SOEM EtherCAT Master library for STM Nucleo F767ZI

Dependents:   EasyCAT_LAB_simple EasyCAT_LAB_very_simple EasyCAT_LAB

  • It has been developed for the EasyCAT LAB , a complete educational and experimental EtherCAT® system, composed of one master and two slaves .



diff -r 000000000000 -r 543d6784d4cc SOEM/ethercatmain.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SOEM/ethercatmain.c	Tue Jun 11 10:29:09 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2395 @@
+ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 with exceptions. See
+ * LICENSE file in the project root for full license information
+ */
+ * \file
+ * \brief
+ * Main EtherCAT functions.
+ *
+ * Initialisation, state set and read, mailbox primitives, EEPROM primitives,
+ * SII reading and processdata exchange.
+ *
+ * Defines ec_slave[]. All slave information is put in this structure.
+ * Needed for most user interaction with slaves.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "osal.h"
+#include "oshw.h"
+#include "ethercat.h"
+/** delay in us for eeprom ready loop */
+#define EC_LOCALDELAY  200
+/** record for ethercat eeprom communications */
+typedef struct PACKED
+   uint16    comm;
+   uint16    addr;
+   uint16    d2;
+} ec_eepromt;
+/** mailbox error structure */
+typedef struct PACKED
+   ec_mbxheadert   MbxHeader;
+   uint16          Type;
+   uint16          Detail;
+} ec_mbxerrort;
+/** emergency request structure */
+typedef struct PACKED
+   ec_mbxheadert   MbxHeader;
+   uint16          CANOpen;
+   uint16          ErrorCode;
+   uint8           ErrorReg;
+   uint8           bData;
+   uint16          w1,w2;
+} ec_emcyt;
+#ifdef EC_VER1
+/** Main slave data array.
+ *  Each slave found on the network gets its own record.
+ *  ec_slave[0] is reserved for the master. Structure gets filled
+ *  in by the configuration function ec_config().
+ */
+ec_slavet               ec_slave[EC_MAXSLAVE];
+/** number of slaves found on the network */
+int                     ec_slavecount;
+/** slave group structure */
+ec_groupt               ec_group[EC_MAXGROUP];
+/** cache for EEPROM read functions */
+static uint8            ec_esibuf[EC_MAXEEPBUF];
+/** bitmap for filled cache buffer bytes */
+static uint32           ec_esimap[EC_MAXEEPBITMAP];
+/** current slave for EEPROM cache buffer */
+static ec_eringt        ec_elist;
+static ec_idxstackT     ec_idxstack;
+/** SyncManager Communication Type struct to store data of one slave */
+static ec_SMcommtypet   ec_SMcommtype[EC_MAX_MAPT];
+/** PDO assign struct to store data of one slave */
+static ec_PDOassignt    ec_PDOassign[EC_MAX_MAPT];
+/** PDO description struct to store data of one slave */
+static ec_PDOdesct      ec_PDOdesc[EC_MAX_MAPT];
+/** buffer for EEPROM SM data */
+static ec_eepromSMt     ec_SM;
+/** buffer for EEPROM FMMU data */
+static ec_eepromFMMUt   ec_FMMU;
+/** Global variable TRUE if error available in error stack */
+boolean                 EcatError = FALSE;
+int64                   ec_DCtime;
+ecx_portt               ecx_port;
+ecx_redportt            ecx_redport;
+ecx_contextt  ecx_context = {
+    &ecx_port,          // .port          =
+    &ec_slave[0],       // .slavelist     =
+    &ec_slavecount,     // .slavecount    =
+    EC_MAXSLAVE,        // .maxslave      =
+    &ec_group[0],       // .grouplist     =
+    EC_MAXGROUP,        // .maxgroup      =
+    &ec_esibuf[0],      // .esibuf        =
+    &ec_esimap[0],      // .esimap        =
+    0,                  // .esislave      =
+    &ec_elist,          // .elist         =
+    &ec_idxstack,       // .idxstack      =
+    &EcatError,         // .ecaterror     =
+    0,                  // .DCtO          =
+    0,                  // .DCl           =
+    &ec_DCtime,         // .DCtime        =
+    &ec_SMcommtype[0],  // .SMcommtype    =
+    &ec_PDOassign[0],   // .PDOassign     =
+    &ec_PDOdesc[0],     // .PDOdesc       =
+    &ec_SM,             // .eepSM         =
+    &ec_FMMU,           // .eepFMMU       =
+    NULL,               // .FOEhook()
+    NULL                // .EOEhook()
+/** Create list over available network adapters.
+ *
+ * @return First element in list over available network adapters.
+ */
+ec_adaptert * ec_find_adapters (void)
+   ec_adaptert * ret_adapter;
+   ret_adapter = oshw_find_adapters ();
+   return ret_adapter;
+/** Free dynamically allocated list over available network adapters.
+ *
+ * @param[in] adapter = Struct holding adapter name, description and pointer to next.
+ */
+void ec_free_adapters (ec_adaptert * adapter)
+   oshw_free_adapters (adapter);
+/** Pushes an error on the error list.
+ *
+ * @param[in] context        = context struct
+ * @param[in] Ec pointer describing the error.
+ */
+void ecx_pusherror(ecx_contextt *context, const ec_errort *Ec)
+   context->elist->Error[context->elist->head] = *Ec;
+   context->elist->Error[context->elist->head].Signal = TRUE;
+   context->elist->head++;
+   if (context->elist->head > EC_MAXELIST)
+   {
+      context->elist->head = 0;
+   }
+   if (context->elist->head == context->elist->tail)
+   {
+      context->elist->tail++;
+   }
+   if (context->elist->tail > EC_MAXELIST)
+   {
+      context->elist->tail = 0;
+   }
+   *(context->ecaterror) = TRUE;
+/** Pops an error from the list.
+ *
+ * @param[in] context        = context struct
+ * @param[out] Ec = Struct describing the error.
+ * @return TRUE if an error was popped.
+ */
+boolean ecx_poperror(ecx_contextt *context, ec_errort *Ec)
+   boolean notEmpty = (context->elist->head != context->elist->tail);
+   *Ec = context->elist->Error[context->elist->tail];
+   context->elist->Error[context->elist->tail].Signal = FALSE;
+   if (notEmpty)
+   {
+      context->elist->tail++;
+      if (context->elist->tail > EC_MAXELIST)
+      {
+         context->elist->tail = 0;
+      }
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      *(context->ecaterror) = FALSE;
+   }
+   return notEmpty;
+/** Check if error list has entries.
+ *
+ * @param[in] context        = context struct
+ * @return TRUE if error list contains entries.
+ */
+boolean ecx_iserror(ecx_contextt *context)
+   return (context->elist->head != context->elist->tail);
+/** Report packet error
+ *
+ * @param[in]  context        = context struct
+ * @param[in]  Slave      = Slave number
+ * @param[in]  Index      = Index that generated error
+ * @param[in]  SubIdx     = Subindex that generated error
+ * @param[in]  ErrorCode  = Error code
+ */
+void ecx_packeterror(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIdx, uint16 ErrorCode)
+   ec_errort Ec;
+   memset(&Ec, 0, sizeof(Ec));
+   Ec.Time = osal_current_time();
+   Ec.Slave = Slave;
+   Ec.Index = Index;
+   Ec.SubIdx = SubIdx;
+   *(context->ecaterror) = TRUE;
+   Ec.ErrorCode = ErrorCode;
+   ecx_pusherror(context, &Ec);
+/** Report Mailbox Error
+ *
+ * @param[in]  context        = context struct
+ * @param[in]  Slave        = Slave number
+ * @param[in]  Detail       = Following EtherCAT specification
+ */
+static void ecx_mbxerror(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 Slave,uint16 Detail)
+   ec_errort Ec;
+   memset(&Ec, 0, sizeof(Ec));
+   Ec.Time = osal_current_time();
+   Ec.Slave = Slave;
+   Ec.Index = 0;
+   Ec.SubIdx = 0;
+   Ec.ErrorCode = Detail;
+   ecx_pusherror(context, &Ec);
+/** Report Mailbox Emergency Error
+ *
+ * @param[in]  context        = context struct
+ * @param[in]  Slave      = Slave number
+ * @param[in]  ErrorCode  = Following EtherCAT specification
+ * @param[in]  ErrorReg
+ * @param[in]  b1
+ * @param[in]  w1
+ * @param[in]  w2
+ */
+static void ecx_mbxemergencyerror(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 Slave,uint16 ErrorCode,uint16 ErrorReg,
+    uint8 b1, uint16 w1, uint16 w2)
+   ec_errort Ec;
+   memset(&Ec, 0, sizeof(Ec));
+   Ec.Time = osal_current_time();
+   Ec.Slave = Slave;
+   Ec.Index = 0;
+   Ec.SubIdx = 0;
+   Ec.ErrorCode = ErrorCode;
+   Ec.ErrorReg = (uint8)ErrorReg;
+   Ec.b1 = b1;
+   Ec.w1 = w1;
+   Ec.w2 = w2;
+   ecx_pusherror(context, &Ec);
+/** Initialise lib in single NIC mode
+ * @param[in]  context = context struct
+ * @param[in] ifname   = Dev name, f.e. "eth0"
+ * @return >0 if OK
+ */
+int ecx_init(ecx_contextt *context, const char * ifname)
+   return ecx_setupnic(context->port, ifname, FALSE);
+/** Initialise lib in redundant NIC mode
+ * @param[in]  context  = context struct
+ * @param[in]  redport  = pointer to redport, redundant port data
+ * @param[in]  ifname   = Primary Dev name, f.e. "eth0"
+ * @param[in]  if2name  = Secondary Dev name, f.e. "eth1"
+ * @return >0 if OK
+ */
+int ecx_init_redundant(ecx_contextt *context, ecx_redportt *redport, const char *ifname, char *if2name)
+   int rval, zbuf;
+   ec_etherheadert *ehp;
+   context->port->redport = redport;
+   ecx_setupnic(context->port, ifname, FALSE);
+   rval = ecx_setupnic(context->port, if2name, TRUE);
+   /* prepare "dummy" BRD tx frame for redundant operation */
+   ehp = (ec_etherheadert *)&(context->port->txbuf2);
+   ehp->sa1 = oshw_htons(secMAC[0]);
+   zbuf = 0;
+   ecx_setupdatagram(context->port, &(context->port->txbuf2), EC_CMD_BRD, 0, 0x0000, 0x0000, 2, &zbuf);
+   context->port->txbuflength2 = ETH_HEADERSIZE + EC_HEADERSIZE + EC_WKCSIZE + 2;
+   return rval;
+/** Close lib.
