This is a library for the DIGI-DOT-BOOSTER which can control LED stripes using the single wire protocol - ws2812 and compatible as well as RGBW LEDs like SK6812. Detailed information including the datasheet and protocol description are available here: DIGI-DOT-BOOSTER acts as a SPI slave and waits for commands sent by a SPI master. This Library provides an easy to use abstraction layer for commands supported by the DD-Booster and adds some additional effects.

Dependents:   DD-Booster-waterdrop BLE_DD-Booster

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DDBooster Class Reference

DDBooster Class Reference

Class acts as a wrapper around SPI calls to control the Digi-Dot-Booster. More...

#include <DDBooster.h>

Public Types

enum  LedType

LED type.

enum  LedColorOrder

LED color order.


Public Member Functions

 DDBooster (PinName MOSI, PinName SCK, PinName CS, PinName RESET=NC)
 Default constructor.
void init (uint16_t ledCount, LedType ledType=LED_RGB, LedColorOrder colorOrder=ORDER_GRB)
 Performs initial configuration of the DD-Booster to set the number of used LEDs and their type.
void reset ()
 Performs a hardware reset of the DD-Booster by toggling it's RESET pin.
void setRGB (uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b)
 Sets a LED color for next operations using RGB format until another color set operation overwrites it.
void setRGBW (uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t w)
 Sets a LED color for next operations using RGBW format until another color set operation overwrites it.
void setHSV (uint16_t h, uint8_t s, uint8_t v)
 Sets a LED color for next operations using HSV format until another color set operation overwrites it.
void setLED (uint8_t index)
 Assign the previously set color value to a single LED.
void clearLED (uint8_t index)
 Clears a single LED by setting its color to RGB(0,0,0).
void setAll ()
 Assign the previously set color value to a all LEDs.
void clearAll ()
 Clears all LEDs by setting their color to RGB(0,0,0).
void setRange (uint8_t start, uint8_t end)
 Assign the previously set color value to a range of LEDs.
void setRainbow (uint16_t h, uint8_t s, uint8_t v, uint8_t start, uint8_t end, uint8_t step)
 Creates a rainbow effect in a range.
void setGradient (int start, int end, uint8_t from[3], uint8_t to[3])
 Creates a gradient from one color to another.
void shiftUp (uint8_t start, uint8_t end, uint8_t count)
 Shifts up the color values of the LEDs in a range.
void shiftDown (uint8_t start, uint8_t end, uint8_t count)
 Shifts down the color values of the LEDs in a range.
void copyLED (uint8_t from, uint8_t to)
 Copies a color value of a LED to another one.
void repeat (uint8_t start, uint8_t end, uint8_t count)
 Copies the whole range several times in a row.
void show ()
 Shows the changes previously made by sending all values to the LEDs.
void sendRawBytes (const uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t length)
 Sends raw byte buffer with commands to DD-Booster.

Detailed Description

Class acts as a wrapper around SPI calls to control the Digi-Dot-Booster.

After creation of the class instance SPI is configured with default values (12MHz, MSB first, mode 0). Used SPI pins has to be passed to the constructor. RESET pin is optional. If omitted reset() call has no effect.

Before calling any functions you have first to initialize the DD-Booster by calling init() with the number of the LEDs (max. 256 for RGB and max. 192 for RGBW), their type (RGB or RGBW) and the color order (RGB or GRB). Both last parameters are optional - DD-Booster is configured for the ws2812 LEDS (RGB type with GRB color order).

When calling the functions the corresponding values are sent to the DD-Booster, but only after the show() call the LEDs are really addressed with the current state of the values buffer.

Definition at line 25 of file DDBooster.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

LED color order.

ws2812 is using GRB order and it's the default color order for the DD-Booster.

Definition at line 41 of file DDBooster.h.

enum LedType

LED type.

Stores the number of bits used for the color of one LED. LED_RGB is the default value used by the DD-Booster

Definition at line 32 of file DDBooster.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DDBooster ( PinName  MOSI,
PinName  SCK,
PinName  CS,
PinName  RESET = NC 

Default constructor.

Initializes SPI interface at 12MHz, MSB first, mode 0 Assigns used pins for SPI communication and reset pin to reset DD-Booster. To be able to do a hardware reset of the DD-Booster, connect a digital IO pin to the RESET pin of the DD-Booster.

MOSI- Digital pin of SPI MOSI line
SCK- Digital pin of SPI clock
CS- Digital pin of SPI chip select
resetPin- Digital pin connected to the RESET pin of the DD-Booster, Optional, set to NC if missing

Definition at line 31 of file DDBooster.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void clearAll (  )

Clears all LEDs by setting their color to RGB(0,0,0).

