SOEM EtherCAT Master library for STM Nucleo F767ZI

Dependents:   EasyCAT_LAB_simple EasyCAT_LAB_very_simple EasyCAT_LAB

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for SOEM


ec_alstatus ALstatus and ALstatus code
ec_eepromFMMU SII FMMU structure
ec_eepromPDO Record to store rxPDO and txPDO table from eeprom
ec_eepromSM SII SM structure
ec_ering Ringbuf for error storage
ec_errort Struct to retrieve errors
ec_fmmu Record for FMMU
ec_group For list of ethercat slave groups
ec_idxstack Stack structure to store segmented LRD/LWR/LRW constructs
ec_mbxheader Standard ethercat mailbox header
ec_PDOassign SDO assign structure for CA
ec_PDOdesc SDO description structure for CA
ec_slave For list of ethercat slaves detected
ec_sm Record for sync manager
ec_SMcommtype SyncManager Communication Type structure for CA
ec_stackT Pointer structure to Tx and Rx stacks
ecx_portt Pointer structure to buffers, vars and mutexes for port instantiation
ecx_redportt Pointer structure to buffers for redundant port
eoe_ethaddr EOE ethernet address
eoe_ip4_addr EOE ip4 address in network order
eoe_param EoE IP request structure, storage only, no need to pack


ethercat.h [code] Headerfile for all ethercat headers
ethercatbase.c [code] Base EtherCAT functions
ethercatbase.h [code] Headerfile for ethercatbase.c
ethercatcoe.c [code] CAN over EtherCAT (CoE) module
ethercatcoe.h [code] Headerfile for ethercatcoe.c
ethercatconfig.c [code] Configuration module for EtherCAT master
ethercatconfig.h [code] Headerfile for ethercatconfig.c
ethercatconfiglist.h [code] DEPRECATED Configuration list of known EtherCAT slave devices
ethercatdc.c [code] Distributed Clock EtherCAT functions
ethercatdc.h [code] Headerfile for ethercatdc.c
ethercateoe.c [code] Ethernet over EtherCAT (EoE) module
ethercateoe.h [code] Headerfile for ethercatfoe.c
ethercatfoe.c [code] File over EtherCAT (FoE) module
ethercatfoe.h [code] Headerfile for ethercatfoe.c
ethercatmain.c [code] Main EtherCAT functions
ethercatmain.h [code] Headerfile for ethercatmain.c
ethercatprint.c [code] Module to convert EtherCAT errors to readable messages
ethercatprint.h [code] Headerfile for ethercatprint.c
ethercatsoe.c [code] Servo over EtherCAT (SoE) Module
ethercatsoe.h [code] Headerfile for ethercatsoe.c
ethercattype.h [code] General typedefs and defines for EtherCAT
nicdrv.cpp [code] EtherCAT RAW socket driver
nicdrv.h [code] Headerfile for nicdrv.c
osal.cpp [code]
osal.h [code]
osal_defs.h [code]
oshw.cpp [code]
oshw.h [code] Headerfile for oshw.c