+ * @param[in]  context        = context struct
+ */
+void ecx_close(ecx_contextt *context)
+   ecx_closenic(context->port);
+/** Read one byte from slave EEPROM via cache.
+ *  If the cache location is empty then a read request is made to the slave.
+ *  Depending on the slave capabilities the request is 4 or 8 bytes.
+ *  @param[in] context = context struct
+ *  @param[in] slave   = slave number
+ *  @param[in] address = eeprom address in bytes (slave uses words)
+ *  @return requested byte, if not available then 0xff
+ */
+uint8 ecx_siigetbyte(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 address)
+   uint16 configadr, eadr;
+   uint64 edat64;
+   uint32 edat32;
+   uint16 mapw, mapb;
+   int lp,cnt;
+   uint8 retval;
+   retval = 0xff;
+   if (slave != context->esislave) /* not the same slave? */
+   {
+      memset(context->esimap, 0x00, EC_MAXEEPBITMAP * sizeof(uint32)); /* clear esibuf cache map */
+      context->esislave = slave;
+   }
+   if (address < EC_MAXEEPBUF)
+   {
+      mapw = address >> 5;
+      mapb = address - (mapw << 5);
+      if (context->esimap[mapw] & (uint32)(1 << mapb))
+      {
+         /* byte is already in buffer */
+         retval = context->esibuf[address];
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         /* byte is not in buffer, put it there */
+         configadr = context->slavelist[slave].configadr;
+         ecx_eeprom2master(context, slave); /* set eeprom control to master */
+         eadr = address >> 1;
+         edat64 = ecx_readeepromFP (context, configadr, eadr, EC_TIMEOUTEEP);
+         /* 8 byte response */
+         if (context->slavelist[slave].eep_8byte)
+         {
+            put_unaligned64(edat64, &(context->esibuf[eadr << 1]));
+            cnt = 8;
+         }
+         /* 4 byte response */
+         else
+         {
+            edat32 = (uint32)edat64;
+            put_unaligned32(edat32, &(context->esibuf[eadr << 1]));
+            cnt = 4;
+         }
+         /* find bitmap location */
+         mapw = eadr >> 4;
+         mapb = (eadr << 1) - (mapw << 5);
+         for(lp = 0 ; lp < cnt ; lp++)
+         {
+            /* set bitmap for each byte that is read */
+            context->esimap[mapw] |= (1 << mapb);
+            mapb++;
+            if (mapb > 31)
+            {
+               mapb = 0;
+               mapw++;
+            }
+         }
+         retval = context->esibuf[address];
+      }
+   }
+   return retval;
+/** Find SII section header in slave EEPROM.
+ *  @param[in]  context        = context struct
+ *  @param[in] slave   = slave number
+ *  @param[in] cat     = section category
+ *  @return byte address of section at section length entry, if not available then 0
+ */
+int16 ecx_siifind(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 cat)
+   int16 a;
+   uint16 p;
+   uint8 eectl = context->slavelist[slave].eep_pdi;
+   a = ECT_SII_START << 1;
+   /* read first SII section category */
+   p = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+   p += (ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++) << 8);
+   /* traverse SII while category is not found and not EOF */
+   while ((p != cat) && (p != 0xffff))
+   {
+      /* read section length */
+      p = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      p += (ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++) << 8);
+      /* locate next section category */
+      a += p << 1;
+      /* read section category */
+      p = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      p += (ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++) << 8);
+   }
+   if (p != cat)
+   {
+      a = 0;
+   }
+   if (eectl)
+   {
+      ecx_eeprom2pdi(context, slave); /* if eeprom control was previously pdi then restore */
+   }
+   return a;
+/** Get string from SII string section in slave EEPROM.
+ *  @param[in]  context = context struct
+ *  @param[out] str     = requested string, 0x00 if not found
+ *  @param[in]  slave   = slave number
+ *  @param[in]  Sn      = string number
+ */
+void ecx_siistring(ecx_contextt *context, char *str, uint16 slave, uint16 Sn)
+   uint16 a,i,j,l,n,ba;
+   char *ptr;
+   uint8 eectl = context->slavelist[slave].eep_pdi;
+   ptr = str;
+   a = ecx_siifind (context, slave, ECT_SII_STRING); /* find string section */
+   if (a > 0)
+   {
+      ba = a + 2; /* skip SII section header */
+      n = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, ba++); /* read number of strings in section */
+      if (Sn <= n) /* is req string available? */
+      {
+         for (i = 1; i <= Sn; i++) /* walk through strings */
+         {
+            l = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, ba++); /* length of this string */
+            if (i < Sn)
+            {
+               ba += l;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               ptr = str;
+               for (j = 1; j <= l; j++) /* copy one string */
+               {
+                  if(j <= EC_MAXNAME)
+                  {
+                     *ptr = (char)ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, ba++);
+                     ptr++;
+                  }
+                  else
+                  {
+                     ba++;
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+         }
+         *ptr = 0; /* add zero terminator */
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         ptr = str;
+         *ptr = 0; /* empty string */
+      }
+   }
+   if (eectl)
+   {
+      ecx_eeprom2pdi(context, slave); /* if eeprom control was previously pdi then restore */
+   }
+/** Get FMMU data from SII FMMU section in slave EEPROM.
+ *  @param[in]  context = context struct
+ *  @param[in]  slave   = slave number
+ *  @param[out] FMMU    = FMMU struct from SII, max. 4 FMMU's
+ *  @return number of FMMU's defined in section
+ */
+uint16 ecx_siiFMMU(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, ec_eepromFMMUt* FMMU)
+   uint16  a;
+   uint8 eectl = context->slavelist[slave].eep_pdi;
+   FMMU->nFMMU = 0;
+   FMMU->FMMU0 = 0;
+   FMMU->FMMU1 = 0;
+   FMMU->FMMU2 = 0;
+   FMMU->FMMU3 = 0;
+   FMMU->Startpos = ecx_siifind(context, slave, ECT_SII_FMMU);
+   if (FMMU->Startpos > 0)
+   {
+      a = FMMU->Startpos;
+      FMMU->nFMMU = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      FMMU->nFMMU += (ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++) << 8);
+      FMMU->nFMMU *= 2;
+      FMMU->FMMU0 = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      FMMU->FMMU1 = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      if (FMMU->nFMMU > 2)
+      {
+         FMMU->FMMU2 = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+         FMMU->FMMU3 = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      }
+   }
+   if (eectl)
+   {
+      ecx_eeprom2pdi(context, slave); /* if eeprom control was previously pdi then restore */
+   }
+   return FMMU->nFMMU;
+/** Get SM data from SII SM section in slave EEPROM.
+ *  @param[in]  context = context struct
+ *  @param[in]  slave   = slave number
+ *  @param[out] SM      = first SM struct from SII
+ *  @return number of SM's defined in section
+ */
+uint16 ecx_siiSM(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, ec_eepromSMt* SM)
+   uint16 a,w;
+   uint8 eectl = context->slavelist[slave].eep_pdi;
+   SM->nSM = 0;
+   SM->Startpos = ecx_siifind(context, slave, ECT_SII_SM);
+   if (SM->Startpos > 0)
+   {
+      a = SM->Startpos;
+      w = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      w += (ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++) << 8);
+      SM->nSM = (w / 4);
+      SM->PhStart = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      SM->PhStart += (ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++) << 8);
+      SM->Plength = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      SM->Plength += (ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++) << 8);
+      SM->Creg = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      SM->Sreg = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      SM->Activate = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      SM->PDIctrl = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+   }
+   if (eectl)
+   {
+      ecx_eeprom2pdi(context, slave); /* if eeprom control was previously pdi then restore */
+   }
+   return SM->nSM;
+/** Get next SM data from SII SM section in slave EEPROM.
+ *  @param[in]  context = context struct
+ *  @param[in]  slave   = slave number
+ *  @param[out] SM      = first SM struct from SII
+ *  @param[in]  n       = SM number
+ *  @return >0 if OK
+ */
+uint16 ecx_siiSMnext(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, ec_eepromSMt* SM, uint16 n)
+   uint16 a;
+   uint16 retVal = 0;
+   uint8 eectl = context->slavelist[slave].eep_pdi;
+   if (n < SM->nSM)
+   {
+      a = SM->Startpos + 2 + (n * 8);
+      SM->PhStart = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      SM->PhStart += (ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++) << 8);
+      SM->Plength = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      SM->Plength += (ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++) << 8);
+      SM->Creg = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      SM->Sreg = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      SM->Activate = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      SM->PDIctrl = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      retVal = 1;
+   }
+   if (eectl)
+   {
+      ecx_eeprom2pdi(context, slave); /* if eeprom control was previously pdi then restore */
+   }
+   return retVal;
+/** Get PDO data from SII PDO section in slave EEPROM.
