Added ST_INTERFACES library.

Dependencies:   ST_INTERFACES

Fork of X_NUCLEO_IHM04A1 by ST

--- a/Components/l6206/l6206_class.h	Tue May 03 11:16:57 2016 +0000
+++ b/Components/l6206/l6206_class.h	Tue May 17 09:45:13 2016 +0000
@@ -172,101 +172,222 @@
 	 *     return COMPONENT_EnableFeature();                                  *
 	 *   }                                                                    *
+    /**
+     * @brief  Initializing the component.
+     * @param  init Pointer to device specific initalization structure.
+     * @retval "0" in case of success, an error code otherwise.
+     */
 	virtual int Init(void *init = NULL)
 		return (int) L6206_Init((void *) init);
+    /**
+     * @brief  Getting the ID of the component.
+     * @param  id Pointer to an allocated variable to store the ID into.
+     * @retval "0" in case of success, an error code otherwise.
+     */
 	virtual int ReadID(uint8_t *id = NULL)
 		return (int) L6206_ReadId((uint8_t *) id);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Attaches a user callback to the error Handler.
+ 	* The call back will be then called each time the library detects an error
+ 	* @param[in] callback Name of the callback to attach to the error Hanlder
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	*/
 	virtual void AttachErrorHandler(void (*callback)(uint16_t error))
 		L6206_AttachErrorHandler((void (*)(uint16_t error)) callback);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Attaches a user callback to the flag Interrupt
+ 	* The call back will be then called each time the status 
+ 	* flag pin will be pulled down due to the occurrence of 
+ 	* a programmed alarms ( OCD, thermal alert)
+ 	* @param[in] callback Name of the callback to attach 
+ 	* to the Flag Interrupt
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	*/
 	virtual void AttachFlagInterrupt(void (*callback)(void))
 		L6206_AttachFlagInterrupt((void (*)(void)) callback);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Returns the current speed of the specified motor
+ 	* @param[in] motorId from 0 to MAX_NUMBER_OF_BRUSH_DC_MOTORS 
+ 	* @retval current speed in % from 0 to 100
+ 	*/
 	virtual uint16_t GetCurrentSpeed(uint8_t motorId)
 		return (uint16_t) L6206_GetCurrentSpeed((uint8_t) motorId);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief Returns the device state
+ 	* @param[in] motorId from 0 to MAX_NUMBER_OF_BRUSH_DC_MOTORS 
+ 	* @retval State (STEADY or INACTIVE)
+ 	*/
 	virtual motorState_t GetDeviceState(uint8_t motorId)
 		return (motorState_t) L6206_GetDeviceState((uint8_t) motorId);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief Returns the FW version of the library
+ 	* @retval L6206_FW_VERSION
+ 	*/
 	virtual uint8_t GetFwVersion(void)
 		return (uint8_t) L6206_GetFwVersion();
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Returns the max  speed of the specified motor
+ 	* @param[in] motorId from 0 to MAX_NUMBER_OF_BRUSH_DC_MOTORS 
+ 	* @retval maxSpeed in % from 0 to 100
+ 	*/
 	virtual uint16_t GetMaxSpeed(uint8_t motorId)
 		return (uint16_t) L6206_GetMaxSpeed((uint8_t) motorId);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Stops the motor without disabling the bridge
+ 	* @param[in] motorId from 0 to MAX_NUMBER_OF_BRUSH_DC_MOTORS 
+ 	* @retval none
+ 	*/
 	virtual void HardStop(uint8_t motorId)
 		L6206_HardStop((uint8_t) motorId);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Runs the motor
+ 	* @param[in] motorId from 0 to MAX_NUMBER_OF_BRUSH_DC_MOTORS 
+ 	* @param[in] direction FORWARD or BACKWARD
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	* @note  For unidirectionnal motor, direction parameter has no effect
+ 	*/
 	virtual void Run(uint8_t stepCount, motorDir_t direction)
 		L6206_Run((uint8_t) stepCount, (motorDir_t) direction);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Changes the max speed of the specified device
+ 	* @param[in] motorId from 0 to MAX_NUMBER_OF_BRUSH_DC_MOTORS 
+ 	* @param[in] newMaxSpeed in % from 0 to 100
+ 	* @retval true if the command is successfully executed, else false
+ 	*/
 	virtual bool SetMaxSpeed(uint8_t motorId, uint16_t newMaxSpeed)
