corrected version (with typedef struct IOTHUB_CLIENT_LL_UPLOADTOBLOB_HANDLE_DATA* IOTHUB_CLIENT_LL_UPLOADTOBLOB_HANDLE;) included in the sources

Dependents:   STM32F746_iothub_client_sample_mqtt

Fork of iothub_client by Azure IoT

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for iothub_client


IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG_TAG This struct captures IoTHub client configuration
IOTHUB_CLIENT_DEVICE_CONFIG_TAG This struct captures IoTHub client device configuration
IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONFIG_TAG This struct captures device configuration
IOTHUBTRANSPORT_CONFIG_TAG This struct captures IoTHub transport configuration


blob.c [code]
blob.h [code] Contains blob APIs needed for File Upload feature of IoTHub client
iothub_client.c [code]
iothub_client.h [code] Extends the IoTHubCLient_LL module with additional features
iothub_client_ll.c [code]
iothub_client_ll.h [code] APIs that allow a user (usually a device) to communicate with an Azure IoTHub
iothub_client_ll_uploadtoblob.c [code]
iothub_client_ll_uploadtoblob.h [code]
iothub_client_private.h [code]
iothub_client_version.h [code] Functions for managing the client SDK version
iothub_message.c [code]
iothub_message.h [code] The IoTHub_Message component encapsulates one message that can be transferred by an IoT hub client
iothub_transport_ll.h [code]
iothubtransport.c [code]
iothubtransport.h [code]
parson.c [code]
parson.h [code]
version.c [code]