+ *  @param[in]  context = context struct
+ *  @param[in]  slave   = slave number
+ *  @param[out] PDO     = PDO struct from SII
+ *  @param[in]  t       = 0=RXPDO 1=TXPDO
+ *  @return mapping size in bits of PDO
+ */
+int ecx_siiPDO(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, ec_eepromPDOt* PDO, uint8 t)
+   uint16 a , w, c, e, er, Size;
+   uint8 eectl = context->slavelist[slave].eep_pdi;
+   Size = 0;
+   PDO->nPDO = 0;
+   PDO->Length = 0;
+   PDO->Index[1] = 0;
+   for (c = 0 ; c < EC_MAXSM ; c++) PDO->SMbitsize[c] = 0;
+   if (t > 1)
+      t = 1;
+   PDO->Startpos = ecx_siifind(context, slave, ECT_SII_PDO + t);
+   if (PDO->Startpos > 0)
+   {
+      a = PDO->Startpos;
+      w = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+      w += (ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++) << 8);
+      PDO->Length = w;
+      c = 1;
+      /* traverse through all PDOs */
+      do
+      {
+         PDO->nPDO++;
+         PDO->Index[PDO->nPDO] = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+         PDO->Index[PDO->nPDO] += (ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++) << 8);
+         PDO->BitSize[PDO->nPDO] = 0;
+         c++;
+         e = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+         PDO->SyncM[PDO->nPDO] = ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+         a += 4;
+         c += 2;
+         if (PDO->SyncM[PDO->nPDO] < EC_MAXSM) /* active and in range SM? */
+         {
+            /* read all entries defined in PDO */
+            for (er = 1; er <= e; er++)
+            {
+               c += 4;
+               a += 5;
+               PDO->BitSize[PDO->nPDO] += ecx_siigetbyte(context, slave, a++);
+               a += 2;
+            }
+            PDO->SMbitsize[ PDO->SyncM[PDO->nPDO] ] += PDO->BitSize[PDO->nPDO];
+            Size += PDO->BitSize[PDO->nPDO];
+            c++;
+         }
+         else /* PDO deactivated because SM is 0xff or > EC_MAXSM */
+         {
+            c += 4 * e;
+            a += 8 * e;
+            c++;
+         }
+         if (PDO->nPDO >= (EC_MAXEEPDO - 1))
+         {
+            c = PDO->Length; /* limit number of PDO entries in buffer */
+         }
+      }
+      while (c < PDO->Length);
+   }
+   if (eectl)
+   {
+      ecx_eeprom2pdi(context, slave); /* if eeprom control was previously pdi then restore */
+   }
+   return (Size);
+#define MAX_FPRD_MULTI 64
+int ecx_FPRD_multi(ecx_contextt *context, int n, uint16 *configlst, ec_alstatust *slstatlst, int timeout)
+   int wkc;
+   uint8 idx;
+   ecx_portt *port;
+   int sldatapos[MAX_FPRD_MULTI];
+   int slcnt;
+   port = context->port;
+   idx = ecx_getindex(port);
+   slcnt = 0;
+   ecx_setupdatagram(port, &(port->txbuf[idx]), EC_CMD_FPRD, idx,
+      *(configlst + slcnt), ECT_REG_ALSTAT, sizeof(ec_alstatust), slstatlst + slcnt);
+   sldatapos[slcnt] = EC_HEADERSIZE;
+   while(++slcnt < (n - 1))
+   {
+      sldatapos[slcnt] = ecx_adddatagram(port, &(port->txbuf[idx]), EC_CMD_FPRD, idx, TRUE,
+                            *(configlst + slcnt), ECT_REG_ALSTAT, sizeof(ec_alstatust), slstatlst + slcnt);
+   }
+   if(slcnt < n)
+   {
+      sldatapos[slcnt] = ecx_adddatagram(port, &(port->txbuf[idx]), EC_CMD_FPRD, idx, FALSE,
+                            *(configlst + slcnt), ECT_REG_ALSTAT, sizeof(ec_alstatust), slstatlst + slcnt);
+   }
+   wkc = ecx_srconfirm(port, idx, timeout);
+   if (wkc >= 0)
+   {
+      for(slcnt = 0 ; slcnt < n ; slcnt++)
+      {
+         memcpy(slstatlst + slcnt, &(port->rxbuf[idx][sldatapos[slcnt]]), sizeof(ec_alstatust));
+      }
+   }
+   ecx_setbufstat(port, idx, EC_BUF_EMPTY);
+   return wkc;
+/** Read all slave states in ec_slave.
+ * @param[in] context = context struct
+ * @return lowest state found
+ */
+int ecx_readstate(ecx_contextt *context)
+   uint16 slave, fslave, lslave, configadr, lowest, rval, bitwisestate;
+   ec_alstatust sl[MAX_FPRD_MULTI];
+   uint16 slca[MAX_FPRD_MULTI];
+   boolean noerrorflag, allslavessamestate;
+   boolean allslavespresent = FALSE;
+   int wkc;
+   /* Try to establish the state of all slaves sending only one broadcast datagram.
+    * This way a number of datagrams equal to the number of slaves will be sent only if needed.*/
+   rval = 0;
+   wkc = ecx_BRD(context->port, 0, ECT_REG_ALSTAT, sizeof(rval), &rval, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+   if(wkc >= *(context->slavecount))
+   {
+      allslavespresent = TRUE;
+   }
+   rval = etohs(rval);
+   bitwisestate = (rval & 0x0f);
+   if ((rval & EC_STATE_ERROR) == 0)
+   {
+      noerrorflag = TRUE;
+      context->slavelist[0].ALstatuscode = 0;
+   }   
+   else
+   {
+      noerrorflag = FALSE;
+   }
+   switch (bitwisestate)
+   {
+      case EC_STATE_INIT:
+      case EC_STATE_PRE_OP:
+      case EC_STATE_BOOT:
+      case EC_STATE_SAFE_OP:
+         allslavessamestate = TRUE;
+         context->slavelist[0].state = bitwisestate;
+         break;
+      default:
+         allslavessamestate = FALSE;
+         break;
+   }
+   if (noerrorflag && allslavessamestate && allslavespresent)
+   {
+      /* No slave has toggled the error flag so the alstatuscode
+       * (even if different from 0) should be ignored and
+       * the slaves have reached the same state so the internal state
+       * can be updated without sending any datagram. */
+      for (slave = 1; slave <= *(context->slavecount); slave++)
+      {
+         context->slavelist[slave].ALstatuscode = 0x0000;
+         context->slavelist[slave].state = bitwisestate;
+      }
+      lowest = bitwisestate;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      /* Not all slaves have the same state or at least one is in error so one datagram per slave
+       * is needed. */
+      context->slavelist[0].ALstatuscode = 0;
+      lowest = 0xff;
+      fslave = 1;
+      do
+      {
+         lslave = *(context->slavecount);
+         if ((lslave - fslave) >= MAX_FPRD_MULTI)
+         {
+            lslave = fslave + MAX_FPRD_MULTI - 1;
+         }
+         for (slave = fslave; slave <= lslave; slave++)
+         {
+            const ec_alstatust zero = { 0, 0, 0 };
+            configadr = context->slavelist[slave].configadr;
+            slca[slave - fslave] = configadr;
+            sl[slave - fslave] = zero;
+         }
+         ecx_FPRD_multi(context, (lslave - fslave) + 1, &(slca[0]), &(sl[0]), EC_TIMEOUTRET3);
+         for (slave = fslave; slave <= lslave; slave++)
+         {
+            configadr = context->slavelist[slave].configadr;
+            rval = etohs(sl[slave - fslave].alstatus);
+            context->slavelist[slave].ALstatuscode = etohs(sl[slave - fslave].alstatuscode);
+            if ((rval & 0xf) < lowest)
+            {
+               lowest = (rval & 0xf);
+            }
+            context->slavelist[slave].state = rval;
+            context->slavelist[0].ALstatuscode |= context->slavelist[slave].ALstatuscode;
+         }
+         fslave = lslave + 1;
+      } while (lslave < *(context->slavecount));
+      context->slavelist[0].state = lowest;
+   }
+   return lowest;
+/** Write slave state, if slave = 0 then write to all slaves.
+ * The function does not check if the actual state is changed.
+ * @param[in]  context        = context struct
+ * @param[in] slave    = Slave number, 0 = master
+ * @return Workcounter or EC_NOFRAME
+ */
+int ecx_writestate(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave)
+   int ret;
+   uint16 configadr, slstate;
+   if (slave == 0)
+   {
+      slstate = htoes(context->slavelist[slave].state);
+      ret = ecx_BWR(context->port, 0, ECT_REG_ALCTL, sizeof(slstate),
+	            &slstate, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      configadr = context->slavelist[slave].configadr;
+      ret = ecx_FPWRw(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_ALCTL,
+	        htoes(context->slavelist[slave].state), EC_TIMEOUTRET3);
+   }
+   return ret;
+/** Check actual slave state.
+ * This is a blocking function.
+ * To refresh the state of all slaves ecx_readstate()should be called
+ * @param[in] context     = context struct
+ * @param[in] slave       = Slave number, 0 = all slaves (only the "slavelist[0].state" is refreshed)
+ * @param[in] reqstate    = Requested state
+ * @param[in] timeout     = Timeout value in us
+ * @return Requested state, or found state after timeout.
+ */
+uint16 ecx_statecheck(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 reqstate, int timeout)
+   uint16 configadr, state, rval;
+   ec_alstatust slstat;
+   osal_timert timer;
+   if ( slave > *(context->slavecount) )
+   {
+      return 0;
+   }
+   osal_timer_start(&timer, timeout);
+   configadr = context->slavelist[slave].configadr;
+   do
+   {
+      if (slave < 1)
+      {
+         rval = 0;
+         ecx_BRD(context->port, 0, ECT_REG_ALSTAT, sizeof(rval), &rval , EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+         rval = etohs(rval);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         slstat.alstatus = 0;
+         slstat.alstatuscode = 0;
+         ecx_FPRD(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_ALSTAT, sizeof(slstat), &slstat, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+         rval = etohs(slstat.alstatus);
+         context->slavelist[slave].ALstatuscode = etohs(slstat.alstatuscode);
+      }
+      state = rval & 0x000f; /* read slave status */
+      if (state != reqstate)
+      {
+         osal_usleep(1000);
+      }
+   }
+   while ((state != reqstate) && (osal_timer_is_expired(&timer) == FALSE));
+   context->slavelist[slave].state = rval;
+   return state;
+/** Get index of next mailbox counter value.
+ * Used for Mailbox Link Layer.
+ * @param[in] cnt     = Mailbox counter value [0..7]
+ * @return next mailbox counter value
+ */
+uint8 ec_nextmbxcnt(uint8 cnt)
+   cnt++;
+   if (cnt > 7)
+   {
+      cnt = 1; /* wrap around to 1, not 0 */
+   }
+   return cnt;
+/** Clear mailbox buffer.
+ * @param[out] Mbx     = Mailbox buffer to clear
+ */
+void ec_clearmbx(ec_mbxbuft *Mbx)
+    memset(Mbx, 0x00, EC_MAXMBX);
+/** Check if IN mailbox of slave is empty.
+ * @param[in] context  = context struct
+ * @param[in] slave    = Slave number
+ * @param[in] timeout  = Timeout in us
+ * @return >0 is success
+ */
+int ecx_mbxempty(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, int timeout)
+   uint16 configadr;
+   uint8 SMstat;
+   int wkc;
+   osal_timert timer;
+   osal_timer_start(&timer, timeout);
+   configadr = context->slavelist[slave].configadr;
+   do
+   {
+      SMstat = 0;
+      wkc = ecx_FPRD(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_SM0STAT, sizeof(SMstat), &SMstat, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+      SMstat = etohs(SMstat);
+      if (((SMstat & 0x08) != 0) && (timeout > EC_LOCALDELAY))
+      {
+         osal_usleep(EC_LOCALDELAY);
+      }
+   }
+   while (((wkc <= 0) || ((SMstat & 0x08) != 0)) && (osal_timer_is_expired(&timer) == FALSE));
+   if ((wkc > 0) && ((SMstat & 0x08) == 0))
+   {
+      return 1;
+   }
+   return 0;
+/** Write IN mailbox to slave.
