Added various bits, main reformatted. Added .get to class Servo to allow waiting for rotation before recording information.

Dependencies:   SLCD mbed

Fork of Lab6_Basic by ECE 111 At Oregon State University

diff -r 56bbef4099da -r a64d79286726 Motor.h
--- a/Motor.h	Fri Nov 18 03:59:01 2016 +0000
+++ b/Motor.h	Sat Nov 19 08:32:04 2016 +0000
@@ -1,63 +1,51 @@
+#include "Motor.h"
 #include "mbed.h"
-#ifndef MOTOR_H
-#define MOTOR_H
-/** Motor class
- * \author  Ziad Eldebri
- * \date    Aug 15, 2016
- * \bug     No bugs yet
+#include "SLCD.h"
+#ifndef MBED_SERVO_H
+#define MBED_SERVO_H
+/** Servo control class, based on a Motor Class object
+ *
  * Example:
  * @code
  * #include "mbed.h"
  * #include "Motor.h"
- *
+ * #include "Servo.h"
  * Motor my_motor(P12,P13P,p11);
- *
+ * Servo my_servo(p21,my_motor);
+ * 
  * int main() {
- *   my_motor.Direction(LEFT); will move in the specified direction
+ * added .get() to approximate position
  * }
  * @endcode
- #define LEFT 1
- #define RIGHT 2
+class Servo {
-class Motor
-    /**
-     * Motor Will Create a Motor object Connected to the Specified pins.
-     * @param Pins to be Connected to the specified L293
-     * @param Positive
-     * @param Negative
-     * @param Speed
+    /** Create a servo object.
+     *
+     * @param pin AnalogIn pin to be feedback, motor is a Motor object from Motor.h  
-    Motor (PinName Positive, PinName Negative,PinName Speed);
-    /**
-     * Control the Direction of the Movement
-     * @param move will specefiy the Direction.
-     * Input 1 or 2.
-     *  1 : Postive VCC Negtaive GND, 2 : Postive GND Negtaive VCC   
+    Servo(PinName analog_input,PinName Positive, PinName Negative,PinName Speed);
+    /** Set the servo position
+     *
+     * @param angle intger in degrees 0-180 to represent the full range.
-    void Direction(int move);
-    /** 
-     * Stops the Movement of the motor
-     * @param None.
-     * Input 1 or 2.
-     */
-    void Stop();
-    /**
-     * Controls the speed of the motor with a input.
-     * @param motor_speed from 0 to 100. 0 is the slowest and 100 is max speed. 
-     * 
-     */
-    void Speed(int motor_speed);
+    void set(int degree);
+    /**  Read the servo current position in degrees from 0-180
+     *
+     * @return returns the current anlge of the servo   
+     */   
+   unsigned int get();    
+     void move(void);
+     void check();
-     DigitalOut _positive;
-     DigitalOut _negative;
-     PwmOut     _speed;
-}; //end of Motor class
\ No newline at end of file
+    AnalogIn _feedback;
+    Motor    _motor;
\ No newline at end of file