
Dependencies:   BME280 BMP280 TextLCD mbed

Fork of CW_watchdog_09012018_copy by Calvin Kalintra

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/net.h	Wed Jan 10 01:27:01 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+    #error [NOT_SUPPORTED] LWIP not supported for this target
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"
+#include "TCPServer.h"
+#include "TCPSocket.h"
+#include "sd.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string> 
+#define HTTP_STATUS_LINE "HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
+#define HTTP_HEADER_FIELDS "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8"
+#define HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY1 ""                                    \
+"<html>" "\r\n"                                                  \
+"  <body style=\"display:flex;text-align:center\">" "\r\n"       \
+"    <div style=\"margin:auto\">" "\r\n"                         \
+"      <h1>Hello World</h1>" "\r\n"                              \
+"      <p>The LDR value is "                                     
+#define HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY2 ""                                    \
+       "</p>" "\r\n"                                             \       
+"      <p1>The Temperature value is"                                      
+#define HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY6 ""                                    \
+       "</p1>" "\r\n"                                            \       
+"      <p2>The Pressure value is "                                     
+#define HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY4 ""                                    \
+       "</p2>" "\r\n"                                            \
+"    </div>" "\r\n"                                              \
+"  </body>" "\r\n"                                               \
+                      HTTP_HEADER_FIELDS "\r\n" \
+                      "\r\n"                    \
+                      HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY "\r\n"
+#define IP        ""
+#define NETMASK   ""
+#define GATEWAY   ""
+//BMP280 bmp(D14,D15,0x76);
+//AnalogIn ldr(PA_0);
+//Mutex stdio_mutex;
+void network()
+    //printf("Basic HTTP server example\n");
+    //Configure an ethernet connection
+    EthernetInterface eth;
+    eth.set_network(IP, NETMASK, GATEWAY);
+    eth.connect();
+    //stdio_mutex.lock();
+    printf("The target IP address is '%s'\n", eth.get_ip_address());
+    //stdio_mutex.unlock();
+    //Now setup a web server
+    TCPServer srv;           //TCP/IP Server
+    TCPSocket clt_sock;      //Socket for communication
+    SocketAddress clt_addr;  //Address of incoming connection
+    /* Open the server on ethernet stack */
+    srv.open(&eth);
+    /* Bind the HTTP port (TCP 80) to the server */
+    srv.bind(eth.get_ip_address(), 80);
+    /* Can handle 5 simultaneous connections */
+    srv.listen(5);
+    //while (true) {
+        using namespace std;
+        //Block and wait on an incoming connection
+        srv.accept(&clt_sock, &clt_addr);
+        //printf("accept %s:%d\n", clt_addr.get_ip_address(), clt_addr.get_port());
+        //Uses a C++ string to make it easier to concatinate
+        string response;
+        //This is a C string
+        char ldr_str[64];
+        //Read the LDR value
+        float u = 7;
+        //Convert to a C String
+        sprintf(ldr_str, "%5.3f", u );
+        //printf("LDR: %5.3f\n\r", u);
+     string response1,response2;
+     float tempr, pressurer;
+     tempr = 64;
+     pressurer = 322;
+     char data_temp[64] , data_press[64];
+     //tempf = bmp.getTemperature();
+     //pressuref = bmp.getPressure();
+     sprintf(data_temp, "%5.3f", tempr );
+     sprintf(data_press, "%5.3f", pressurer );
+        //Build the C++ string response
+        response = HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY1;
+        response += ldr_str;
+        response += HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY2;
+        response1 += data_temp;
+        response1 += HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY6;
+        response2 += data_press;
+        response2 += HTTP_MESSAGE_BODY4;
+        //Send static HTML response (as a C string)
+        clt_sock.send(response.c_str(), response.size()+6); 
+        clt_sock.send(response1.c_str(), response1.size()+6);
+        clt_sock.send(response2.c_str(), response2.size()+6);   
+    //}