+ * @param[in]  context    = context struct
+ * @param[in]  slave      = Slave number
+ * @param[out] mbx        = Mailbox data
+ * @param[in]  timeout    = Timeout in us
+ * @return Work counter (>0 is success)
+ */
+int ecx_mbxsend(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave,ec_mbxbuft *mbx, int timeout)
+   uint16 mbxwo,mbxl,configadr;
+   int wkc;
+   wkc = 0;
+   configadr = context->slavelist[slave].configadr;
+   mbxl = context->slavelist[slave].mbx_l;
+   if ((mbxl > 0) && (mbxl <= EC_MAXMBX))
+   {
+      if (ecx_mbxempty(context, slave, timeout))
+      {
+         mbxwo = context->slavelist[slave].mbx_wo;
+         /* write slave in mailbox */
+         wkc = ecx_FPWR(context->port, configadr, mbxwo, mbxl, mbx, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+         wkc = 0;
+      }
+   }
+   return wkc;
+/** Read OUT mailbox from slave.
+ * Supports Mailbox Link Layer with repeat requests.
+ * @param[in]  context    = context struct
+ * @param[in]  slave      = Slave number
+ * @param[out] mbx        = Mailbox data
+ * @param[in]  timeout    = Timeout in us
+ * @return Work counter (>0 is success)
+ */
+int ecx_mbxreceive(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, ec_mbxbuft *mbx, int timeout)
+   uint16 mbxro,mbxl,configadr;
+   int wkc=0;
+   int wkc2;
+   uint16 SMstat;
+   uint8 SMcontr;
+   ec_mbxheadert *mbxh;
+   ec_emcyt *EMp;
+   ec_mbxerrort *MBXEp;
+   configadr = context->slavelist[slave].configadr;
+   mbxl = context->slavelist[slave].mbx_rl;
+   if ((mbxl > 0) && (mbxl <= EC_MAXMBX))
+   {
+      osal_timert timer;
+      osal_timer_start(&timer, timeout);
+      wkc = 0;
+      do /* wait for read mailbox available */
+      {
+         SMstat = 0;
+         wkc = ecx_FPRD(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_SM1STAT, sizeof(SMstat), &SMstat, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+         SMstat = etohs(SMstat);
+         if (((SMstat & 0x08) == 0) && (timeout > EC_LOCALDELAY))
+         {
+            osal_usleep(EC_LOCALDELAY);
+         }
+      }
+      while (((wkc <= 0) || ((SMstat & 0x08) == 0)) && (osal_timer_is_expired(&timer) == FALSE));
+      if ((wkc > 0) && ((SMstat & 0x08) > 0)) /* read mailbox available ? */
+      {
+         mbxro = context->slavelist[slave].mbx_ro;
+         mbxh = (ec_mbxheadert *)mbx;
+         do
+         {
+            wkc = ecx_FPRD(context->port, configadr, mbxro, mbxl, mbx, EC_TIMEOUTRET); /* get mailbox */
+            if ((wkc > 0) && ((mbxh->mbxtype & 0x0f) == 0x00)) /* Mailbox error response? */
+            {
+               MBXEp = (ec_mbxerrort *)mbx;
+               ecx_mbxerror(context, slave, etohs(MBXEp->Detail));
+               wkc = 0; /* prevent emergency to cascade up, it is already handled. */
+            }
+            else if ((wkc > 0) && ((mbxh->mbxtype & 0x0f) == ECT_MBXT_COE)) /* CoE response? */
+            {
+               EMp = (ec_emcyt *)mbx;
+               if ((etohs(EMp->CANOpen) >> 12) == 0x01) /* Emergency request? */
+               {
+                  ecx_mbxemergencyerror(context, slave, etohs(EMp->ErrorCode), EMp->ErrorReg,
+                          EMp->bData, etohs(EMp->w1), etohs(EMp->w2));
+                  wkc = 0; /* prevent emergency to cascade up, it is already handled. */
+               }
+            }
+            else if ((wkc > 0) && ((mbxh->mbxtype & 0x0f) == ECT_MBXT_EOE)) /* EoE response? */
+            {
+               ec_EOEt * eoembx = (ec_EOEt *)mbx;
+               uint16 frameinfo1 = etohs(eoembx->frameinfo1);
+               /* All non fragment data frame types are expected to be handled by
+               * slave send/receive API if the EoE hook is set
+               */
+               if (EOE_HDR_FRAME_TYPE_GET(frameinfo1) == EOE_FRAG_DATA)
+               {
+                  if (context->EOEhook)
+                  {
+                     if (context->EOEhook(context, slave, eoembx) > 0)
+                     {
+                        /* Fragment handled by EoE hook */
+                        wkc = 0;
+                     }
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               if (wkc <= 0) /* read mailbox lost */
+               {
+                  SMstat ^= 0x0200; /* toggle repeat request */
+                  SMstat = htoes(SMstat);
+                  wkc2 = ecx_FPWR(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_SM1STAT, sizeof(SMstat), &SMstat, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+                  SMstat = etohs(SMstat);
+                  do /* wait for toggle ack */
+                  {
+                     wkc2 = ecx_FPRD(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_SM1CONTR, sizeof(SMcontr), &SMcontr, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+                   } while (((wkc2 <= 0) || ((SMcontr & 0x02) != (HI_BYTE(SMstat) & 0x02))) && (osal_timer_is_expired(&timer) == FALSE));
+                  do /* wait for read mailbox available */
+                  {
+                     wkc2 = ecx_FPRD(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_SM1STAT, sizeof(SMstat), &SMstat, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+                     SMstat = etohs(SMstat);
+                     if (((SMstat & 0x08) == 0) && (timeout > EC_LOCALDELAY))
+                     {
+                        osal_usleep(EC_LOCALDELAY);
+                     }
+                  } while (((wkc2 <= 0) || ((SMstat & 0x08) == 0)) && (osal_timer_is_expired(&timer) == FALSE));
+               }
+            }
+         } while ((wkc <= 0) && (osal_timer_is_expired(&timer) == FALSE)); /* if WKC<=0 repeat */
+      }
+      else /* no read mailbox available */
+      {
+          wkc = 0;
+      }
+   }
+   return wkc;
+/** Dump complete EEPROM data from slave in buffer.
+ * @param[in]  context  = context struct
+ * @param[in]  slave    = Slave number
+ * @param[out] esibuf   = EEPROM data buffer, make sure it is big enough.
+ */
+void ecx_esidump(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint8 *esibuf)
+   int address, incr;
+   uint16 configadr;
+   uint64 *p64;
+   uint16 *p16;
+   uint64 edat;
+   uint8 eectl = context->slavelist[slave].eep_pdi;
+   ecx_eeprom2master(context, slave); /* set eeprom control to master */
+   configadr = context->slavelist[slave].configadr;
+   address = ECT_SII_START;
+   p16=(uint16*)esibuf;
+   if (context->slavelist[slave].eep_8byte)
+   {
+      incr = 4;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      incr = 2;
+   }
+   do
+   {
+      edat = ecx_readeepromFP(context, configadr, address, EC_TIMEOUTEEP);
+      p64 = (uint64*)p16;
+      *p64 = edat;
+      p16 += incr;
+      address += incr;
+   } while ((address <= (EC_MAXEEPBUF >> 1)) && ((uint32)edat != 0xffffffff));
+   if (eectl)
+   {
+      ecx_eeprom2pdi(context, slave); /* if eeprom control was previously pdi then restore */
+   }
+/** Read EEPROM from slave bypassing cache.
+ * @param[in] context   = context struct
+ * @param[in] slave     = Slave number
+ * @param[in] eeproma   = (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
+ * @param[in] timeout   = Timeout in us.
+ * @return EEPROM data 32bit
+ */
+uint32 ecx_readeeprom(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 eeproma, int timeout)
+   uint16 configadr;
+   ecx_eeprom2master(context, slave); /* set eeprom control to master */
+   configadr = context->slavelist[slave].configadr;
+   return ((uint32)ecx_readeepromFP(context, configadr, eeproma, timeout));
+/** Write EEPROM to slave bypassing cache.
+ * @param[in] context   = context struct
+ * @param[in] slave     = Slave number
+ * @param[in] eeproma   = (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
+ * @param[in] data      = 16bit data
+ * @param[in] timeout   = Timeout in us.
+ * @return >0 if OK
+ */
+int ecx_writeeeprom(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 eeproma, uint16 data, int timeout)
+   uint16 configadr;
+   ecx_eeprom2master(context, slave); /* set eeprom control to master */
+   configadr = context->slavelist[slave].configadr;
+   return (ecx_writeeepromFP(context, configadr, eeproma, data, timeout));
+/** Set eeprom control to master. Only if set to PDI.
+ * @param[in] context   = context struct
+ * @param[in] slave     = Slave number
+ * @return >0 if OK
+ */
+int ecx_eeprom2master(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave)
+   int wkc = 1, cnt = 0;
+   uint16 configadr;
+   uint8 eepctl;
+   if ( context->slavelist[slave].eep_pdi )
+   {
+      configadr = context->slavelist[slave].configadr;
+      eepctl = 2;
+      do
+      {
+         wkc = ecx_FPWR(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_EEPCFG, sizeof(eepctl), &eepctl , EC_TIMEOUTRET); /* force Eeprom from PDI */
+      }
+      while ((wkc <= 0) && (cnt++ < EC_DEFAULTRETRIES));
+      eepctl = 0;
+      cnt = 0;
+      do
+      {
+         wkc = ecx_FPWR(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_EEPCFG, sizeof(eepctl), &eepctl , EC_TIMEOUTRET); /* set Eeprom to master */
+      }
+      while ((wkc <= 0) && (cnt++ < EC_DEFAULTRETRIES));
+      context->slavelist[slave].eep_pdi = 0;
+   }
+   return wkc;
+/** Set eeprom control to PDI. Only if set to master.