 		return (bool) L6206_SetMaxSpeed((uint8_t) motorId, (uint16_t) newMaxSpeed);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief Disable the specified bridge
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeId (from 0 for bridge A to 1 for bridge B)
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	* @note  When input of different brigdes are parallelized 
+ 	* together, the disabling of one bridge leads to the disabling
+ 	* of the second one
+ 	*/
 	virtual void CmdDisable(uint8_t bridgeId)
 		L6206_DisableBridge((uint8_t) bridgeId);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief Enable the specified bridge
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeId (from 0 for bridge A to 1 for bridge B)
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	* @note  When input of different brigdes are parallelized 
+ 	* together, the enabling of one bridge leads to the enabling
+ 	* of the second one
+ 	*/
 	virtual void CmdEnable(uint8_t bridgeId)
 		L6206_EnableBridge((uint8_t) bridgeId);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Get the status of the bridge enabling of the corresponding bridge
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeId from 0 for bridge A to 1 for bridge B
+ 	* @retval State of the Enable&Flag pin of the corresponding bridge (1 set, 0 for reset)
+  	*/
 	virtual uint16_t CmdGetStatus(uint8_t bridgeId)
 		return (uint16_t) L6206_GetBridgeStatus((uint8_t) bridgeId);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Immediatly stops the motor and disable the power bridge
+ 	* @param[in] motorId from 0 to MAX_NUMBER_OF_BRUSH_DC_MOTORS 
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	* @note  if two motors uses the same power bridge, the 
+ 	* power bridge will be disable only if the two motors are stopped
+ 	*/
 	virtual void CmdHardHiZ(uint8_t motorId)
 		L6206_HardHiz((uint8_t) motorId);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief Error handler which calls the user callback (if defined)
+ 	* @param[in] error Number of the error
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	*/
 	virtual void ErrorHandler(uint16_t error)
 		L6206_ErrorHandler((uint16_t) error);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief Set dual full bridge parallelling configuration
+ 	* @param[in] newConfig bridge configuration to apply from 
+ 	* dualFullBridgeConfig_t enum
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	*/
 	virtual void SetDualFullBridgeConfig(uint8_t newConfig)
 		L6206_SetDualFullBridgeConfig((uint8_t) newConfig);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Get the PWM frequency of the specified bridge 
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeId 0 for bridge A, 1 for bridge B
+ 	* @retval Freq in Hz
+ 	*/
 	virtual uint32_t GetBridgeInputPwmFreq(uint8_t bridgeId)
 		return (uint32_t) L6206_GetBridgeInputPwmFreq((uint8_t) bridgeId);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Changes the PWM frequency of the bridge input
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeId 0 for bridge A, 1 for bridge B
+ 	* @param[in] newFreq in Hz
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	*/
 	virtual void SetBridgeInputPwmFreq(uint8_t bridgeId, uint32_t newFreq)
 		L6206_SetBridgeInputPwmFreq((uint8_t) bridgeId, (uint32_t) newFreq);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Sets the number of devices to be used
+ 	* @param[in] nbDevices (from 1 to MAX_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES)
+ 	* @retval TRUE if successfull, FALSE if failure, attempt to set a number of
+ 	* devices greater than MAX_NUMBER_OF_DEVICES
+ 	*/
 	virtual bool SetNbDevices(uint8_t nbDevices)
 		return (bool) L6206_SetNbDevices((uint8_t) nbDevices);
@@ -308,10 +429,10 @@
      * @brief  Enabling the FLAG interrupt handling.
-     * @param  None.
+     * @param[in]  bridgeId 0 for bridge A, 1 for bridge B
      * @retval None.
-    void EnableFlagIRQ(uint8_t bridgeId)
+    virtual void EnableFlagIRQ(uint8_t bridgeId)
 		if (bridgeId == BRIDGE_A)
@@ -327,10 +448,10 @@
      * @brief  Disabling the FLAG interrupt handling.
-     * @param  None.
+     * @param[in]  bridgeId 0 for bridge A, 1 for bridge B
      * @retval None.
