
Dependencies:   mbed asser1

diff -r 5764f89a27f6 -r 1dba6eca01ad hardware.cpp
--- a/hardware.cpp	Wed Apr 17 18:55:22 2019 +0000
+++ b/hardware.cpp	Mon May 06 13:48:45 2019 +0000
@@ -4,36 +4,37 @@
 #include "hardware.h"
 #include "DevSPI.h"
 #include "XNucleoIHM02A1.h"
+#include "commande_moteurs.h"
 // PWM_MAX est définit dans réglage;
 bool moteurs_arret = false;
+//mot G
 XNucleoIHM02A1 *x_nucleo_ihm02a1; //Création d'une entité pour la carte de contôle des pas à pas
 L6470_init_t init[L6470DAISYCHAINSIZE] = {
     /* First Motor. */
-        10,                           /* Motor supply voltage in V. */
+        12,                           /* Motor supply voltage in V. */
         200,                           /* Min number of steps per revolution for the motor. */
         4,                           /* Max motor phase voltage in A. */
-        7.06,                          /* Max motor phase voltage in V. */
+        7,                          /* Max motor phase voltage in V. */
         300,                         /* Motor initial speed [step/s]. */
-        500.0,                         /* Motor acceleration [step/s^2] (comment for infinite acceleration mode). */
+        247.4,                         /* Motor acceleration [step/s^2] (comment for infinite acceleration mode). */
         1500.0,                        /* Motor deceleration [step/s^2] (comment for infinite deceleration mode). */
         992.0,                         /* Motor maximum speed [step/s]. */
         0.0,                           /* Motor minimum speed [step/s]. */
         602.7,                         /* Motor full-step speed threshold [step/s]. */
-        4.5,                          /* Holding kval [V]. */
-        4.5,                          /* Constant speed kval [V]. */
-        4.5,                          /* Acceleration starting kval [V]. */
-        4.5,                          /* Deceleration starting kval [V]. */
+        5,                          /* Holding kval [V]. */
+        5,                          /* Constant speed kval [V]. */
+        5,                          /* Acceleration starting kval [V]. */
+        5,                          /* Deceleration starting kval [V]. */
         61.52,                         /* Intersect speed for bemf compensation curve slope changing [step/s]. */
         392.1569e-6,                   /* Start slope [s/step]. */
         643.1372e-6,                   /* Acceleration final slope [s/step]. */
         643.1372e-6,                   /* Deceleration final slope [s/step]. */
         0,                             /* Thermal compensation factor (range [0, 15]). */
-        4.5*1000*1.10,            /* Ocd threshold [ma] (range [375 ma, 6000 ma]). */
-        32,            /* Stall threshold [ma] (range [31.25 ma, 4000 ma]). */
+        5*1000*1.10,            /* Ocd threshold [ma] (range [375 ma, 6000 ma]). */
+        5*1000*1.00,            /* Stall threshold [ma] (range [31.25 ma, 4000 ma]). */
         StepperMotor::STEP_MODE_1_128, /* Step mode selection. */
         0xFF,                          /* Alarm conditions enable. */
         0x2E88                         /* Ic configuration. */
@@ -41,27 +42,27 @@
     /* Second Motor. */
-        10,                           /* Motor supply voltage in V. */
+        12,                           /* Motor supply voltage in V. */
         200,                           /* Min number of steps per revolution for the motor. */
         4,                           /* Max motor phase voltage in A. */
-        7.06,                          /* Max motor phase voltage in V. */
+        7,                          /* Max motor phase voltage in V. */
         300,                         /* Motor initial speed [step/s]. */
-        500.0,                         /* Motor acceleration [step/s^2] (comment for infinite acceleration mode). */
+        251.0,                         /* Motor acceleration [step/s^2] (comment for infinite acceleration mode). */
         1500.0,                        /* Motor deceleration [step/s^2] (comment for infinite deceleration mode). */