+ * @param[in]  context        = context struct
+ * @param[in] slave     = Slave number
+ * @return >0 if OK
+ */
+int ecx_eeprom2pdi(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave)
+   int wkc = 1, cnt = 0;
+   uint16 configadr;
+   uint8 eepctl;
+   if ( !context->slavelist[slave].eep_pdi )
+   {
+      configadr = context->slavelist[slave].configadr;
+      eepctl = 1;
+      do
+      {
+         wkc = ecx_FPWR(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_EEPCFG, sizeof(eepctl), &eepctl , EC_TIMEOUTRET); /* set Eeprom to PDI */
+      }
+      while ((wkc <= 0) && (cnt++ < EC_DEFAULTRETRIES));
+      context->slavelist[slave].eep_pdi = 1;
+   }
+   return wkc;
+uint16 ecx_eeprom_waitnotbusyAP(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 aiadr,uint16 *estat, int timeout)
+   int wkc, cnt = 0, retval = 0;
+   osal_timert timer;
+   osal_timer_start(&timer, timeout);
+   do
+   {
+      if (cnt++)
+      {
+         osal_usleep(EC_LOCALDELAY);
+      }
+      *estat = 0;
+      wkc=ecx_APRD(context->port, aiadr, ECT_REG_EEPSTAT, sizeof(*estat), estat, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+      *estat = etohs(*estat);
+   }
+   while (((wkc <= 0) || ((*estat & EC_ESTAT_BUSY) > 0)) && (osal_timer_is_expired(&timer) == FALSE)); /* wait for eeprom ready */
+   if ((*estat & EC_ESTAT_BUSY) == 0)
+   {
+      retval = 1;
+   }
+   return retval;
+/** Read EEPROM from slave bypassing cache. APRD method.
+ * @param[in] context     = context struct
+ * @param[in] aiadr       = auto increment address of slave
+ * @param[in] eeproma     = (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
+ * @param[in] timeout     = Timeout in us.
+ * @return EEPROM data 64bit or 32bit
+ */
+uint64 ecx_readeepromAP(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 aiadr, uint16 eeproma, int timeout)
+   uint16 estat;
+   uint32 edat32;
+   uint64 edat64;
+   ec_eepromt ed;
+   int wkc, cnt, nackcnt = 0;
+   edat64 = 0;
+   edat32 = 0;
+   if (ecx_eeprom_waitnotbusyAP(context, aiadr, &estat, timeout))
+   {
+      if (estat & EC_ESTAT_EMASK) /* error bits are set */
+      {
+         estat = htoes(EC_ECMD_NOP); /* clear error bits */
+         wkc = ecx_APWR(context->port, aiadr, ECT_REG_EEPCTL, sizeof(estat), &estat, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);
+      }
+      do
+      {
+         ed.comm = htoes(EC_ECMD_READ);
+         ed.addr = htoes(eeproma);
+         ed.d2   = 0x0000;
+         cnt = 0;
+         do
+         {
+            wkc = ecx_APWR(context->port, aiadr, ECT_REG_EEPCTL, sizeof(ed), &ed, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+         }
+         while ((wkc <= 0) && (cnt++ < EC_DEFAULTRETRIES));
+         if (wkc)
+         {
+            osal_usleep(EC_LOCALDELAY);
+            estat = 0x0000;
+            if (ecx_eeprom_waitnotbusyAP(context, aiadr, &estat, timeout))
+            {
+               if (estat & EC_ESTAT_NACK)
+               {
+                  nackcnt++;
+                  osal_usleep(EC_LOCALDELAY * 5);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  nackcnt = 0;
+                  if (estat & EC_ESTAT_R64)
+                  {
+                     cnt = 0;
+                     do
+                     {
+                        wkc = ecx_APRD(context->port, aiadr, ECT_REG_EEPDAT, sizeof(edat64), &edat64, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+                     }
+                     while ((wkc <= 0) && (cnt++ < EC_DEFAULTRETRIES));
+                  }
+                  else
+                  {
+                     cnt = 0;
+                     do
+                     {
+                        wkc = ecx_APRD(context->port, aiadr, ECT_REG_EEPDAT, sizeof(edat32), &edat32, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+                     }
+                     while ((wkc <= 0) && (cnt++ < EC_DEFAULTRETRIES));
+                     edat64=(uint64)edat32;
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      while ((nackcnt > 0) && (nackcnt < 3));
+   }
+   return edat64;
+/** Write EEPROM to slave bypassing cache. APWR method.
+ * @param[in] context   = context struct
+ * @param[in] aiadr     = configured address of slave
+ * @param[in] eeproma   = (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
+ * @param[in] data      = 16bit data
+ * @param[in] timeout   = Timeout in us.
+ * @return >0 if OK
+ */
+int ecx_writeeepromAP(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 aiadr, uint16 eeproma, uint16 data, int timeout)
+   uint16 estat;
+   ec_eepromt ed;
+   int wkc, rval = 0, cnt = 0, nackcnt = 0;
+   if (ecx_eeprom_waitnotbusyAP(context, aiadr, &estat, timeout))
+   {
+      if (estat & EC_ESTAT_EMASK) /* error bits are set */
+      {
+         estat = htoes(EC_ECMD_NOP); /* clear error bits */
+         wkc = ecx_APWR(context->port, aiadr, ECT_REG_EEPCTL, sizeof(estat), &estat, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);
+      }
+      do
+      {
+         cnt = 0;
+         do
+         {
+            wkc = ecx_APWR(context->port, aiadr, ECT_REG_EEPDAT, sizeof(data), &data, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+         }
+         while ((wkc <= 0) && (cnt++ < EC_DEFAULTRETRIES));
+         ed.comm = EC_ECMD_WRITE;
+         ed.addr = eeproma;
+         ed.d2   = 0x0000;
+         cnt = 0;
+         do
+         {
+            wkc = ecx_APWR(context->port, aiadr, ECT_REG_EEPCTL, sizeof(ed), &ed, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+         }
+         while ((wkc <= 0) && (cnt++ < EC_DEFAULTRETRIES));
+         if (wkc)
+         {
+            osal_usleep(EC_LOCALDELAY * 2);
+            estat = 0x0000;
+            if (ecx_eeprom_waitnotbusyAP(context, aiadr, &estat, timeout))
+            {
+               if (estat & EC_ESTAT_NACK)
+               {
+                  nackcnt++;
+                  osal_usleep(EC_LOCALDELAY * 5);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  nackcnt = 0;
+                  rval = 1;
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      while ((nackcnt > 0) && (nackcnt < 3));
+   }
+   return rval;
+uint16 ecx_eeprom_waitnotbusyFP(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 configadr,uint16 *estat, int timeout)
+   int wkc, cnt = 0, retval = 0;
+   osal_timert timer;
+   osal_timer_start(&timer, timeout);
+   do
+   {
+      if (cnt++)
+      {
+         osal_usleep(EC_LOCALDELAY);
+      }
+      *estat = 0;
+      wkc=ecx_FPRD(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_EEPSTAT, sizeof(*estat), estat, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+      *estat = etohs(*estat);
+   }
+   while (((wkc <= 0) || ((*estat & EC_ESTAT_BUSY) > 0)) && (osal_timer_is_expired(&timer) == FALSE)); /* wait for eeprom ready */
+   if ((*estat & EC_ESTAT_BUSY) == 0)
+   {
+      retval = 1;
+   }
+   return retval;
+/** Read EEPROM from slave bypassing cache. FPRD method.
+ * @param[in] context     = context struct
+ * @param[in] configadr   = configured address of slave
+ * @param[in] eeproma     = (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
+ * @param[in] timeout     = Timeout in us.
+ * @return EEPROM data 64bit or 32bit
+ */
+uint64 ecx_readeepromFP(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 configadr, uint16 eeproma, int timeout)
+   uint16 estat;
+   uint32 edat32;
+   uint64 edat64;
+   ec_eepromt ed;
+   int wkc, cnt, nackcnt = 0;
+   edat64 = 0;
+   edat32 = 0;
+   if (ecx_eeprom_waitnotbusyFP(context, configadr, &estat, timeout))
+   {
+      if (estat & EC_ESTAT_EMASK) /* error bits are set */
+      {
+         estat = htoes(EC_ECMD_NOP); /* clear error bits */
+         wkc=ecx_FPWR(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_EEPCTL, sizeof(estat), &estat, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);
+      }
+      do
+      {
+         ed.comm = htoes(EC_ECMD_READ);
+         ed.addr = htoes(eeproma);
+         ed.d2   = 0x0000;
+         cnt = 0;
+         do
+         {
+            wkc=ecx_FPWR(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_EEPCTL, sizeof(ed), &ed, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+         }
+         while ((wkc <= 0) && (cnt++ < EC_DEFAULTRETRIES));
+         if (wkc)
+         {
+            osal_usleep(EC_LOCALDELAY);
+            estat = 0x0000;
+            if (ecx_eeprom_waitnotbusyFP(context, configadr, &estat, timeout))
+            {
+               if (estat & EC_ESTAT_NACK)
+               {
+                  nackcnt++;
+                  osal_usleep(EC_LOCALDELAY * 5);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  nackcnt = 0;
+                  if (estat & EC_ESTAT_R64)
+                  {
+                     cnt = 0;
+                     do
+                     {
+                        wkc=ecx_FPRD(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_EEPDAT, sizeof(edat64), &edat64, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+                     }
+                     while ((wkc <= 0) && (cnt++ < EC_DEFAULTRETRIES));
+                  }
+                  else
+                  {
+                     cnt = 0;
+                     do
+                     {
+                        wkc=ecx_FPRD(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_EEPDAT, sizeof(edat32), &edat32, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+                     }
+                     while ((wkc <= 0) && (cnt++ < EC_DEFAULTRETRIES));
+                     edat64=(uint64)edat32;
+                  }
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      while ((nackcnt > 0) && (nackcnt < 3));
+   }
+   return edat64;
+/** Write EEPROM to slave bypassing cache. FPWR method.
+ * @param[in]  context        = context struct
+ * @param[in] configadr   = configured address of slave
+ * @param[in] eeproma     = (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
+ * @param[in] data        = 16bit data
+ * @param[in] timeout     = Timeout in us.
