x and y should be changed to represent the valid inputs. Takes a setpoint x,y and transfers it to required motor angles

Dependencies:   MODSERIAL mbed



File content as of revision 1:edac9d449caa:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "MODSERIAL.h"
#include "math.h"

double q1_diff;
double q2_diff;
const double pi = 3.14159265358979323846; //definition of pi
double sq = 2.0; //to square numbers
const double x0 = 80.0; //zero x position after homing
const double y0 = 141.0; //zero y position after homing
const double L1 = 250.0; //length of the first link
const double L3 = 350.0; //length of the second link

double x = 500.0; //x variable that will be set; input
double y = 141.0; //y variable that will be set; input

//reference angles of the starting position
double q2_0 = pi + acos((pow(x0,sq)+pow(y0,sq)-pow(L1,sq)-pow(L3,sq))/(2.0*L1*L3));
double q1_0 = atan(y0/x0)+acos((-pow(L3,sq)+pow(L1,sq)+pow(x0,sq)+pow(y0,sq))/(2.0*L1*sqrt(pow(x0,sq)+pow(y0,sq))));
double q2_0_enc = q2_0 + q1_0;

//function to calculate the angle from 
double makeAngleq1(double x, double y){

//double q2 = -acos((pow(x,sq)+pow(y,sq)-pow(L1,sq)-pow(L3,sq))/(2.0*L1*L3)); //angle of the second joint in setpoint configuration

double q1 = atan(y/x)+acos((-pow(L3,sq)+pow(L1,sq)+pow(x,sq)+pow(y,sq))/(2.0*L1*sqrt(pow(x,sq)+pow(y,sq)))); //angle of the first joint in the setpoint configuration

//double q2_motor = pi - q2; //because q2 represents the angle at joint two and not at the motor a calculation has to be done

q1_diff = -2.0*(q1-q1_0); //the actual amount of radians that the motor has to turn in total to reach the setpoint
//q2_diff = 2.0*(q2_motor - q2_0); //the actual amount of radians that the motor has to turn in total to reach the setpoint

//double q_diff[2] = {q1_diff,q2_diff}; //make a vector so the answer can be returned
//q_diff[0] = q1_diff and q_diff[1] = q2_diff

return q1_diff;

//function to calculate the angle from 
double makeAngleq2(double x, double y){

double q2 = -acos((pow(x,sq)+pow(y,sq)-pow(L1,sq)-pow(L3,sq))/(2.0*L1*L3)); //angle of the second joint in setpoint configuration

double q1 = atan(y/x)+acos((-pow(L3,sq)+pow(L1,sq)+pow(x,sq)+pow(y,sq))/(2.0*L1*sqrt(pow(x,sq)+pow(y,sq)))); //angle of the first joint in the setpoint configuration

double q2_motor = (pi - q2)+q1; //because q2 represents the angle at joint two and not at the motor a calculation has to be done

//q1_diff = 2.0*(q1-q1_0); //the actual amount of radians that the motor has to turn in total to reach the setpoint
q2_diff = -2.0*(q2_motor - q2_0_enc); //the actual amount of radians that the motor has to turn in total to reach the setpoint

//double q_diff[2] = {q1_diff,q2_diff}; //make a vector so the answer can be returned
//q_diff[0] = q1_diff and q_diff[1] = q2_diff

return q2_diff;

int main()
    while (true) {