corrected version (with typedef struct IOTHUB_CLIENT_LL_UPLOADTOBLOB_HANDLE_DATA* IOTHUB_CLIENT_LL_UPLOADTOBLOB_HANDLE;) included in the sources

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00001 // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
00002 // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.
00004 /** @file iothub_client.h
00005 *   @brief Extends the IoTHubCLient_LL module with additional features.
00006 *
00007 *   @details IoTHubClient is a module that extends the IoTHubCLient_LL
00008 *            module with 2 features:
00009 *               - scheduling the work for the IoTHubCLient from a
00010 *                 thread, so that the user does not need to create their
00011 *                 own thread
00012 *               - thread-safe APIs
00013 */
00015 #ifndef IOTHUB_CLIENT_H
00016 #define IOTHUB_CLIENT_H
00020 #include "iothub_client_ll.h"
00021 #include "iothubtransport.h"
00023 #ifdef __cplusplus
00024 extern "C"
00025 {
00026 #endif
00029     FILE_UPLOAD_OK ,\
00033         typedef void(*IOTHUB_CLIENT_FILE_UPLOAD_CALLBACK)(IOTHUB_CLIENT_FILE_UPLOAD_RESULT result, void* userContextCallback);
00035     /**
00036     * @brief    Creates a IoT Hub client for communication with an existing
00037     *           IoT Hub using the specified connection string parameter.
00038     *
00039     * @param    connectionString    Pointer to a character string
00040     * @param    protocol            Function pointer for protocol implementation
00041     *
00042     *           Sample connection string:
00043     *               <blockquote>
00044     *                   <pre>HostName=[IoT Hub name goes here].[IoT Hub suffix goes here, e.g.,];DeviceId=[Device ID goes here];SharedAccessKey=[Device key goes here];</pre>
00045     *                   <pre>HostName=[IoT Hub name goes here].[IoT Hub suffix goes here, e.g.,];DeviceId=[Device ID goes here];SharedAccessSignature=SharedAccessSignature sr=[IoT Hub name goes here].[IoT Hub suffix goes here, e.g.,]/devices/[Device ID goes here]&sig=[SAS Token goes here]&se=[Expiry Time goes here];</pre>
00046     *               </blockquote>
00047     *
00048     * @return   A non-NULL @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE value that is used when
00049     *           invoking other functions for IoT Hub client and @c NULL on failure.
00050     */
00051     extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE IoTHubClient_CreateFromConnectionString(const char* connectionString, IOTHUB_CLIENT_TRANSPORT_PROVIDER protocol);
00053     /**
00054     * @brief    Creates a IoT Hub client for communication with an existing IoT
00055     *           Hub using the specified parameters.
00056     *
00057     * @param    config  Pointer to an @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG structure
00058     *
00059     *           The API does not allow sharing of a connection across multiple
00060     *           devices. This is a blocking call.
00061     *
00062     * @return   A non-NULL @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE value that is used when
00063     *           invoking other functions for IoT Hub client and @c NULL on failure.
00064     */
00065     extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE IoTHubClient_Create(const IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG* config);
00067     /**
00068     * @brief    Creates a IoT Hub client for communication with an existing IoT
00069     *           Hub using the specified parameters.
00070     *
00071     * @param    transportHandle TRANSPORT_HANDLE which represents a connection.
00072     * @param    config  Pointer to an @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG structure
00073     *
00074     *           The API allows sharing of a connection across multiple
00075     *           devices. This is a blocking call.
00076     *
00077     * @return   A non-NULL @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE value that is used when
00078     *           invoking other functions for IoT Hub client and @c NULL on failure.
00079     */
00080     extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE IoTHubClient_CreateWithTransport(TRANSPORT_HANDLE transportHandle, const IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG* config);
00082     /**
00083     * @brief    Disposes of resources allocated by the IoT Hub client. This is a
00084     *           blocking call.
00085     *
00086     * @param    iotHubClientHandle  The handle created by a call to the create function.
00087     */
00088     extern void IoTHubClient_Destroy(IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle);
00090     /**
00091     * @brief    Asynchronous call to send the message specified by @p eventMessageHandle.
00092     *
00093     * @param    iotHubClientHandle          The handle created by a call to the create function.
00094     * @param    eventMessageHandle          The handle to an IoT Hub message.
00095     * @param    eventConfirmationCallback   The callback specified by the device for receiving
00096     *                                       confirmation of the delivery of the IoT Hub message.
00097     *                                       This callback can be expected to invoke the
00098     *                                       ::IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync function for the
00099     *                                       same message in an attempt to retry sending a failing
00100     *                                       message. The user can specify a @c NULL value here to
00101     *                                       indicate that no callback is required.
00102     * @param    userContextCallback         User specified context that will be provided to the
00103     *                                       callback. This can be @c NULL.
00104     *
00105     *           @b NOTE: The application behavior is undefined if the user calls
00106     *           the ::IoTHubClient_Destroy function from within any callback.
00107     *
00108     * @return   IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
00109     */
00110     extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync(IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE eventMessageHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_EVENT_CONFIRMATION_CALLBACK eventConfirmationCallback, void* userContextCallback);
00112     /**
00113     * @brief    This function returns the current sending status for IoTHubClient.
