Proyecto digitales avanzados

Fork of BMP180 by Kris Winer

--- a/HT16K33.h	Thu Jul 03 20:05:55 2014 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef HT16K33_H
-#define HT16K33_H
-#include "mbed.h"
-#define HT16K33_ADDRESS         0x70<<1  // shift to the left one for mbed
-#define HT16K33_ON              0x21  // Commands
-#define HT16K33_STANDBY         0x20
-#define HT16K33_DISPLAYON       0x81
-#define HT16K33_DISPLAYOFF      0x80
-#define HT16K33_BLINKON         0x85 // Blink is off (00), 2 Hz (01), 1 Hz (10), or 0.5 Hz (11) for bits (21) 
-#define HT16K33_BLINKOFF        0x81
-#define HT16K33_DIM             0xE0 | 0x08  // Set brihtness from 1/16 (0x00) to 16/16 (0xFF)
-// Arrangement for display 1 (4 digit bubble display)
-//               a = A0
-//             _________
-//            |         |
-//   f = A2   |  g = A4 | b = A1
-//            |_________|
-//            |         |
-//   e = A5   |         | c = A6
-//            |_________|
-//               d = A3        DP = A7
-static const char numberTable[] =
-  0x6F, // 0 = 0
-  0x42, // 1 = 1, etc
-  0x3B, // 2
-  0x5B, // 3
-  0x56, // 4
-  0x5D, // 5
-  0x7D, // 6
-  0x43, // 7
-  0x7F, // 8
-  0x57, // 9
-  0x80, // decimal point
-  0x00, // blank
-  0x10, // minus sign
-#define display1 1
-#define display2 2
-#define display3 3
-#define display4 4
-class HT16K33 {
-    protected:
-    public: 
- //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
-//++ Useful Functions++
-void writeInteger(uint8_t dsply, int data)
-  char string[10] = "";                             // define character array to hold the digits
-  itoa(data, string);                               // get ascii character string representation of the integer to be displayed
-  uint8_t length = strlen(string);                  // get the length of the string; number of digits in integer
-  uint8_t blanks = 4 - length;                      // how many blanks do we have?
-  if (length > 4) return;                           // if length greater than 4 digits we can't display on a four-digit display!
-  for (uint8_t digit = 0; digit < blanks; digit++)  // scroll through each digit to determine what to write to the display
-  {
-      writeDigit(dsply, digit + 1, 11, 0);          // clear digit wherever there are blanks
-  }
-  for (uint8_t digit = 0; digit < 4; digit++)       // scroll through each digit to determine what to write to the display
-  {
-      char ch = string[digit];                      // get the ascii character of the next string segment
-      if (ch == '-') {
-      writeDigit(dsply, digit + 1 + blanks, 12, 0); // check if negative sign needed
-      } 
-      else {                                        // character must be a digit
-      ch -= '0';                                    // convert it to an integer
-      writeDigit(dsply, digit + 1 + blanks, ch, 0); // write it to the display; right justify the integer
-      } 
-  }
-void writeFloat(uint8_t dsply, float data, uint8_t dp)
-  char string[10] = "";  // define character array to hold the digits
-  int datanew = 0;
-  switch (dp)
-  {
-    case 0:
-    datanew = (int )(1.0f*data);
-    break;
-    case 1:
-    datanew = (int )(10.0f*data);
-    break;
-    case 2:
-    datanew = (int )(100.0f*data);
-    break;
-    case 3:
-    datanew = (int )(1000.0f*data);
-    break;
-   }
-  itoa(datanew, string);                                    // get ascii character string representation of the integer to be displayed
-  uint8_t length = strlen(string);                          // get the length of the string; number of digits in integer
-  uint8_t blanks = 4 - length;                              // how many blanks do we have?
-  if (length > 4) return;                                   // if length greater than 4 digits we can't display on a four-digit display!
