chemical dosing section of the rig

Dependencies:   ConfigFile mbed

Fork of mbed_plant_rig by Michael Steel

--- a/main.cpp	Mon Jul 10 15:23:02 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Jul 29 15:49:12 2017 +0000
@@ -1,41 +1,48 @@
-//  Plant Research Rig V1.1.05                                //
+//  Plant dosing Rig V1.0.06                                  //
 //  Michael Steel                                             //
 // Libraries
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "Dht11.h"
 #include "ConfigFile.h"
 // Define I/O and constants
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-Dht11 sensor(p5);
-DigitalIn LOG_SWITCH(p20);
-DigitalOut TEMP_BLED(p7);
-DigitalOut TEMP_GLED(p8);
-DigitalOut TEMP_RLED(p9);
-DigitalOut FAN(p10);
-DigitalOut HEAT(p11);
+DigitalOut DOSE_PUMP(p5);
+DigitalOut BLED(p7);
+DigitalOut GLED(p8);
+DigitalOut RLED(p9);
+Timeout dosing;
 LocalFileSystem local("local");
 ConfigFile cfg;
-float TEMP;
-float TEMPHH;
-float TEMPH;
-float TEMPL;
-float TEMPLL;
+float DOSEI;
+float DOSED;
+float LOG_INDEX; /*while not necesary with a single test subject
+this will allow for the proper selection of output message in the full version*/
 int TCHECK;
 int YEAR;
+char buffer[21];
+void DOSE(void)
+    DOSE_PUMP = 1;
+    GLED = 1;
+    time_t seconds = time(NULL);
+    strftime(buffer, 21,"%X, %x\n", localtime(&seconds));
+    wait (DOSED);
+    DOSE_PUMP = 0;
+    GLED = 0;
+    LOG_INDEX = 1;
 int main()
     // Determins Input file variables
-    char *key1 = "TEMPHH";
-    char *key2 = "TEMPH";
-    char *key3 = "TEMPL";
-    char *key4 = "TEMPLL";
+    char *key1 = "DOSEI";
+    char *key2 = "DOSED";
     char *key5 = "YEAR";
     char value[BUFSIZ];
@@ -48,7 +55,6 @@
     // Check correct time and get the current time from the terminal if needed
     struct tm t;
     time_t seconds = time(NULL);
-    char buffer[21];
     strftime(buffer, 21, "%Y\n", localtime(&seconds));
     TCHECK = atoi(buffer) ;
     if (TCHECK != YEAR ) {
@@ -66,76 +72,43 @@
         // display the time
         time_t seconds = time(NULL);
-    //printf("\r\n Time as a basic string = %s \r\n", ctime(&seconds));
     if (cfg.getValue(key1, &value[0], sizeof(value))) {
         pc.printf("'%s'='%s'\r\n", key1, value);
-        TEMPHH = atof(value) ;
+        DOSEI = atof(value) ;
     } else {
         pc.printf("Failure to get a configuration. Please check config file");
     if (cfg.getValue(key2, &value[0], sizeof(value))) {
         pc.printf("'%s'='%s'\r\n", key2, value);
-        TEMPH = atof(value) ;
+        DOSED = atof(value) ;
-    if (cfg.getValue(key3, &value[0], sizeof(value))) {
-        pc.printf("'%s'='%s'\r\n", key3, value);
-        TEMPL = atof(value) ;
-    }
-    if (cfg.getValue(key4, &value[0], sizeof(value))) {
-        pc.printf("'%s'='%s'\r\n", key4, value);
-        TEMPLL = atof(value) ;
-    }
+    Ticker dosing;
+    dosing.attach(&DOSE, DOSEI); // setup dosing to call DOSE after DOSEI "dose interval" seconds
     pc.printf("Begin logging \r\n");
     while(1) {
-        while(LOG_SWITCH == 1) {
-   ;
-            time_t seconds = time(NULL);
-            strftime(buffer, 21,"%X, %x\n", localtime(&seconds));
-            FILE *fp = fopen("/local/out.txt", "a");  // Open "out.txt" on the local file system for writing
-            fprintf(fp, "\r\n T: %f, H: %f, %s,",sensor.getCelsius(),sensor.getHumidity(),buffer);
-            fclose(fp);
-            pc.printf("\r\n T: %f, H: %f, %s,",sensor.getCelsius(),sensor.getHumidity(),buffer);
-            TEMP = sensor.getCelsius();
-            if (TEMP >= TEMPHH) {
-                FAN = 1;
-                HEAT = 0;
-                TEMP_RLED = 1;
-                TEMP_GLED = 0;
-                TEMP_BLED = 0;
-                pc.printf(" Temperature in High Alarm");
-            } else if (TEMP >=  TEMPH) {
-                FAN = 1;
-                HEAT = 0;
-                TEMP_RLED = 0;
-                TEMP_GLED = 1;
-                TEMP_BLED = 0;
-            } else if (TEMP >=  TEMPL) {
-                FAN = 0;
-                HEAT = 0;
-                TEMP_RLED = 0;
-                TEMP_GLED = 1;
-                TEMP_BLED = 0;
-            } else if (TEMP >=  TEMPLL) {
-                FAN = 0;
-                HEAT = 1;
-                TEMP_RLED = 0;
-                TEMP_GLED = 1;
-                TEMP_BLED = 0;
-            } else {
-                FAN = 0;
-                HEAT = 1;
-                TEMP_RLED = 0;
-                TEMP_GLED = 0;
-                TEMP_BLED = 1;
-                pc.printf(" Temperature in Low Alarm");
-            }
-            wait(1);
+        if (LOG_INDEX == 1) {
+            FILE *fp = fopen("/local/out.txt", "a");  // Open "out.txt" on the local file system for writing
+            fprintf(fp, "\r\n %f s dose given at %s",DOSED ,buffer);
+            fclose(fp);
+            pc.printf("\r\n %f s dose given to test subject 1 at %s",DOSED ,buffer);
+            LOG_INDEX = 0;
+        }
+        /*if (LOG_INDEX == 2){
+        FILE *fp = fopen("/local/out.txt", "a");  // Open "out.txt" on the local file system for writing
+        fprintf(fp, "\r\n T: %f s dose given at %s,",DOSEI,buffer);
+        fclose(fp);
+        pc.printf("\r\n T: %f s dose given to test subject 2 at %s,",DOSEI,buffer);
+        LOG_INDEX = 0;
+        }
+        // this is then repeated for each test subject with sequential numbers */
-        }
+        wait(1);