Example for a Magnevation Board used previously on a OOPICII

Fork of Motordriver by Christopher Hasler

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Mon Feb 11 21:44:17 2013 +0000
Commit message:
Motordriver adapted for the Magnevation Board used previously with OOPICII

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motordriver.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
motordriver.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 3110b9209d3c -r 81b393c33b77 motordriver.cpp
--- a/motordriver.cpp	Thu Nov 25 13:34:15 2010 +0000
+++ b/motordriver.cpp	Mon Feb 11 21:44:17 2013 +0000
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 /*motor driver libary modified from the following libary,
 * mbed simple H-bridge motor controller
-* Copyright (c) 2007-2010, sford
+* Copyright (c) 2007-2010, S Ford
-* by Christopher Hasler.
+* by Derek Calland modified for a Magnevation PWM Driver Board based on LMD18200T H-Bridge Driver IC's
-* from sford's libary,
+* from Christopher Hasler originally from Simon Ford's libary,
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -30,111 +30,40 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-Motor::Motor(PinName pwm, PinName fwd, PinName rev, int brakeable):
-        _pwm(pwm), _fwd(fwd), _rev(rev) {
+Motor::Motor(PinName pwm, PinName fwdrev, PinName brake, bool direction, bool stop): ///Class Implementation
+    _pwm(pwm), _fwdrev(fwdrev), _brake(brake)
+    _direction = direction; //Set each motor to rotate in clockwise or counter clockwise
+    _stop = stop; //Stop all motion
     // Set initial condition of PWM
     _pwm = 0;
     // Initial condition of output enables
-    _fwd = 0;
-    _rev = 0;
+    _fwdrev = fwdrev; //sets output to drive Motor in a direction
+    /* check the motor to see what direction this is from Magnevation Board */
-    //set if the motor dirver is capable of braking. (addition)
-    Brakeable= brakeable;
-    sign = 0;//i.e nothing.
+    //Initial condition of Brake
+    _brake = brake; //sets brake to ON/OFF condition to Magnevation Board
-float Motor::speed(float speed) {
-    float temp = 0;
-    if (sign == 0) {
-        _fwd = (speed > 0.0);
-        _rev = (speed < 0.0);
-        temp = abs(speed);
-        _pwm = temp;
-    } else if (sign == 1) {
-        if (speed < 0) {
-            _fwd = (speed > 0.0);
-            _rev = (speed < 0.0);
-            _pwm = 0;
-            temp = 0;
-       } else {
-            _fwd = (speed > 0.0);
-            _rev = (speed < 0.0);
-            temp = abs(speed);
-            _pwm = temp;
-        }
-    } else if (sign == -1) {
-        if (speed > 0) {
-            _fwd = (speed > 0.0);
-            _rev = (speed < 0.0);
-            _pwm = 0;
-            temp = 0;
-        } else {
-            _fwd = (speed > 0.0);
-            _rev = (speed < 0.0);
-            temp = abs(speed);
-            _pwm = temp;
-        }
-    }
-    if (speed > 0)
-        sign = 1;
-    else if (speed < 0) {
-        sign = -1;
-    } else if (speed == 0) {
-        sign = 0;
-    }
-    return temp;
-//  (additions)
-void Motor::coast(void) {
-    _fwd = 0;
-    _rev = 0;
-    _pwm = 0;
-    sign = 0;
+float Motor::speed(float speed, bool direction, bool stop)
+    _fwdrev = direction;
+    _brake = stop; //Sets brake to ON/OFF condition to Magnevation Board
+    _pwm = abs(speed);
+    return speed;
-float Motor::stop(float duty) {
-    if (Brakeable == 1) {
-        _fwd = 1;
-        _rev = 1;
-        _pwm = duty;
-        sign = 0;
-        return duty;
-    } else
-        Motor::coast();
-        return -1;
+float Motor::stop(float speed, bool stop)
+    if (speed == 0.0) {
+        wait(0.02);
+        _brake = stop;
+    }
+    _pwm = abs(speed);
+    return speed;
-float Motor::state(void) {
-    if ((_fwd == _rev) && (_pwm > 0)) {
-        return -2;//braking
-    } else if (_pwm == 0) {
-        return 2;//coasting
-    } else if ((_fwd == 0) && (_rev == 1)) {
-        return -(_pwm);//reversing
-    }  else if ((_fwd == 1) && (_rev == 0)) {
-        return _pwm;//fowards
-    } else
-        return -3;//error
- test code, this demonstrates working motor drivers.
-Motor A(p22, p6, p5, 1); // pwm, fwd, rev, can break
-Motor B(p21, p7, p8, 1); // pwm, fwd, rev, can break
-int main() {
-    for (float s=-1.0; s < 1.0 ; s += 0.01) {
-       A.speed(s);
-       B.speed(s);
-       wait(0.02);
