This is a library for the DIGI-DOT-BOOSTER which can control LED stripes using the single wire protocol - ws2812 and compatible as well as RGBW LEDs like SK6812. Detailed information including the datasheet and protocol description are available here: DIGI-DOT-BOOSTER acts as a SPI slave and waits for commands sent by a SPI master. This Library provides an easy to use abstraction layer for commands supported by the DD-Booster and adds some additional effects.

Dependents:   DD-Booster-waterdrop BLE_DD-Booster

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00001 /*
00002  * DDBoster.h - Library to control the Digi-Dot-Booster using a high-level API
00003  *
00004  *
00005  * MIT License
00006  */
00010 #include <mbed.h>
00012 /**
00013  * @brief Class acts as a wrapper around SPI calls to control the Digi-Dot-Booster.
00014  * 
00015  * After creation of the class instance SPI is configured with default values (12MHz, MSB first, mode 0).
00016  * Used SPI pins has to be passed to the constructor. RESET pin is optional. If omitted reset() call has no effect.
00017  *  
00018  * Before calling any functions you have first to initialize the DD-Booster by calling init() with the number of the LEDs (max. 256 for RGB and max. 192 for RGBW),
00019  * their type (RGB or RGBW) and the color order (RGB or GRB). Both last parameters are optional - DD-Booster is
00020  * configured for the ws2812 LEDS (RGB type with GRB color order).
00021  * 
00022  * When calling the functions the corresponding values are sent to the DD-Booster, but only
00023  * after the show() call the LEDs are really addressed with the current state of the values buffer. 
00024  */
00025 class DDBooster {
00026 public:
00028     /**
00029      * LED type. Stores the number of bits used for the color of one LED.
00030      * LED_RGB is the default value used by the DD-Booster
00031      */
00032     enum LedType {
00033         LED_RGB = 24,
00034         LED_RGBW = 32
00035     };
00037     /**
00038      * LED color order. ws2812 is using GRB order and it's the default color order 
00039      * for the DD-Booster.
00040      */
00041     enum LedColorOrder {
00042         ORDER_RGB,
00043         ORDER_GRB
00044     };
00046     /**
00047      * Default constructor. Initializes SPI interface at 12MHz, MSB first, mode 0
00048      * Assigns used pins for SPI communication and reset pin to reset DD-Booster.
00049      * To be able to do a hardware reset of the DD-Booster, connect a digital IO
00050      * pin to the RESET pin of the DD-Booster.
00051      * @param MOSI - Digital pin of SPI MOSI line     
00052      * @param SCK - Digital pin of SPI clock
00053      * @param CS - Digital pin of SPI chip select
00054      * @param resetPin - Digital pin connected to the RESET pin of the DD-Booster, Optional, set to NC if missing
00055      */
00056     DDBooster(PinName MOSI, PinName SCK, PinName CS, PinName RESET = NC);
00058     /**
00059      * Performs initial configuration of the DD-Booster to set the number of used LEDs and their type.
00060      * DD-Booster supports max. 256 LEDs.
00061      * @param ledCount - Number of used LEDs
00062      * @param ledType - Type of LEDs used. RGB is default
00063      * @param colorOrder - LED color order. GRB is default
00064      */
00065     void init(uint16_t ledCount, LedType ledType = LED_RGB, LedColorOrder colorOrder = ORDER_GRB);
00067     /**
00068      * Performs a hardware reset of the DD-Booster by toggling it's RESET pin.
00069      * Does nothing if RESET pin was not configured in the constructor.
00070      * the call of reset() does nothing.
00071      */
00072     void reset();
00074     /**
00075      * Sets a LED color for next operations using RGB format until another color
00076      * set operation overwrites it.
00077      * @param r - Red part of the color value (0 - 255)
00078      * @param g - Green part of the color value (0 - 255)
00079      * @param b - Blue part of the color value (0 - 255)
00080      */
00081     void setRGB(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);
00083     /**
00084      * Sets a LED color for next operations using RGBW format until another color
00085      * set operation overwrites it.
00086      * @param r - Red part of the color value (0 - 255)
00087      * @param g - Green part of the color value (0 - 255)
00088      * @param b - Blue part of the color value (0 - 255)
00089      * @param w - White LED level (0 - 255)
00090      */
00091     void setRGBW(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t w);
00093     /**
00094      * Sets a LED color for next operations using HSV format until another color
00095      * set operation overwrites it.
