A class to display a value as a bar on either the on-board LEDs, or using LEDs connected to the pwm pins.

diff -r db2aa0ada4f9 -r 6b38423b75db BarChart.h
--- a/BarChart.h	Tue Nov 09 19:30:45 2010 +0000
+++ b/BarChart.h	Wed Nov 10 15:15:17 2010 +0000
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
      * @param pxx the pins to use, lowest bar first
-    BarChart(PinName p1,  PinName p2,  PinName p3,  PinName p4,
-             PinName p5,  PinName p6,  PinName p7,  PinName p8,
-             PinName p9,  PinName p10, PinName p11, PinName p12,
-             PinName p13, PinName p14, PinName p15, PinName p16);
+    BarChart(PinName p1,  PinName p2,  PinName p3 = NC,  PinName p4 = NC,
+                   PinName p5 = NC,  PinName p6 = NC,  PinName p7 = NC,  PinName p8 = NC,
+                   PinName p9 = NC,  PinName p10 = NC, PinName p11 = NC, PinName p12 = NC,
+                   PinName p13 = NC, PinName p14 = NC, PinName p15 = NC, PinName p16 = NC);
     /** Set the range of input that will be provided to the BarChart
      * @param min The lowest value that the barchart will display