-    }
-    A.stop();
-    B.stop();
-    wait(1);
-    A.coast();
-    B.coast();
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 3110b9209d3c -r 81b393c33b77 motordriver.h
--- a/motordriver.h	Thu Nov 25 13:34:15 2010 +0000
+++ b/motordriver.h	Mon Feb 11 21:44:17 2013 +0000
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 /*motor driver libary modified from the following libary,
 * mbed simple H-bridge motor controller
 * Copyright (c) 2007-2010, sford
-* by Christopher Hasler.
-* from sford's libary,
+*by Derek Calland modified for a Magnevation PWM Driver Board based on LMD18200T H-Bridge Driver IC's
+*from SFord's libary, and some comments program structure from Christopher Haslers
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
@@ -25,67 +25,63 @@
 #ifndef MBED_MOTOR_H
 #define MBED_MOTOR_H
 #include "mbed.h"
-/** Interface to control a standard DC motor 
+/** Interface to control a standard DC motor
 * with an H-bridge using a PwmOut and 2 DigitalOuts
-class Motor {
-    public:
-/** Create a motor control interface    
-* @param pwm A PwmOut pin, driving the H-bridge enable line to control the speed
-* @param fwd A DigitalOut, set high when the motor should go forward
-* @param rev A DigitalOut, set high when the motor should go backwards
-* @param set if the motor driver is able to do braking 0 false 1 true.
-        Motor(PinName pwm, PinName fwd, PinName rev, int brakeable);
-/** Set the speed of the motor 
-* @param speed The speed of the motor as a normalised value between -1.0 and 1.0.
-* @return the applied speed to the motor after checking to ensure motor doesn't switch from forward to reverse without stopping.
-        float speed(float speed);
-/** Set the the motor to coast
-* @param void 
-* @return motor coasts until another instruction is recived.
-        void coast(void);
-/** Set the motor to dynamicaly brake
-* @param float 0 - 1.0 provides some control over how hard the motor brakes. 
-* @return duty applied to motor driver. -1 is error, motor driver can't brake.
+* Specifically for the Magnevation Board - refer to comments
-        float stop(float duty);
-/** return the current state of the motor
-* @param void
-* @return state of motor, -1 to 1 is speed, -2 is braking, 2 is coasting. -3 is error. 
-        float state(void);
-    protected:
-        PwmOut _pwm;
-        DigitalOut _fwd;
-        DigitalOut _rev;
-        int Brakeable; // cna the motor driver break
-        int sign; //prevents throwing the motor from full foward to full reverse and stuff melting.
+class Motor   ///Class Declaration
+    /** Create a motor control interface
+    *
+    * @param pwm, A PwmOut pin driving the H-bridge enable line to control the speed
+    * @param fwdrev, A DigitalOut pin note Forward and Reverse is relative to how you connect the motor(s)
+    * and Refer to Figure 4 pages 6 & 7 in Instrument LMD18200 data sheet.
+    * @param brake, A DigitalOut pin the Magnevation driver board is able to perform a brake i.e. 0 false brake ON, 1 true brake OFF.
+    */
+    Motor(PinName pwm, PinName fwdrev, PinName brake, bool direction, bool stop); /** Create Motor instance */
+    /** Set the speed of the motor
+    *
+    * @param speed The speed of the motor as a normalised value between 0.0 and 1.0.
+    * @param fwdrev Magnevation board sets direction on a pin so does not need -1.0 to 0.0.
+    * @param stop The Magnevation Board has a brake facility and incorporates the Current Limiting features of the LMD18200.
+    * @return the applied speed to the motor after checking to ensure motor doesn't switch from forward to reverse without stopping.
+    */
+    float speed(float speed, bool fwdrev, bool stop);
+    /** Set the the motor to coast
+    *
+    * In a practical world you would not neccessarily leave anything 'coasting' and acting as a dc generator
+    * always better to have a drive under control at all times so I haven't included this
+    * from the origanal class constructor for the Magnevation Board.
+    */
+    /** Set the motor to dynamicaly brake
+    *
+    * The Magnevation Board has a brake facility and incorporates the Current Limiting features
+    * of the LMD18200.
+    */
+    float stop(float speed, bool stop);
+    /** return the current state of the motor
+    */
+    PwmOut _pwm;
+    DigitalOut _fwdrev;
+    DigitalOut _brake;
+    bool _direction;
+    bool _stop;