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EddystoneConfigService Class Reference

EddystoneConfigService Class Reference

Eddystone Configuration Service. More...

#include <EddystoneConfigService.h>

Public Types


Transmission Power Modes for UriBeacon.


Public Member Functions

 EddystoneConfigService (BLEDevice &bleIn, Params_t &paramsIn, PowerLevels_t &defaultAdvPowerLevelsIn, PowerLevels_t &radioPowerLevelsIn)
void start (bool resetToDefaultsFlag)
 Start EddystoneConfig advertising.

Detailed Description

Eddystone Configuration Service.

Used to set URL, adjust power levels, and set flags. See

Definition at line 49 of file EddystoneConfigService.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Transmission Power Modes for UriBeacon.

Definition at line 55 of file EddystoneConfigService.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EddystoneConfigService ( BLEDevice bleIn,
Params_t &  paramsIn,
PowerLevels_t &  defaultAdvPowerLevelsIn,
PowerLevels_t &  radioPowerLevelsIn 
ref]ble BLEDevice object for the underlying controller.
in/out]paramsIn Reference to application-visible beacon state, loaded from persistent storage at startup.
[in]defaultAdvPowerLevelsInDefault power-levels array; applies only if resetToDefaultsFlag is true.

Definition at line 123 of file EddystoneConfigService.h.

Member Function Documentation

void start ( bool  resetToDefaultsFlag )

Start EddystoneConfig advertising.

This function should be called after the EddystoneConfig constructor and after all the frames have been added.

[in] resetToDefaultsFlag Applies to the state of the 'paramsIn' parameter. If true, it indicates that paramsIn is potentially un-initialized, and default values should be used instead. Otherwise, paramsIn overrides the defaults.

Definition at line 185 of file EddystoneConfigService.h.