Lab 4 for ECE4180, final verison
Dependencies: 4DGL-uLCD-SE SDFileSystem mbed-rtos mbed wave_player
Fork of Lab4-Reversi-v2 by
For our project, we created the 2 player game “Reversi”, otherwise known as Othello using the uLCD-144-G2, a Sparkfun 5-way Tactile Switch Joystick, a speaker with a Class D audio amp breakout board, and SD card reader. The program begins with the dark player’s turn, and the joystick is used to move the red cursor box around. Pressing down on the joystick will attempt to put a piece down, resulting in a flipping sound, and will show an X on the screen for invalid moves. The game will finish when the board is filled, and go to a result screen, playing a victory sound. The result screen allows for a play again option.
- /users/4180_1/notebook/using-a-navigation-switch-digital-joystick/
- /users/4180_1/notebook/ulcd-144-g2-128-by-128-color-lcd/
- /users/4180_1/notebook/using-a-speaker-for-audio-output/
- /cookbook/SD-Card-File-System
mbed | Cable | uLCD |
P28 | TX | RX |
P27 | RX | TX |
P29 | RES | RESET |
VU | +5V | +5V |
mbed | SD Card Reader |
P5 | DI |
P6 | DO |
P7 | SCK |
P8 | CS |
Vout | VCC |
mbed | Amplifer | Speaker |
P18 | In + | |
GND | GND | |
VU | PWR + | |
Out + | + | |
Out - | - | |
GND | PWR - |
mbed | Joystick |
P14 | Up |
P13 | Center |
P12 | Left |
P11 | Down |
P10 | Right |
GND | - |
Vout | + |
Import programLab4-Reversi-Final
Lab 4 for ECE4180, final verison
Files at revision 3:b1fe86f61f2f
Name | Size | Actions |
[up] | ||
4DGL-uLCD-SE.lib | 62 | Revisions Annotate |
Reversi.cpp | 19031 | Revisions Annotate |
SDFileSystem.lib | 68 | Revisions Annotate |
SongPlayer.h | 1284 | Revisions Annotate |
mbed-rtos.lib | 66 | Revisions Annotate |
mbed.bld | 65 | Revisions Annotate |
wave_player.lib | 70 | Revisions Annotate |