Internally it simply sends setRGB(0,0,0) and setAll().

Definition at line 152 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void clearLED ( uint8_t  index )

Clears a single LED by setting its color to RGB(0,0,0).

Internally it simply sends setRGB(0,0,0) and setLED(index).

index- Index of of the LED to clear. Index starts with 0

Definition at line 129 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void copyLED ( uint8_t  from,
uint8_t  to 

Copies a color value of a LED to another one.

from- Index of the LED to copy from
to- Index of the LED to copy to

Definition at line 260 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void init ( uint16_t  ledCount,
LedType  ledType = LED_RGB,
LedColorOrder  colorOrder = ORDER_GRB 

Performs initial configuration of the DD-Booster to set the number of used LEDs and their type.

DD-Booster supports max. 256 LEDs.

ledCount- Number of used LEDs
ledType- Type of LEDs used. RGB is default
colorOrder- LED color order. GRB is default

Definition at line 41 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void repeat ( uint8_t  start,
uint8_t  end,
uint8_t  count 

Copies the whole range several times in a row.

start- Index of the first LED in the range. Index starts with 0
end- Index of the last LED in the range
count- Number of copy operation

Definition at line 273 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void reset (  )

Performs a hardware reset of the DD-Booster by toggling it's RESET pin.

Does nothing if RESET pin was not configured in the constructor. the call of reset() does nothing.

Definition at line 69 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void sendRawBytes ( const uint8_t *  buffer,
uint8_t  length 

Sends raw byte buffer with commands to DD-Booster.

Waits 2ms after transmission.

Definition at line 294 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void setAll (  )

Assign the previously set color value to a all LEDs.

Definition at line 146 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void setGradient ( int  start,
int  end,
uint8_t  from[3],
uint8_t  to[3] 

Creates a gradient from one color to another.

start and end index can have negative values to make a gradient starting outside the visible area showing only it's currently visible part considering the intermediate color values.

start- Index of the first LED in the range. Can be negative.
end- Index of the last LED in the range. Can be greater than the number of LEDs
from- RGB value of the start color
to- RGB value of the end color

Definition at line 199 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void setHSV ( uint16_t  h,
uint8_t  s,
uint8_t  v 

Sets a LED color for next operations using HSV format until another color set operation overwrites it.

h- Hue part of the color value (0 - 359)
s- Saturation part of the color value (0 - 255)
v- Value part of the color value (0 - 255)

Definition at line 102 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void setLED ( uint8_t  index )

Assign the previously set color value to a single LED.

index- Index of of the LED to set. Index starts with 0

Definition at line 117 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void setRainbow ( uint16_t  h,
uint8_t  s,
uint8_t  v,
uint8_t  start,
uint8_t  end,
uint8_t  step 

Creates a rainbow effect in a range.

h- Hue part of the color value (0 - 359)
s- Saturation part of the color value (0 - 255)
v- Value part of the color value (0 - 255)
start- Index of the first LED in the range to set. Index starts with 0
end- Index of the last LED in the range to set
step- Step value to increment between 2 LEDs. Recommended values 2 - 20

Definition at line 178 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void setRange ( uint8_t  start,
uint8_t  end 

Assign the previously set color value to a range of LEDs.

start- Index of the first LED in the range to set. Index starts with 0
end- Index of the last LED in the range to set

Definition at line 165 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void setRGB ( uint8_t  r,
uint8_t  g,
uint8_t  b 

Sets a LED color for next operations using RGB format until another color set operation overwrites it.

r- Red part of the color value (0 - 255)
g- Green part of the color value (0 - 255)
b- Blue part of the color value (0 - 255)

Definition at line 79 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void setRGBW ( uint8_t  r,
uint8_t  g,
uint8_t  b,
uint8_t  w 

Sets a LED color for next operations using RGBW format until another color set operation overwrites it.

r- Red part of the color value (0 - 255)
g- Green part of the color value (0 - 255)
b- Blue part of the color value (0 - 255)
w- White LED level (0 - 255)

Definition at line 90 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void shiftDown ( uint8_t  start,
uint8_t  end,
uint8_t  count 

Shifts down the color values of the LEDs in a range.

start- Index of the first LED in the range. Index starts with 0
end- Index of the last LED in the range
count- Number of LEDs/steps to shift down

Definition at line 246 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void shiftUp ( uint8_t  start,
uint8_t  end,
uint8_t  count 

Shifts up the color values of the LEDs in a range.

start- Index of the first LED in the range. Index starts with 0
end- Index of the last LED in the range
count- Number of LEDs/steps to shift up

Definition at line 232 of file DDBooster.cpp.

void show (  )

Shows the changes previously made by sending all values to the LEDs.

Definition at line 287 of file DDBooster.cpp.