
Dependencies:   Adafruit-16-Ch-PWM-Servo-Driver HCSR04 PID PololuQik2 QEI Sharp mbed-rtos

Fork of theRobot by Thomas Ashworth


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
21:2936d9566213 2014-04-05 Fairy_Paolina klasdjflj;adlj;fdjlkfdskjlfsdak;ljfasdjkl; ; default tip
20:b9cbaf7566e9 2014-04-04 Fairy_Paolina fljsldfjs;
19:9329e9be4c66 2014-04-03 Fairy_Paolina ksdhfkshadf;
18:a0ea7ecaf4fe 2014-04-03 tashworth 4-3-2014
17:a5bb85ee205d 2014-04-03 tashworth 4-3-14
16:8bb212df81b7 2014-04-02 tashworth 4-2-14
15:78f5e937f6ab 2014-04-02 tashworth 4-1-14 11pm
14:784acd735b8c 2014-04-02 tashworth 4-1-14 10:40pm
13:529323807361 2014-04-02 tashworth 4-1-14 10:31pm
12:284be46593ae 2014-04-02 tashworth 4-01-14
11:8d2455e383ce 2014-04-01 tashworth 3-31-14 end of day
10:1a1d52207f59 2014-03-29 tashworth 3-29-14 4:20pm
9:1b29cd9ed1ba 2014-03-28 tashworth 3/28/14 10:32AM
8:77a57909aa15 2014-03-27 tashworth 3-27-14
7:8fb4204f9600 2014-03-19 tashworth 3-19-2014
6:75259c3306dd 2014-03-19 tashworth 3-19-14
5:429e9a998bab 2014-03-14 tashworth 3-14-14
4:42460f387701 2014-03-13 tashworth working:; laser distance measurement; shape detection; center of mass coordinates; area of shape calculation; servos normalized to degrees 0-180
3:b7b4780a7f6e 2014-03-13 tashworth 3-13-14; - working servo normalized to degrees 0-180; - working shape detection with camera 11" from ground plane; - working area of shape calculation; - working center of mass; - writes binary, decimal, or hex .dat and.txt file of the image to local
2:4e082e4c255d 2014-03-03 tashworth 3-3-14
1:fe4a0b47ff25 2014-03-03 tashworth servo timing slowed down (smoother)
0:1b64a0cedc5d 2014-03-03 tashworth servo fix, and servo positions