+ * @return >0 if OK
+ */
+int ecx_writeeepromFP(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 configadr, uint16 eeproma, uint16 data, int timeout)
+   uint16 estat;
+   ec_eepromt ed;
+   int wkc, rval = 0, cnt = 0, nackcnt = 0;
+   if (ecx_eeprom_waitnotbusyFP(context, configadr, &estat, timeout))
+   {
+      if (estat & EC_ESTAT_EMASK) /* error bits are set */
+      {
+         estat = htoes(EC_ECMD_NOP); /* clear error bits */
+         wkc = ecx_FPWR(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_EEPCTL, sizeof(estat), &estat, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);
+      }
+      do
+      {
+         cnt = 0;
+         do
+         {
+            wkc = ecx_FPWR(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_EEPDAT, sizeof(data), &data, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+         }
+         while ((wkc <= 0) && (cnt++ < EC_DEFAULTRETRIES));
+         ed.comm = EC_ECMD_WRITE;
+         ed.addr = eeproma;
+         ed.d2   = 0x0000;
+         cnt = 0;
+         do
+         {
+            wkc = ecx_FPWR(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_EEPCTL, sizeof(ed), &ed, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+         }
+         while ((wkc <= 0) && (cnt++ < EC_DEFAULTRETRIES));
+         if (wkc)
+         {
+            osal_usleep(EC_LOCALDELAY * 2);
+            estat = 0x0000;
+            if (ecx_eeprom_waitnotbusyFP(context, configadr, &estat, timeout))
+            {
+               if (estat & EC_ESTAT_NACK)
+               {
+                  nackcnt++;
+                  osal_usleep(EC_LOCALDELAY * 5);
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  nackcnt = 0;
+                  rval = 1;
+               }
+            }
+         }
+      }
+      while ((nackcnt > 0) && (nackcnt < 3));
+   }
+   return rval;
+/** Read EEPROM from slave bypassing cache.
+ * Parallel read step 1, make request to slave.
+ * @param[in] context     = context struct
+ * @param[in] slave       = Slave number
+ * @param[in] eeproma     = (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
+ */
+void ecx_readeeprom1(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 eeproma)
+   uint16 configadr, estat;
+   ec_eepromt ed;
+   int wkc, cnt = 0;
+   ecx_eeprom2master(context, slave); /* set eeprom control to master */
+   configadr = context->slavelist[slave].configadr;
+   if (ecx_eeprom_waitnotbusyFP(context, configadr, &estat, EC_TIMEOUTEEP))
+   {
+      if (estat & EC_ESTAT_EMASK) /* error bits are set */
+      {
+         estat = htoes(EC_ECMD_NOP); /* clear error bits */
+         wkc = ecx_FPWR(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_EEPCTL, sizeof(estat), &estat, EC_TIMEOUTRET3);
+      }
+      ed.comm = htoes(EC_ECMD_READ);
+      ed.addr = htoes(eeproma);
+      ed.d2   = 0x0000;
+      do
+      {
+         wkc = ecx_FPWR(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_EEPCTL, sizeof(ed), &ed, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+      }
+      while ((wkc <= 0) && (cnt++ < EC_DEFAULTRETRIES));
+   }
+/** Read EEPROM from slave bypassing cache.
+ * Parallel read step 2, actual read from slave.
+ * @param[in]  context        = context struct
+ * @param[in] slave       = Slave number
+ * @param[in] timeout     = Timeout in us.
+ * @return EEPROM data 32bit
+ */
+uint32 ecx_readeeprom2(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, int timeout)
+   uint16 estat, configadr;
+   uint32 edat;
+   int wkc, cnt = 0;
+   configadr = context->slavelist[slave].configadr;
+   edat = 0;
+   estat = 0x0000;
+   if (ecx_eeprom_waitnotbusyFP(context, configadr, &estat, timeout))
+   {
+      do
+      {
+          wkc = ecx_FPRD(context->port, configadr, ECT_REG_EEPDAT, sizeof(edat), &edat, EC_TIMEOUTRET);
+      }
+      while ((wkc <= 0) && (cnt++ < EC_DEFAULTRETRIES));
+   }
+   return edat;
+/** Push index of segmented LRD/LWR/LRW combination.
+ * @param[in]  context        = context struct
+ * @param[in] idx         = Used datagram index.
+ * @param[in] data        = Pointer to process data segment.
+ * @param[in] length      = Length of data segment in bytes.
+ */
+static void ecx_pushindex(ecx_contextt *context, uint8 idx, void *data, uint16 length)
+   if(context->idxstack->pushed < EC_MAXBUF)
+   {
+      context->idxstack->idx[context->idxstack->pushed] = idx;
+      context->idxstack->data[context->idxstack->pushed] = data;
+      context->idxstack->length[context->idxstack->pushed] = length;
+      context->idxstack->pushed++;
+   }
+/** Pull index of segmented LRD/LWR/LRW combination.
+ * @param[in]  context        = context struct
+ * @return Stack location, -1 if stack is empty.
+ */
+static int ecx_pullindex(ecx_contextt *context)
+   int rval = -1;
+   if(context->idxstack->pulled < context->idxstack->pushed)
+   {
+      rval = context->idxstack->pulled;
+      context->idxstack->pulled++;
+   }
+   return rval;
+ * Clear the idx stack.
+ * 
+ * @param context           = context struct
+ */
+static void ecx_clearindex(ecx_contextt *context)  {
+   context->idxstack->pushed = 0;
+   context->idxstack->pulled = 0;
+/** Transmit processdata to slaves.
+ * Uses LRW, or LRD/LWR if LRW is not allowed (blockLRW).
+ * Both the input and output processdata are transmitted.
+ * The outputs with the actual data, the inputs have a placeholder.
+ * The inputs are gathered with the receive processdata function.
+ * In contrast to the base LRW function this function is non-blocking.
+ * If the processdata does not fit in one datagram, multiple are used.
+ * In order to recombine the slave response, a stack is used.
+ * @param[in]  context        = context struct
+ * @param[in]  group          = group number
+ * @return >0 if processdata is transmitted.
+ */
+static int ecx_main_send_processdata(ecx_contextt *context, uint8 group, boolean use_overlap_io)
+   uint32 LogAdr;
+   uint16 w1, w2;
+   int length, sublength;
+   uint8 idx;
+   int wkc;
+   uint8* data;
+   boolean first=FALSE;
+   uint16 currentsegment = 0;
+   uint32 iomapinputoffset;
+   wkc = 0;
+   if(context->grouplist[group].hasdc)
+   {
+      first = TRUE;
+   }
+   /* For overlapping IO map use the biggest */
+   if(use_overlap_io == TRUE)
+   {
+      /* For overlap IOmap make the frame EQ big to biggest part */
+      length = (context->grouplist[group].Obytes > context->grouplist[group].Ibytes) ?
+         context->grouplist[group].Obytes : context->grouplist[group].Ibytes;
+      /* Save the offset used to compensate where to save inputs when frame returns */
+      iomapinputoffset = context->grouplist[group].Obytes;
+   }
+   else
+   {
+      length = context->grouplist[group].Obytes + context->grouplist[group].Ibytes;
+      iomapinputoffset = 0;
+   }
+   LogAdr = context->grouplist[group].logstartaddr;
+   if(length)
+   {
+      wkc = 1;
+      /* LRW blocked by one or more slaves ? */
+      if(context->grouplist[group].blockLRW)
+      {
+         /* if inputs available generate LRD */
+         if(context->grouplist[group].Ibytes)
+         {
+            currentsegment = context->grouplist[group].Isegment;
+            data = context->grouplist[group].inputs;
+            length = context->grouplist[group].Ibytes;
+            LogAdr += context->grouplist[group].Obytes;
+            /* segment transfer if needed */
+            do
+            {
+               if(currentsegment == context->grouplist[group].Isegment)
+               {
+                  sublength = context->grouplist[group].IOsegment[currentsegment++] - context->grouplist[group].Ioffset;
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                  sublength = context->grouplist[group].IOsegment[currentsegment++];
+               }
+               /* get new index */
+               idx = ecx_getindex(context->port);
+               w1 = LO_WORD(LogAdr);
+               w2 = HI_WORD(LogAdr);
+               ecx_setupdatagram(context->port, &(context->port->txbuf[idx]), EC_CMD_LRD, idx, w1, w2, sublength, data);
+               if(first)
+               {
+                  context->DCl = sublength;
+                  /* FPRMW in second datagram */
+                  context->DCtO = ecx_adddatagram(context->port, &(context->port->txbuf[idx]), EC_CMD_FRMW, idx, FALSE,
+                                           context->slavelist[context->grouplist[group].DCnext].configadr,
+                                           ECT_REG_DCSYSTIME, sizeof(int64), context->DCtime);
+                  first = FALSE;
+               }
+               /* send frame */
+               ecx_outframe_red(context->port, idx);
+               /* push index and data pointer on stack */
+               ecx_pushindex(context, idx, data, sublength);
+               length -= sublength;
+               LogAdr += sublength;
+               data += sublength;
+            } while (length && (currentsegment < context->grouplist[group].nsegments));
+         }
+         /* if outputs available generate LWR */
+         if(context->grouplist[group].Obytes)
+         {
+            data = context->grouplist[group].outputs;
+            length = context->grouplist[group].Obytes;
+            LogAdr = context->grouplist[group].logstartaddr;
+            currentsegment = 0;
+            /* segment transfer if needed */
+            do
+            {
+               sublength = context->grouplist[group].IOsegment[currentsegment++];
+               if((length - sublength) < 0)
+               {
+                  sublength = length;
+               }
+               /* get new index */
+               idx = ecx_getindex(context->port);
+               w1 = LO_WORD(LogAdr);
+               w2 = HI_WORD(LogAdr);
+               ecx_setupdatagram(context->port, &(context->port->txbuf[idx]), EC_CMD_LWR, idx, w1, w2, sublength, data);
+               if(first)
+               {
+                  context->DCl = sublength;
+                  /* FPRMW in second datagram */
+                  context->DCtO = ecx_adddatagram(context->port, &(context->port->txbuf[idx]), EC_CMD_FRMW, idx, FALSE,
+                                           context->slavelist[context->grouplist[group].DCnext].configadr,
+                                           ECT_REG_DCSYSTIME, sizeof(int64), context->DCtime);
+                  first = FALSE;
+               }
+               /* send frame */
+               ecx_outframe_red(context->port, idx);
+               /* push index and data pointer on stack */
+               ecx_pushindex(context, idx, data, sublength);
+               length -= sublength;
+               LogAdr += sublength;
+               data += sublength;
+            } while (length && (currentsegment < context->grouplist[group].nsegments));
+         }
+      }
+      /* LRW can be used */
+      else
+      {
+         if (context->grouplist[group].Obytes)
+         {
+            data = context->grouplist[group].outputs;
+         }
+         else
+         {
+            data = context->grouplist[group].inputs;
+            /* Clear offset, don't compensate for overlapping IOmap if we only got inputs */
+            iomapinputoffset = 0;
+         }
+         /* segment transfer if needed */
+         do
+         {
+            sublength = context->grouplist[group].IOsegment[currentsegment++];
+            /* get new index */
+            idx = ecx_getindex(context->port);
+            w1 = LO_WORD(LogAdr);
+            w2 = HI_WORD(LogAdr);
+            ecx_setupdatagram(context->port, &(context->port->txbuf[idx]), EC_CMD_LRW, idx, w1, w2, sublength, data);
+            if(first)
+            {
+               context->DCl = sublength;
+               /* FPRMW in second datagram */
+               context->DCtO = ecx_adddatagram(context->port, &(context->port->txbuf[idx]), EC_CMD_FRMW, idx, FALSE,
+                                        context->slavelist[context->grouplist[group].DCnext].configadr,
+                                        ECT_REG_DCSYSTIME, sizeof(int64), context->DCtime);
+               first = FALSE;
+            }
+            /* send frame */
+            ecx_outframe_red(context->port, idx);
+            /* push index and data pointer on stack.
