Dependents: BLE_HeartRate_IDB0XA1_EPUDEE_Avril2018
Fork of X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1 by
Diff: x-nucleo-idb0xa1/bluenrg-hci/ble_sm.h
- Branch:
- 34e2f6254ad7de7fc7f377a0614c3a672cf7cd5c
- Revision:
- 280:fbee0e3444be
- Parent:
- 132:51056160fa4a
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/x-nucleo-idb0xa1/bluenrg-hci/ble_sm.h Thu Sep 15 10:51:47 2016 +0100 @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2012 STMicroelectronics ******************** +* File Name : sm.h +* Author : AMS - HEA&RF BU +* Version : V1.0.0 +* Date : 19-July-2012 +* Description : Header file for BlueNRG's security manager. +******************************************************************************** +* THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS +* WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. +* AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, +* INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE +* CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING +* INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. +*******************************************************************************/ + +#ifndef __SM_H__ +#define __SM_H__ + +/****************************************************************************** +* Macros +*****************************************************************************/ + +/** + *@addtogroup GAP GAP + *@brief API for GAP layer. + *@{ + */ + +/* IO capabilities */ +/** + * @anchor IO_capabilities + * @name IO capabilities + * @{ + */ +#define IO_CAP_DISPLAY_ONLY (0x00) +#define IO_CAP_DISPLAY_YES_NO (0x01) +#define IO_CAP_KEYBOARD_ONLY (0x02) +#define IO_CAP_NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT (0x03) +#define IO_CAP_KEYBOARD_DISPLAY (0x04) +/** + * @} + */ + +/** + * @anchor Auth_req + * @name Authentication requirements + * @{ + */ +#define BONDING (0x01) +#define NO_BONDING (0x00) +/** + * @} + */ + +/** + * @anchor MITM_req + * @name MITM protection requirements + * @{ + */ +#define MITM_PROTECTION_NOT_REQUIRED (0x00) +#define MITM_PROTECTION_REQUIRED (0x01) +/** + * @} + */ + +/** + * @anchor OOB_Data + * @name Out-Of-Band data + * @{ + */ +#define OOB_AUTH_DATA_ABSENT (0x00) +#define OOB_AUTH_DATA_PRESENT (0x01) +/** + * @} + */ + +/** + * @anchor Author_req + * @name Authorization requirements + * @{ + */ +#define AUTHORIZATION_NOT_REQUIRED (0x00) +#define AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED (0x01) +/** + * @} + */ + +/** + * @anchor Conn_authorization + * @name Connection authorization + * @{ + */ +#define CONNECTION_AUTHORIZED (0x01) +#define CONNECTION_REJECTED (0x02) +/** + * @} + */ + +/** + * @anchor Use_fixed_pin + * @name Use fixed pin + * @{ + */ +#define USE_FIXED_PIN_FOR_PAIRING (0x0) +#define DONOT_USE_FIXED_PIN_FOR_PAIRING (0x01) +/** + * @} + */ + +/** + * @anchor link_security_status + * @name Link security status + * @{ + */ +#define SM_LINK_AUTHENTICATED (0x01) +#define SM_LINK_AUTHORIZED (0x02) +#define SM_LINK_ENCRYPTED (0x04) +/** + * @} + */ + +/** + * @anchor SMP_pairing_failed_codes + * @name SMP pairing failed reason codes + * @{ + */ +#define PASSKEY_ENTRY_FAILED (0x01) +#define OOB_NOT_AVAILABLE (0x02) +#define AUTH_REQ_CANNOT_BE_MET (0x03) +#define CONFIRM_VALUE_FAILED (0x04) +#define PAIRING_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x05) +#define INSUFF_ENCRYPTION_KEY_SIZE (0x06) +#define CMD_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x07) +#define UNSPECIFIED_REASON (0x08) +#define VERY_EARLY_NEXT_ATTEMPT (0x09) +#define SM_INVALID_PARAMS (0x0A) +/** + * @} + */ + +/** + * @anchor pairing_failed_codes + * @name Pairing failed error codes + * Error codes in @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_PAIRING_CMPLT event + * @{ + */ +#define SM_PAIRING_SUCCESS (0x00) +#define SM_PAIRING_TIMEOUT (0x01) +#define SM_PAIRING_FAILED (0x02) +/** + * @} + */ + +/** + * @} + */ + +#endif /* __SM_H__ */