
+                        else if (rx_line[1] == 'T'){
+                            //case 'T':
+                                if((rx_line[2] == 'A') && (rx_line[3] == 'R') && (rx_line[4] == 'T')){
+                                    i_adc_ActiveMode_status = ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Busy;
+                                    Start_ADC();
+                                }
+                                else if((rx_line[2] == 'O') && (rx_line[3] == 'P') ){
+                                    i_adc_ActiveMode_status = ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Stop;
+ // 2018.02.19 for 100μsec Int Timer Continuas Enable 
+///                                   ADC_Stop();
+                                }
+                                else if ((rx_line[2] == '?')){    //{    "ST?"
+                                    com_ADC_Table_Param_Send();
+                                }
+                                else if ( (rx_line[2] == 'A')&& (rx_line[3] == '?')){    //{    "STA?"
+                                    com_ADC_Table_Param_Send();
+                                }
+                                else if ( (rx_line[2] == 'A')&& (rx_line[3] == 'T')&& (rx_line[4] == '?')){    //{    "STAT?"
+                                    com_ADC_Table_Param_Send();
+                                }
+                                else{
+                                    b_CommadERR = 1;
+                                }
+                                //break;
+                        }
+                        else if((rx_line[1] == 'M') && (rx_line[2] == 'P')){
+                            com_Check_SMP( i_RecCharCount);
+                        }
+                        else if (rx_line[1] == '?'){    //{    case '?':
+                            com_ADC_Table_Param_Send();
+                            //break;
+                        }
+                        else{
+                            //default:
+                            b_CommadERR = 1;
+                            //break;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    case 'T':  // "T?" Timer Interrupt Counter Repry
+                        if (rx_line[1]=='?'){
+                                serial.printf("Timer=%d[S}+%d[x0.1mSec] \r\n",timer_1Sec,timer_count); 
+//                            sprintf(tx_line,"Timer=%d[S}+%d[x0.1mSec] \r\n",timer_1Sec,timer_count); 
+//                            // Copy tx line buffer to large tx buffer for tx interrupt routine
+//                            send_line();
+                        }
+                        else if(rx_line[1]=='C'){
+                            timer_1Sec = timer_count = 0;
+                        }
+                        else{
+                            b_CommadERR = 1;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    case 'R':   // RNA / RNB Range Command
+                        if(rx_line[1]=='N'){
+                            switch(rx_line[2]){
+                                case 'A':
+                                    b_CommadERR= com_Check_RNA(i_RecCharCount);
+                                    break;
+                                case 'B':
+                                    b_CommadERR= com_Check_RNB(i_RecCharCount);
+                                    break;
+                                default:
+                                    b_CommadERR = 1;
+                                    break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                        break;  
+                    case '?':
+                        if(i_RecCharCount == 1){
+                            com_ADC_Table_Param_Send();
+                              }
+                        else{
+                                   b_CommadERR = 1;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                      //break;
+                    case 'E':
+                        if(i_RecCharCount == 1){
+                                    i_adc_ActiveMode_status = ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Stop;
+ // 2018.02.19 for 100μsec Int Timer Continuas Enable 
+///                                   ADC_Stop();
+                           }
+                        else{
+                                   b_CommadERR = 1;
+                        }
+                        break;
+                    case 'L':
+                        if((rx_line[1] == 'E') && (rx_line[2] == 'D') ){
+                            b_CommadERR = com_Check_LED(i_RecCharCount);
+                        }
+                        else{
+                        }