+             * the iomapinputoffset compensate for where the inputs are stored 
+             * in the IOmap if we use an overlapping IOmap. If a regular IOmap
+             * is used it should always be 0.
+             */
+            ecx_pushindex(context, idx, (data + iomapinputoffset), sublength);      
+            length -= sublength;
+            LogAdr += sublength;
+            data += sublength;
+         } while (length && (currentsegment < context->grouplist[group].nsegments));
+      }
+   }
+   return wkc;
+/** Transmit processdata to slaves.
+* Uses LRW, or LRD/LWR if LRW is not allowed (blockLRW).
+* Both the input and output processdata are transmitted in the overlapped IOmap.
+* The outputs with the actual data, the inputs replace the output data in the
+* returning frame. The inputs are gathered with the receive processdata function.
+* In contrast to the base LRW function this function is non-blocking.
+* If the processdata does not fit in one datagram, multiple are used.
+* In order to recombine the slave response, a stack is used.
+* @param[in]  context        = context struct
+* @param[in]  group          = group number
+* @return >0 if processdata is transmitted.
+int ecx_send_overlap_processdata_group(ecx_contextt *context, uint8 group)
+   return ecx_main_send_processdata(context, group, TRUE);
+/** Transmit processdata to slaves.
+* Uses LRW, or LRD/LWR if LRW is not allowed (blockLRW).
+* Both the input and output processdata are transmitted.
+* The outputs with the actual data, the inputs have a placeholder.
+* The inputs are gathered with the receive processdata function.
+* In contrast to the base LRW function this function is non-blocking.
+* If the processdata does not fit in one datagram, multiple are used.
+* In order to recombine the slave response, a stack is used.
+* @param[in]  context        = context struct
+* @param[in]  group          = group number
+* @return >0 if processdata is transmitted.
+int ecx_send_processdata_group(ecx_contextt *context, uint8 group)
+   return ecx_main_send_processdata(context, group, FALSE);
+/** Receive processdata from slaves.
+ * Second part from ec_send_processdata().
+ * Received datagrams are recombined with the processdata with help from the stack.
+ * If a datagram contains input processdata it copies it to the processdata structure.
+ * @param[in]  context        = context struct
+ * @param[in]  group          = group number
+ * @param[in]  timeout        = Timeout in us.
+ * @return Work counter.
+ */
+int ecx_receive_processdata_group(ecx_contextt *context, uint8 group, int timeout)
+   int pos, idx;
+   int wkc = 0, wkc2;
+   uint16 le_wkc = 0;
+   int valid_wkc = 0;
+   int64 le_DCtime;
+   boolean first = FALSE;
+   if(context->grouplist[group].hasdc)
+   {
+      first = TRUE;
+   }
+   /* get first index */
+   pos = ecx_pullindex(context);
+   /* read the same number of frames as send */
+   while (pos >= 0)
+   {
+      idx = context->idxstack->idx[pos];
+      wkc2 = ecx_waitinframe(context->port, context->idxstack->idx[pos], timeout);
+      /* check if there is input data in frame */
+      if (wkc2 > EC_NOFRAME)
+      {
+         if((context->port->rxbuf[idx][EC_CMDOFFSET]==EC_CMD_LRD) || (context->port->rxbuf[idx][EC_CMDOFFSET]==EC_CMD_LRW))
+         {
+            if(first)
+            {
+               memcpy(context->idxstack->data[pos], &(context->port->rxbuf[idx][EC_HEADERSIZE]), context->DCl);
+               memcpy(&le_wkc, &(context->port->rxbuf[idx][EC_HEADERSIZE + context->DCl]), EC_WKCSIZE);
+               wkc = etohs(le_wkc);
+               memcpy(&le_DCtime, &(context->port->rxbuf[idx][context->DCtO]), sizeof(le_DCtime));
+               *(context->DCtime) = etohll(le_DCtime);
+               first = FALSE;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               /* copy input data back to process data buffer */
+               memcpy(context->idxstack->data[pos], &(context->port->rxbuf[idx][EC_HEADERSIZE]), context->idxstack->length[pos]);
+               wkc += wkc2;
+            }
+            valid_wkc = 1;
+         }
+         else if(context->port->rxbuf[idx][EC_CMDOFFSET]==EC_CMD_LWR)
+         {
+            if(first)
+            {
+               memcpy(&le_wkc, &(context->port->rxbuf[idx][EC_HEADERSIZE + context->DCl]), EC_WKCSIZE);
+               /* output WKC counts 2 times when using LRW, emulate the same for LWR */
+               wkc = etohs(le_wkc) * 2;
+               memcpy(&le_DCtime, &(context->port->rxbuf[idx][context->DCtO]), sizeof(le_DCtime));
+               *(context->DCtime) = etohll(le_DCtime);
+               first = FALSE;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+               /* output WKC counts 2 times when using LRW, emulate the same for LWR */
+               wkc += wkc2 * 2;
+            }
+            valid_wkc = 1;
+         }
+      }
+      /* release buffer */
+      ecx_setbufstat(context->port, idx, EC_BUF_EMPTY);
+      /* get next index */
+      pos = ecx_pullindex(context);
+   }
+   ecx_clearindex(context);
+   /* if no frames has arrived */
+   if (valid_wkc == 0)
+   {
+      return EC_NOFRAME;
+   }
+   return wkc;
+int ecx_send_processdata(ecx_contextt *context)
+   return ecx_send_processdata_group(context, 0);
+int ecx_send_overlap_processdata(ecx_contextt *context)
+   return ecx_send_overlap_processdata_group(context, 0);
+int ecx_receive_processdata(ecx_contextt *context, int timeout)
+   return ecx_receive_processdata_group(context, 0, timeout);
+#ifdef EC_VER1
+void ec_pusherror(const ec_errort *Ec)
+   ecx_pusherror(&ecx_context, Ec);
+boolean ec_poperror(ec_errort *Ec)
+   return ecx_poperror(&ecx_context, Ec);
+boolean ec_iserror(void)
+   return ecx_iserror(&ecx_context);
+void ec_packeterror(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIdx, uint16 ErrorCode)
+   ecx_packeterror(&ecx_context, Slave, Index, SubIdx, ErrorCode);
+/** Initialise lib in single NIC mode
+ * @param[in] ifname   = Dev name, f.e. "eth0"
+ * @return >0 if OK
+ * @see ecx_init
+ */
+int ec_init(const char * ifname)
+   return ecx_init(&ecx_context, ifname);
+/** Initialise lib in redundant NIC mode
+ * @param[in]  ifname   = Primary Dev name, f.e. "eth0"
+ * @param[in]  if2name  = Secondary Dev name, f.e. "eth1"
+ * @return >0 if OK
+ * @see ecx_init_redundant
+ */
+int ec_init_redundant(const char *ifname, char *if2name)
+   return ecx_init_redundant (&ecx_context, &ecx_redport, ifname, if2name);
+/** Close lib.
+ * @see ecx_close
+ */
+void ec_close(void)
+   ecx_close(&ecx_context);
+/** Read one byte from slave EEPROM via cache.
+ *  If the cache location is empty then a read request is made to the slave.
+ *  Depending on the slave capabillities the request is 4 or 8 bytes.
+ *  @param[in] slave   = slave number
+ *  @param[in] address = eeprom address in bytes (slave uses words)
+ *  @return requested byte, if not available then 0xff
+ * @see ecx_siigetbyte
+ */
+uint8 ec_siigetbyte(uint16 slave, uint16 address)
+   return ecx_siigetbyte (&ecx_context, slave, address);
+/** Find SII section header in slave EEPROM.
+ *  @param[in] slave   = slave number
+ *  @param[in] cat     = section category
+ *  @return byte address of section at section length entry, if not available then 0
+ *  @see ecx_siifind
+ */
+int16 ec_siifind(uint16 slave, uint16 cat)
+   return ecx_siifind (&ecx_context, slave, cat);
+/** Get string from SII string section in slave EEPROM.
+ *  @param[out] str    = requested string, 0x00 if not found
+ *  @param[in]  slave  = slave number
+ *  @param[in]  Sn     = string number
+ *  @see ecx_siistring
+ */
+void ec_siistring(char *str, uint16 slave, uint16 Sn)
+   ecx_siistring(&ecx_context, str, slave, Sn);
+/** Get FMMU data from SII FMMU section in slave EEPROM.
+ *  @param[in]  slave  = slave number
+ *  @param[out] FMMU   = FMMU struct from SII, max. 4 FMMU's
+ *  @return number of FMMU's defined in section
+ *  @see ecx_siiFMMU
+ */
+uint16 ec_siiFMMU(uint16 slave, ec_eepromFMMUt* FMMU)
+   return ecx_siiFMMU (&ecx_context, slave, FMMU);
+/** Get SM data from SII SM section in slave EEPROM.
+ *  @param[in]  slave   = slave number
+ *  @param[out] SM      = first SM struct from SII
+ *  @return number of SM's defined in section
+ *  @see ecx_siiSM
+ */
+uint16 ec_siiSM(uint16 slave, ec_eepromSMt* SM)
+   return ecx_siiSM (&ecx_context, slave, SM);
+/** Get next SM data from SII SM section in slave EEPROM.