         992.0,                         /* Motor maximum speed [step/s]. */
         0.0,                           /* Motor minimum speed [step/s]. */
         602.7,                         /* Motor full-step speed threshold [step/s]. */
-        4.5,                          /* Holding kval [V]. */
-        4.5,                          /* Constant speed kval [V]. */
-        4.5,                          /* Acceleration starting kval [V]. */
-        4.5,                          /* Deceleration starting kval [V]. */
+        5,                          /* Holding kval [V]. */
+        5,                          /* Constant speed kval [V]. */
+        5,                          /* Acceleration starting kval [V]. */
+        5,                          /* Deceleration starting kval [V]. */
         61.52,                         /* Intersect speed for bemf compensation curve slope changing [step/s]. */
         392.1569e-6,                   /* Start slope [s/step]. */
         643.1372e-6,                   /* Acceleration final slope [s/step]. */
         643.1372e-6,                   /* Deceleration final slope [s/step]. */
         0,                             /* Thermal compensation factor (range [0, 15]). */
-        4.5*1000*1.10,            /* Ocd threshold [ma] (range [375 ma, 6000 ma]). */
-        32,            /* Stall threshold [ma] (range [31.25 ma, 4000 ma]). */
+        5*1000*1.10,            /* Ocd threshold [ma] (range [375 ma, 6000 ma]). */
+        5*1000*1.00,            /* Stall threshold [ma] (range [31.25 ma, 4000 ma]). */
         StepperMotor::STEP_MODE_1_128, /* Step mode selection. */
         0xFF,                          /* Alarm conditions enable. */
         0x2E88                         /* Ic configuration. */
@@ -92,7 +93,7 @@
 void init_hardware()
-    pc.baud(115200); //Initialisation de l'USART pc 
+    pc.baud(2000000); //Initialisation de l'USART pc 
     /* Initializing Motor Control Expansion Board. */
     x_nucleo_ihm02a1 = new XNucleoIHM02A1(&init[0], &init[1], A4, A5, D4, A2, &dev_spi);
@@ -295,7 +296,73 @@
     lastEncodedB = encodedB; //store this value for next time
+/*void asservissement(){
+    long int tick_D = get_nbr_tick_D();
+    long int tick_G = get_nbr_tick_G();
+    long int tick_D_passe = tick_D-tick_prec_D;
+    long int tick_G_passe = tick_G-tick_prec_G;
+    tick_prec_D=tick_D;
+    tick_prec_G=tick_G;
+    float vitesse_codeuse_D = tick_D_passe;
+    float vitesse_codeuse_G = tick_G_passe;
+    float erreur_D = (float) consigne_D - (float) vitesse_codeuse_D;
+    float erreur_G = (float) consigne_G - (float) vitesse_codeuse_G;
+    somme_erreur_D += erreur_D;
+    somme_erreur_G += erreur_G;
+    float delta_erreur_D = erreur_D-erreur_precedente_D;
+    float delta_erreur_G = erreur_G-erreur_precedente_G;
+    erreur_precedente_G = erreur_G;
+    erreur_precedente_D = erreur_D;
+    float cmd_D = Kp*erreur_D+Ki*somme_erreur_D + Kd*delta_erreur_D;
+    float cmd_G = Kp*erreur_G+Ki*somme_erreur_G + Kd*delta_erreur_G;
+    if (cmd_G <0){
+        cmd_G = 0;
+    }
+    if (cmd_G > 500){
+        cmd_G = 500;
+    }
+    if (cmd_D <0){
+        cmd_D = 0;
+    }
+    if (cmd_D > 500){
+        cmd_D = 500;
+    }
+    commande_vitesse(cmd_G,cmd_D);
+    //printf("tick : %ld cmd : %f,erreur : %f, somme_erreur : %f\n",tick_D_passe ,cmd_D,erreur_D, somme_erreur_D);
+    //printf("%f\n",vitesse_codeuse_G);
+    //printf("oui");
 void debugEncoder()
-    printf("codeuse droite : %d, codeuse gauche : %d\n", lastEncodedB, lastEncodedA);
\ No newline at end of file
+    printf("tick_D : %ld, tick_G : %ld\n", get_nbr_tick_D(),get_nbr_tick_G());
+long int get_position_G(){
+    /* Getting the current position. */
+    long int position = motors[1]->get_position();
+    return position;
+    /* Printing to the console. */
+    //printf("--> Getting the current position: %d\r\n", position);
+long int get_position_D(){
+    /* Getting the current position. */
+    long int position = motors[0]->get_position();
+    /* Printing to the console. */
+    //printf("--> Getting the current position: %d\r\n", position);
+    return position;