-    void DisableFlagIRQ(uint8_t bridgeId)
+    virtual void DisableFlagIRQ(uint8_t bridgeId)
     	if (bridgeId == BRIDGE_A)
@@ -341,21 +462,7 @@
 	/*** Public In/Out Related Methods ***/
-    void OutVal( uint8_t bridgeId, uint8_t val)
-    {
-    	if( bridgeId == BRIDGE_A)
-    	{
-    		EN_flag_A.output();
-    		EN_flag_A.mode(PullNone);
-    		EN_flag_A.write(val);
-    	}
-    	else
-    	{
-    		EN_flag_B.output();
-    		EN_flag_B.mode(PullNone);
-    		EN_flag_B.write(val);
-    	}
-    }
@@ -412,24 +519,68 @@
 	 * Implement here other I/O methods beyond those already implemented      *
 	 * above, which are declared extern within the component's header file.   *
+	/**
+     * @brief      Utility function to set or unset EN pin for Bridge A or Bridge B.
+     * @param[out] none
+     * @param[in]  bridgeId 0 for bridge A, 1 for bridge B
+     * @retval     none
+     */
+	void L6206_OutVal( uint8_t bridgeId, uint8_t val)
+    {
+    	if( bridgeId == BRIDGE_A)
+    	{
+    		EN_flag_A.output();
+    		EN_flag_A.mode(PullNone);
+    		EN_flag_A.write(val);
+    	}
+    	else
+    	{
+    		EN_flag_B.output();
+    		EN_flag_B.mode(PullNone);
+    		EN_flag_B.write(val);
+    	}
+    }
+    /**
+     * @brief  Making the CPU wait.
+     * @param  None.
+     * @retval None.
+     */
 	void L6206_Board_Delay(uint32_t delay)
+	/**
+ 	* @brief Disable the specified bridge
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeId (from 0 for bridge A to 1 for bridge B)
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	* @note  When input of different brigdes are parallelized 
+ 	* together, the disabling of one bridge leads to the disabling
+ 	* of the second one
+ 	*/
 	void L6206_Board_DisableBridge(uint8_t bridgeId)
-		OutVal( bridgeId, 0);
+		L6206_OutVal( bridgeId, 0);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief Enable the specified bridge
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeId (from 0 for bridge A to 1 for bridge B)
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	* @note  When input of different brigdes are parallelized 
+ 	* together, the enabling of one bridge leads to the enabling
+ 	* of the second one
+ 	*/
 	void L6206_Board_EnableBridge(uint8_t bridgeId, uint8_t addDelay)
-		OutVal( bridgeId, 1);
+		L6206_OutVal( bridgeId, 1);
   		if (addDelay != 0)
@@ -439,7 +590,11 @@
   		EnableFlagIRQ( bridgeId);
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Returns the FLAG pin state.
+ 	* @param[in]  bridgeId (from 0 for bridge A to 1 for bridge B)
+ 	* @retval The FLAG pin value.
+ 	*/
 	uint32_t L6206_Board_GetFlagPinState(uint8_t bridgeId)
   		if (bridgeId == 0)
@@ -454,6 +609,10 @@
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Initiliases the GPIOs used by the L6206s
+ 	* @retval None
+  	*/
 	void L6206_Board_GpioInit(void)
 		/* Init bridge Enable */
@@ -472,8 +631,15 @@
-	/** Board PWM management **/
+	/**
+	* @brief  Sets the frequency of PWM used for bridges inputs
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeInput 0 for input 1A, 1 for input 2A,
+  	* 2 for input 1B,  3 for input 2B
+ 	* @param[in] newFreq in Hz
+ 	* @param[in] duty Duty cycle
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	* @note The frequency is directly the current speed of the device
+ 	*/
 	void L6206_Board_PwmSetFreq(uint8_t bridgeInput, uint32_t newFreq, uint8_t duty)
         /* Computing the period of PWM. */
@@ -513,6 +679,12 @@
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Reset the PWM for the specified brigde input
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeInput 0 for input 1A, 1 for input 2A,
+ 	* 2 for input 1B, 3 for input 2B
+ 	* @retval None
+  	*/
 	void L6206_Board_PwmDeInit(uint8_t bridgeInput)
 		  switch (bridgeInput)
@@ -536,10 +708,22 @@
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Set the PWM frequency the for the specified bridge input
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeInput 0 for input 1A, 1 for input 2A,
+ 	* 2 for input 1B, 3 for input 2B
+ 	* @retval None
+  	*/
 	void L6206_Board_PwmInit(uint8_t bridgeInput)
+	/**
+ 	* @brief  Stops the PWM uses for the specified brige input
+ 	* @param[in] bridgeInput 0 for input 1A, 1 for input 2A,
+ 	* 2 for input 1B, 3 for input 2B
+ 	* @retval None
+ 	*/
 	void L6206_Board_PwmStop(uint8_t bridgeInput)
 		  switch (bridgeInput)