+ *  @param[in]  slave  = slave number
+ *  @param[out] SM     = first SM struct from SII
+ *  @param[in]  n      = SM number
+ *  @return >0 if OK
+ *  @see ecx_siiSMnext
+ */
+uint16 ec_siiSMnext(uint16 slave, ec_eepromSMt* SM, uint16 n)
+   return ecx_siiSMnext (&ecx_context, slave, SM, n);
+/** Get PDO data from SII PDO section in slave EEPROM.
+ *  @param[in]  slave  = slave number
+ *  @param[out] PDO    = PDO struct from SII
+ *  @param[in]  t      = 0=RXPDO 1=TXPDO
+ *  @return mapping size in bits of PDO
+ *  @see ecx_siiPDO
+ */
+int ec_siiPDO(uint16 slave, ec_eepromPDOt* PDO, uint8 t)
+   return ecx_siiPDO (&ecx_context, slave, PDO, t);
+/** Read all slave states in ec_slave.
+ * @return lowest state found
+ * @see ecx_readstate
+ */
+int ec_readstate(void)
+   return ecx_readstate (&ecx_context);
+/** Write slave state, if slave = 0 then write to all slaves.
+ * The function does not check if the actual state is changed.
+ * @param[in] slave = Slave number, 0 = master
+ * @return 0
+ * @see ecx_writestate
+ */
+int ec_writestate(uint16 slave)
+   return ecx_writestate(&ecx_context, slave);
+/** Check actual slave state.
+ * This is a blocking function.
+ * @param[in] slave       = Slave number, 0 = all slaves
+ * @param[in] reqstate    = Requested state
+ * @param[in] timeout     = Timeout value in us
+ * @return Requested state, or found state after timeout.
+ * @see ecx_statecheck
+ */
+uint16 ec_statecheck(uint16 slave, uint16 reqstate, int timeout)
+   return ecx_statecheck (&ecx_context, slave, reqstate, timeout);
+/** Check if IN mailbox of slave is empty.
+ * @param[in] slave    = Slave number
+ * @param[in] timeout  = Timeout in us
+ * @return >0 is success
+ * @see ecx_mbxempty
+ */
+int ec_mbxempty(uint16 slave, int timeout)
+   return ecx_mbxempty (&ecx_context, slave, timeout);
+/** Write IN mailbox to slave.
+ * @param[in]  slave      = Slave number
+ * @param[out] mbx        = Mailbox data
+ * @param[in]  timeout    = Timeout in us
+ * @return Work counter (>0 is success)
+ * @see ecx_mbxsend
+ */
+int ec_mbxsend(uint16 slave,ec_mbxbuft *mbx, int timeout)
+   return ecx_mbxsend (&ecx_context, slave, mbx, timeout);
+/** Read OUT mailbox from slave.
+ * Supports Mailbox Link Layer with repeat requests.
+ * @param[in]  slave      = Slave number
+ * @param[out] mbx        = Mailbox data
+ * @param[in]  timeout    = Timeout in us
+ * @return Work counter (>0 is success)
+ * @see ecx_mbxreceive
+ */
+int ec_mbxreceive(uint16 slave, ec_mbxbuft *mbx, int timeout)
+   return ecx_mbxreceive (&ecx_context, slave, mbx, timeout);
+/** Dump complete EEPROM data from slave in buffer.
+ * @param[in]  slave    = Slave number
+ * @param[out] esibuf   = EEPROM data buffer, make sure it is big enough.
+ * @see ecx_esidump
+ */
+void ec_esidump(uint16 slave, uint8 *esibuf)
+   ecx_esidump (&ecx_context, slave, esibuf);
+/** Read EEPROM from slave bypassing cache.
+ * @param[in] slave     = Slave number
+ * @param[in] eeproma   = (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
+ * @param[in] timeout   = Timeout in us.
+ * @return EEPROM data 32bit
+ * @see ecx_readeeprom
+ */
+uint32 ec_readeeprom(uint16 slave, uint16 eeproma, int timeout)
+   return ecx_readeeprom (&ecx_context, slave, eeproma, timeout);
+/** Write EEPROM to slave bypassing cache.
+ * @param[in] slave     = Slave number
+ * @param[in] eeproma   = (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
+ * @param[in] data      = 16bit data
+ * @param[in] timeout   = Timeout in us.
+ * @return >0 if OK
+ * @see ecx_writeeeprom
+ */
+int ec_writeeeprom(uint16 slave, uint16 eeproma, uint16 data, int timeout)
+   return ecx_writeeeprom (&ecx_context, slave, eeproma, data, timeout);
+/** Set eeprom control to master. Only if set to PDI.
+ * @param[in] slave = Slave number
+ * @return >0 if OK
+ * @see ecx_eeprom2master
+ */
+int ec_eeprom2master(uint16 slave)
+   return ecx_eeprom2master(&ecx_context, slave);
+int ec_eeprom2pdi(uint16 slave)
+   return ecx_eeprom2pdi(&ecx_context, slave);
+uint16 ec_eeprom_waitnotbusyAP(uint16 aiadr,uint16 *estat, int timeout)
+   return ecx_eeprom_waitnotbusyAP (&ecx_context, aiadr, estat, timeout);
+/** Read EEPROM from slave bypassing cache. APRD method.
+ * @param[in] aiadr       = auto increment address of slave
+ * @param[in] eeproma     = (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
+ * @param[in] timeout     = Timeout in us.
+ * @return EEPROM data 64bit or 32bit
+ */
+uint64 ec_readeepromAP(uint16 aiadr, uint16 eeproma, int timeout)
+   return ecx_readeepromAP (&ecx_context, aiadr, eeproma, timeout);
+/** Write EEPROM to slave bypassing cache. APWR method.
+ * @param[in] aiadr     = configured address of slave
+ * @param[in] eeproma   = (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
+ * @param[in] data      = 16bit data
+ * @param[in] timeout   = Timeout in us.
+ * @return >0 if OK
+ * @see ecx_writeeepromAP
+ */
+int ec_writeeepromAP(uint16 aiadr, uint16 eeproma, uint16 data, int timeout)
+   return ecx_writeeepromAP (&ecx_context, aiadr, eeproma, data, timeout);
+uint16 ec_eeprom_waitnotbusyFP(uint16 configadr,uint16 *estat, int timeout)
+   return ecx_eeprom_waitnotbusyFP (&ecx_context, configadr, estat, timeout);
+/** Read EEPROM from slave bypassing cache. FPRD method.
+ * @param[in] configadr   = configured address of slave
+ * @param[in] eeproma     = (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
+ * @param[in] timeout     = Timeout in us.
+ * @return EEPROM data 64bit or 32bit
+ * @see ecx_readeepromFP
+ */
+uint64 ec_readeepromFP(uint16 configadr, uint16 eeproma, int timeout)
+   return ecx_readeepromFP (&ecx_context, configadr, eeproma, timeout);
+/** Write EEPROM to slave bypassing cache. FPWR method.
+ * @param[in] configadr   = configured address of slave
+ * @param[in] eeproma     = (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
+ * @param[in] data        = 16bit data
+ * @param[in] timeout     = Timeout in us.
+ * @return >0 if OK
+ * @see ecx_writeeepromFP
+ */
+int ec_writeeepromFP(uint16 configadr, uint16 eeproma, uint16 data, int timeout)
+   return ecx_writeeepromFP (&ecx_context, configadr, eeproma, data, timeout);
+/** Read EEPROM from slave bypassing cache.
+ * Parallel read step 1, make request to slave.
+ * @param[in] slave       = Slave number
+ * @param[in] eeproma     = (WORD) Address in the EEPROM
+ * @see ecx_readeeprom1
+ */
+void ec_readeeprom1(uint16 slave, uint16 eeproma)
+   ecx_readeeprom1 (&ecx_context, slave, eeproma);
+/** Read EEPROM from slave bypassing cache.
+ * Parallel read step 2, actual read from slave.
+ * @param[in] slave       = Slave number
+ * @param[in] timeout     = Timeout in us.
+ * @return EEPROM data 32bit
+ * @see ecx_readeeprom2
+ */
+uint32 ec_readeeprom2(uint16 slave, int timeout)
+   return ecx_readeeprom2 (&ecx_context, slave, timeout);
+/** Transmit processdata to slaves.
+ * Uses LRW, or LRD/LWR if LRW is not allowed (blockLRW).
+ * Both the input and output processdata are transmitted.
+ * The outputs with the actual data, the inputs have a placeholder.
+ * The inputs are gathered with the receive processdata function.
+ * In contrast to the base LRW function this function is non-blocking.
+ * If the processdata does not fit in one datagram, multiple are used.
+ * In order to recombine the slave response, a stack is used.
+ * @param[in]  group          = group number
+ * @return >0 if processdata is transmitted.
+ * @see ecx_send_processdata_group
+ */
+int ec_send_processdata_group(uint8 group)
+   return ecx_send_processdata_group (&ecx_context, group);
+/** Transmit processdata to slaves.
+* Uses LRW, or LRD/LWR if LRW is not allowed (blockLRW).
+* Both the input and output processdata are transmitted in the overlapped IOmap.
+* The outputs with the actual data, the inputs replace the output data in the
+* returning frame. The inputs are gathered with the receive processdata function.
+* In contrast to the base LRW function this function is non-blocking.
+* If the processdata does not fit in one datagram, multiple are used.
+* In order to recombine the slave response, a stack is used.
+* @param[in]  context        = context struct
+* @param[in]  group          = group number
+* @return >0 if processdata is transmitted.
+* @see ecx_send_overlap_processdata_group
+int ec_send_overlap_processdata_group(uint8 group)
+   return ecx_send_overlap_processdata_group(&ecx_context, group);
+/** Receive processdata from slaves.
+ * Second part from ec_send_processdata().
+ * Received datagrams are recombined with the processdata with help from the stack.
+ * If a datagram contains input processdata it copies it to the processdata structure.
+ * @param[in]  group          = group number
+ * @param[in]  timeout        = Timeout in us.
+ * @return Work counter.
+ * @see ecx_receive_processdata_group
+ */
+int ec_receive_processdata_group(uint8 group, int timeout)
+   return ecx_receive_processdata_group (&ecx_context, group, timeout);
+int ec_send_processdata(void)
+   return ec_send_processdata_group(0);
+int ec_send_overlap_processdata(void)
+   return ec_send_overlap_processdata_group(0);
+int ec_receive_processdata(int timeout)
+   return ec_receive_processdata_group(0, timeout);