+                    default:
+                        b_CommadERR = 1;
+                        break;
+                }
+            }  
+            if(b_CommadERR == 0){
+                serial.printf("ACK%d \r\n",rx_cr_Rec); 
+//                sprintf(tx_line,"ACK%d \r\n",rx_cr_Rec); 
+//                // Copy tx line buffer to large tx buffer for tx interrupt routine
+//                send_line();
+            }
+            else{
+                serial.printf("ERR%d \r\n",rx_cr_Rec); 
+//                sprintf(tx_line,"ERR%d \r\n",rx_cr_Rec); 
+//                // Copy tx line buffer to large tx buffer for tx interrupt routine
+//                send_line();
+            }
+            rx_cr_Rec--;
+        }
+        else{
+            rx_cr_Rec = 0;
+            break;
+        }  
+    }
+//------------    Command Check & Set Function ---------------------------------//
+//  Input :i_RecCharCount :Command Stringth Length                              //
+//         rx_line[80] :(Global) Rec Data Stringth                              //
+//  Return :bool b_CommadERR  0= ACK                                            //
+//                            1= ERR                                            //
+//  ADC No.1  "SMP xxxx  ADC Sample Interval Set                              //
+//#define ADC_SAMPLE_RATE_MIN  2
+//#define ADC_SAMPLE_RATE_MAX  1000
+//int st_adc_mode_param.i_sample_interval = 200;  // ADC Sample Rate 5 - 20000(20.0mSec)
+bool com_Check_SMP(int i_RecCharCount)
+bool b_CommadERR=0;
+int i_num=2;
+char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){
+        b_CommadERR = 1;
+    } 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num = atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if((i_num >= ADC_SAMPLE_RATE_MIN ) && (i_num <= ADC_SAMPLE_RATE_MAX)){
+                 st_adc_mode_param.i_sample_interval = (int)( i_num *10 ) ;
+        }
+        else{
+            b_CommadERR = 1;
+        }
+   }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+ }
+// ADC No.2 "RNA 0" CH AMP Range 0 / 1
+bool com_Check_RNA(int i_RecCharCount)
+bool b_CommadERR=0;
+int i_num=0;
+char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){
+        b_CommadERR = 1;
+    } 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num = atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if(i_num == 0){
+            st_adc_mode_param.i_CH1_Range = i_num;
+ //           POut_CH1_Rng = 0;
+        }
+       else if(i_num == 1){
+            st_adc_mode_param.i_CH1_Range = i_num;
+ //           POut_CH1_Rng = 1;
+        }
+         else{
+            b_CommadERR = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+// ADC No.3 "RNB 0" CH AMP Range 0 / 1
+bool com_Check_RNB(int i_RecCharCount)
+bool b_CommadERR=0;
+int i_num=0;
+char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){
+        b_CommadERR = 1;
+    } 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num = atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if(i_num == 0){
+            st_adc_mode_param.i_CH2_Range = i_num;
+ //           POut_CH2_Rng = 0;
+        }
+       else if(i_num == 1){
+            st_adc_mode_param.i_CH2_Range = i_num;
+ //           POut_CH2_Rng = 1;
+        }
+         else{
+            b_CommadERR = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+//  ADC No.5  "A?"  DAC Parameter Repry                                          //
+//typedef struct  st_adc_param{
+//    int   i_sample_interval; // DAC Output Pattern
+//    float f_trigger_level;
+//    us_trigger_level;
+//    int i_pre_trig_point;
+//    int i_pulse_end_time;
+//ST_ADC_PARAM st_adc_mode_param;
+void com_ADC_Table_Param_Send()
+int i_num;
+    //2016.06.21 for MBED Dose Measure 2CH_2Range Title & Ver Send Append
+        serial.printf("AE-LPC11U35 Small Dose Measure Ver1.00\r\n"); 
+//        sprintf(tx_line,"MBED Dose Measure Ver0.45\r\n");   // 2016.06.21 for Max.Min Detect Remove & Title&Software Ver Reply Append
+//        send_line();
+        i_num = ( st_adc_mode_param.i_sample_interval / 10) ;
+        serial.printf("SMP %4d[mSec]\r\n",i_num);
+//        sprintf(tx_line,"SMP %4d[mSec]\r\n",i_num);
+//        send_line();
+        i_num = st_adc_mode_param.i_CH1_Range;
+        serial.printf("SMP %4d[mSec]\r\n",i_num);
+//        sprintf(tx_line,"RNA %1d\r\n",i_num);
+//        send_line();
+         i_num = st_adc_mode_param.i_CH2_Range;
+         serial.printf("RNB %1d\r\n",i_num);
+//        sprintf(tx_line,"RNB %1d\r\n",i_num);
+//        send_line();
+ // for Debug
+         serial.printf("ADC Sample Count = %d,BuffLoop=%d\r\n",ADC_Count1,ADC_Count1Block);