00096      * @param h - Hue part of the color value (0 - 359)
00097      * @param s - Saturation part of the color value (0 - 255)
00098      * @param v - Value part of the color value (0 - 255)
00099      */
00100     void setHSV(uint16_t h, uint8_t s, uint8_t v);
00102     /**
00103      * Assign the previously set color value to a single LED.
00104      * @param index - Index of of the LED to set. Index starts with 0
00105      */
00106     void setLED(uint8_t index);
00108     /**
00109      * Clears a single LED by setting its color to RGB(0,0,0).
00110      * Internally it simply sends setRGB(0,0,0) and setLED(index).
00111      * @param index - Index of of the LED to clear. Index starts with 0
00112      */
00113     void clearLED(uint8_t index);
00115     /**
00116      * Assign the previously set color value to a all LEDs.
00117      */
00118     void setAll();
00120     /**
00121      * Clears all LEDs by setting their color to RGB(0,0,0).
00122      * Internally it simply sends setRGB(0,0,0) and setAll().
00123      */
00124     void clearAll();
00126     /**
00127      * Assign the previously set color value to a range of LEDs.
00128      * @param start - Index of the first LED in the range to set. Index starts with 0
00129      * @param end - Index of the last LED in the range to set
00130      */
00131     void setRange(uint8_t start, uint8_t end);
00133     /**
00134      * Creates a rainbow effect in a range.
00135      * @param h - Hue part of the color value (0 - 359)
00136      * @param s - Saturation part of the color value (0 - 255)
00137      * @param v - Value part of the color value (0 - 255)
00138      * @param start - Index of the first LED in the range to set. Index starts with 0
00139      * @param end - Index of the last LED in the range to set
00140      * @param step - Step value to increment between 2 LEDs. Recommended values 2 - 20
00141      */
00142     void setRainbow(uint16_t h, uint8_t s, uint8_t v, uint8_t start, uint8_t end, uint8_t step);
00144     /**
00145      * Creates a gradient from one color to another. start and end index can have negative
00146      * values to make a gradient starting outside the visible area showing only it's 
00147      * currently visible part considering the intermediate color values.
00148      * @param start - Index of the first LED in the range. Can be negative.
00149      * @param end  - Index of the last LED in the range. Can be greater than the number of LEDs
00150      * @param from - RGB value of the start color
00151      * @param to - RGB value of the end color
00152      */
00153     void setGradient(int start, int end, uint8_t from[3], uint8_t to[3]);
00155     /**
00156      * Shifts up the color values of the LEDs in a range.
00157      * @param start - Index of the first LED in the range. Index starts with 0
00158      * @param end - Index of the last LED in the range
00159      * @param count - Number of LEDs/steps to shift up
00160      */
00161     void shiftUp(uint8_t start, uint8_t end, uint8_t count);
00163     /**
00164      * Shifts down the color values of the LEDs in a range.
00165      * @param start - Index of the first LED in the range. Index starts with 0
00166      * @param end - Index of the last LED in the range
00167      * @param count - Number of LEDs/steps to shift down
00168      */
00169     void shiftDown(uint8_t start, uint8_t end, uint8_t count);
00171     /**
00172      * Copies a color value of a LED to another one.
00173      * @param from - Index of the LED to copy from
00174      * @param to - Index of the LED to copy to
00175      */
00176     void copyLED(uint8_t from, uint8_t to);
00178     /**
00179      * Copies the whole range several times in a row. 
00180      * @param start - Index of the first LED in the range. Index starts with 0
00181      * @param end - Index of the last LED in the range
00182      * @param count - Number of copy operation
00183      */
00184     void repeat(uint8_t start, uint8_t end, uint8_t count);
00186     /**
00187      * Shows the changes previously made by sending all values to the LEDs.
00188      */
00189     void show();
00191     /**
00192      * Sends raw byte buffer with commands to DD-Booster. Waits 2ms after transmission.
00193      */
00194     void sendRawBytes(const uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t length);
00196 public:
00197     uint8_t _lastIndex;
00198     SPI _device;
00199     DigitalOut _cs;
00200     DigitalOut _reset;
00201 };