00114     *
00115     * @param    iotHubClientHandle      The handle created by a call to the create function.
00116     * @param    iotHubClientStatus      The sending state is populated at the address pointed
00117     *                                   at by this parameter. The value will be set to
00118     *                                   @c IOTHUBCLIENT_SENDSTATUS_IDLE if there is currently
00119     *                                   no item to be sent and @c IOTHUBCLIENT_SENDSTATUS_BUSY
00120     *                                   if there are.
00121     *
00122     * @return   IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
00123     */
00124     extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_GetSendStatus(IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_STATUS *iotHubClientStatus);
00126     /**
00127     * @brief    Sets up the message callback to be invoked when IoT Hub issues a
00128     *           message to the device. This is a blocking call.
00129     *
00130     * @param    iotHubClientHandle          The handle created by a call to the create function.
00131     * @param    messageCallback             The callback specified by the device for receiving
00132     *                                       messages from IoT Hub.
00133     * @param    userContextCallback         User specified context that will be provided to the
00134     *                                       callback. This can be @c NULL.
00135     *
00136     *           @b NOTE: The application behavior is undefined if the user calls
00137     *           the ::IoTHubClient_Destroy function from within any callback.
00138     *
00139     * @return   IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
00140     */
00141     extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback(IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_MESSAGE_CALLBACK_ASYNC messageCallback, void* userContextCallback);
00143     /**
00144     * @brief    This function returns in the out parameter @p lastMessageReceiveTime
00145     *           what was the value of the @c time function when the last message was
00146     *           received at the client.
00147     *
00148     * @param    iotHubClientHandle              The handle created by a call to the create function.
00149     * @param    lastMessageReceiveTime          Out parameter containing the value of @c time function
00150     *                                           when the last message was received.
00151     *
00152     * @return   IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
00153     */
00154     extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_GetLastMessageReceiveTime(IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, time_t* lastMessageReceiveTime);
00156     /**
00157     * @brief    This API sets a runtime option identified by parameter @p optionName
00158     *           to a value pointed to by @p value. @p optionName and the data type
00159     *           @p value is pointing to are specific for every option.
00160     *
00161     * @param    iotHubClientHandle  The handle created by a call to the create function.
00162     * @param    optionName          Name of the option.
00163     * @param    value               The value.
00164     *
00165     *           The options that can be set via this API are:
00166     *               - @b timeout - the maximum time in milliseconds a communication is
00167     *                 allowed to use. @p value is a pointer to an @c unsigned @c int with
00168     *                 the timeout value in milliseconds. This is only supported for the HTTP
00169     *                 protocol as of now. When the HTTP protocol uses CURL, the meaning of
00170     *                 the parameter is <em>total request time</em>. When the HTTP protocol uses
00171     *                 winhttp, the meaning is the same as the @c dwSendTimeout and
00172     *                 @c dwReceiveTimeout parameters of the
00173     *                 <a href="">
00174     *                 WinHttpSetTimeouts</a> API.
00175     *               - @b CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT - only available for HTTP protocol and only
00176     *                 when CURL is used. It has the same meaning as CURL's option with the same
00177     *                 name. @p value is pointer to a long.
00178     *               - @b CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME - only available for HTTP protocol and only
00179     *                 when CURL is used. It has the same meaning as CURL's option with the same
00180     *                 name. @p value is pointer to a long.
00181     *               - @b CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE - only available for HTTP protocol and only
00182     *                 when CURL is used. It has the same meaning as CURL's option with the same
00183     *                 name. @p value is pointer to a long.
00184     *               - @b CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT - only available for HTTP protocol and only
00185     *                 when CURL is used. It has the same meaning as CURL's option with the same
00186     *                 name. @p value is pointer to a long.
00187     *               - @b CURLOPT_VERBOSE - only available for HTTP protocol and only
00188     *                 when CURL is used. It has the same meaning as CURL's option with the same
00189     *                 name. @p value is pointer to a long.
00190     *               - @b messageTimeout - the maximum time in milliseconds until a message
00191     *                 is timeouted. The time starts at IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync. By default,
00192     *                 messages do not expire. @p is a pointer to a uint64_t
00193     * @return   IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
00194     */
00195     extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_SetOption(IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, const char* optionName, const void* value);
00198     /**
00199     * @brief    IoTHubClient_UploadToBlobAsync uploads data from memory to a file in Azure Blob Storage.
00200     *
00201     * @param    iotHubClientHandle                  The handle created by a call to the IoTHubClient_Create function.
00202     * @param    destinationFileName                 The name of the file to be created in Azure Blob Storage.
00203     * @param    source                              The source of data.
00204     * @param    size                                The size of data.
00205     * @param    iotHubClientFileUploadCallback      A callback to be invoked when the file upload operation has finished.
00206     * @param    context                             A user-provided context to be passed to the file upload callback.
00207     *
00208     * @return   IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
00209     */
00210     extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_UploadToBlobAsync(IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, const char* destinationFileName, const unsigned char* source, size_t size, IOTHUB_CLIENT_FILE_UPLOAD_CALLBACK iotHubClientFileUploadCallback, void* context);
00211 #endif
00212 #ifdef __cplusplus
00213 }
00214 #endif
00216 #endif /* IOTHUB_CLIENT_H */