+//        sprintf(tx_line,"ADC Sample Count = %d,BuffLoop=%d\r\n",ADC_Count1,ADC_Count1Block);
+//        send_line();
+// Ative Mode Status Controll
+//#define ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Stop 0
+//#define ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Busy  1  //
+    switch(i_adc_ActiveMode_status){
+        case ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Stop:
+            serial.printf( "ADC i_adc_ActiveMode_status = ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Stop\r\n");
+ //           sprintf(tx_line,"ADC i_adc_ActiveMode_status = ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Stop\r\n");
+            break;
+        case ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Busy:
+            serial.printf( "ADC i_adc_ActiveMode_status = ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Busy\r\n");
+ //           sprintf(tx_line,"ADC i_adc_ActiveMode_status = ActiveMode_ADC_Sample_Busy\r\n");
+            break;
+    }
+//    send_line();
+// ADC No.7 "LED 1" Devug LED Active  0 / 1
+bool com_Check_LED(int i_RecCharCount)
+bool b_CommadERR=0;
+int i_num=0;
+char *pt_comRec;
+    if(i_RecCharCount < 4){
+        b_CommadERR = 1;
+    } 
+    else{
+        pt_comRec = (char *)&rx_line[3];
+        i_num = atoi(pt_comRec);
+        if(i_num == 0){
+            i_LED_Active = Debug_LED_Disable; // Disable
+            led1=led2=led3=led4=0;
+        }
+       else if(i_num == 1){
+            i_LED_Active = Debug_LED_Active; // Debug LED Active
+            led1=led2=led3=led4=0;
+        }
+         else{
+            b_CommadERR = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    return(b_CommadERR);
+//-----    Serial tx/rx Communication  
+// Copy tx line buffer to large tx buffer for tx interrupt routine
+void send_line() {
+    int i;
+    char temp_char;
+    bool empty;
+    i = 0;
+// Start Critical Section - don't interrupt while changing global buffer variables
+ //   NVIC_DisableIRQ(UART1_IRQn);
+    empty = (tx_in == tx_out);
+    while ((i==0) || (tx_line[i-1] != '\n')) {
+// Wait if buffer full
+        if (((tx_in + 1) % ser_buffer_size) == tx_out) {
+// End Critical Section - need to let interrupt routine empty buffer by sending
+//           NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART1_IRQn);
+            while (((tx_in + 1) % ser_buffer_size) == tx_out) {
+            }
+// Start Critical Section - don't interrupt while changing global buffer variables
+ //           NVIC_DisableIRQ(UART1_IRQn);
+        }
+        tx_buffer[tx_in] = tx_line[i];
+        i++;
+        tx_in = (tx_in + 1) % ser_buffer_size;
+    }
+    if (device.writeable() && (empty)) {
+        temp_char = tx_buffer[tx_out];
+        tx_out = (tx_out + 1) % ser_buffer_size;
+// Send first character to start tx interrupts, if stopped
+        device.putc(temp_char);
+    }
+// End Critical Section
+//    NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART1_IRQn);
+    return;
+// Read a line from the large rx buffer from rx interrupt routine
+// 2013.08.08 H.Tsunemoto 
+// Append Return Chear Number
+int read_line(){
+//void read_line() {
+    int i;
+    i = 0;
+    // Start Critical Section - don't interrupt while changing global buffer variables
+//    NVIC_DisableIRQ(UART1_IRQn);
+     while(rx_in != rx_out){
+        rx_line[i] = rx_buffer[rx_out];
+         rx_out = (rx_out + 1) % ser_buffer_size;
+        if((rx_line[i] == '\r') || (rx_line[i] == '\n')){
+            break;
+       }
+             i++;
+    }
+    rx_line[i] = 0;
+// End Critical Section
+ //   NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART1_IRQn);
+    return(i);
+//   Serial Data Input USB=>Buffer                      //
+void Rx_1char() {
+   if( i_LED_Active == Debug_LED_Active){
+       led1=1;
+    }
+    //if data is exist
+    if (serial.available()) {
+        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+       rx_buffer[rx_in] = serial._getc();
+//       rx_buffer[rx_in] = device.getc();
+        //--------  小文字 => 大文字 変換-------------//
+        if((rx_buffer[rx_in] >= 'a') && (rx_buffer[rx_in] <= 'z')){
+            rx_buffer[rx_in] &= 0x0DF;  // 'a'0x62 => 'A'0x42
+            //            rx_buffer[rx_in] -= 0x20;  // 'a'0x62 => 'A'0x42
+        }
+        // -- Char CR Rec Counter ----//
+        if((rx_buffer[rx_in]== '\r') || (rx_buffer[rx_in]== '\n')){
+            rx_cr_Rec ++;
+        }
+        rx_in = (rx_in + 1) % ser_buffer_size;
+    }
+    if( i_LED_Active == Debug_LED_Active){
+         led1=0;
+    }
+            /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////