-// scroll through each digit to determine what to write to the display
-for (uint8_t digit = 0; digit < blanks; digit++)            // first the blanks
-  {
-          if( (digit + 1) == (4 - dp) ) {                   // handle special case where blank coincides with decimal point
-            writeDigit(dsply, digit + 1, 0, 0x80);          // add leading zero before decimal place
-          }
-          else {
-            writeDigit(dsply, digit + 1, 11, 0x00);         // otherwise clear digit wherever there are blanks
-          }
-  }
-  for (uint8_t digit = 0; digit < 4; digit++)               // now the characters to determine what to write to the display
-  {
-      char ch = string[digit];                              // get the ascii character of the next string segment
-      if (ch == '-') {
-        if((digit + 1 + blanks) == (4 - dp) ) {
-          writeDigit(dsply, digit + 1 + blanks,  0, 0x80);  // check if negative sign needed, add a decimal point
-          writeDigit(dsply, digit + 0 + blanks, 12, 0x00);  // add a leading zero
-        }
-        else {
-          writeDigit(dsply, digit + 1 + blanks, 12, 0x00);  // check if negative sign needed, no decimal point
-        }
-        }
-      else  {                                               // character must be a digit
-        ch -= '0';                                          // convert it to an integer
-        if((digit + 1 + blanks) == (4 - dp) ) {
-          writeDigit(dsply, digit + 1 + blanks, ch, 0x80);  // write it to the display with decimal point; right justify the integer
-        } 
-        else {
-          writeDigit(dsply, digit + 1 + blanks, ch, 0x00);  // write it to the display; right justify the integer
-        } 
-     }
-  }
-void writeDigit(uint8_t dsply, uint8_t digit, uint8_t data, uint8_t dp) 
-if(dsply == 1) {
-  digit = (digit - 1)*2 + 0; 
-if(dsply == 2) {
-  digit = (digit - 1)*2 + 8 ;
-if(dsply == 3) {
-  digit = (digit - 1)*2 + 1;
-if(dsply == 4) {
-  digit = (digit - 1)*2 + 9;
-writeByte(HT16K33_ADDRESS, digit, numberTable[data] | dp);
-void clearDsplay(int dsply) 
-  for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)  {
-  writeDigit(dsply, i, 11, 0);  // Clear display, 11 is blank in the numberTable above
-  }
-void initHT16K33()
-  writeCommand(HT16K33_ADDRESS, HT16K33_ON);         // Turn on system oscillator
-  writeCommand(HT16K33_ADDRESS, HT16K33_DISPLAYON);  // Display on
-  writeCommand(HT16K33_ADDRESS, HT16K33_DIM);        // Set brightness
-void blinkHT16K33(int time) 
-  writeCommand(HT16K33_ADDRESS, HT16K33_BLINKON);  // Turn on blink
-  wait(time);
-  writeCommand(HT16K33_ADDRESS, HT16K33_BLINKOFF);  // Turn on blink
- /* itoa:  convert n to characters in s */
- void itoa(int n, char s[])
- {
-     int i, sign;
-     if ((sign = n) < 0)  /* record sign */
-         n = -n;          /* make n positive */
-     i = 0;
-     do {       /* generate digits in reverse order */
-         s[i++] = n % 10 + '0';   /* get next digit */
-     } while ((n /= 10) > 0);     /* delete it */
-     if (sign < 0)
-         s[i++] = '-';
-     s[i] = '\0';
-     reverse(s);
- } 
- /* reverse:  reverse string s in place */
- void reverse(char s[])
- {
-     int i, j;
-     char c;
-     for (i = 0, j = strlen(s)-1; i<j; i++, j--) {
-         c = s[i];
-         s[i] = s[j];
-         s[j] = c;
-     }
- }
-  // Wire.h read and write protocols
-  void writeCommand(uint8_t address, uint8_t command)
-  {
-   char data_write[1];
-   data_write[0] = command;
-   i2c.write(address, data_write, 1, 0);
-   void writeByte(uint8_t address, uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t data)
-   char data_write[2];
-   data_write[0] = subAddress;
-   data_write[1] = data;
-   i2c.write(address, data_write, 2, 0);
-    char readByte(uint8_t address, uint8_t subAddress)
-    char data[1]; // `data` will store the register data     
-    char data_write[1];
-    data_write[0] = subAddress;
-    i2c.write(address, data_write, 1, 1); // no stop
-, data, 1, 0); 
-    return data[0]; 
-    void readBytes(uint8_t address, uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t count, uint8_t * dest)
-    char data[14];
-    char data_write[1];
-    data_write[0] = subAddress;
-    i2c.write(address, data_write, 1, 1); // no stop
-, data, count, 0); 
-    for(int ii = 0; ii < count; ii++) {
-     dest[ii] = data[ii];
-    }
- };
\ No newline at end of file