This is a complete listing of the RS-EDP software for the mbed module to support the RS-EDP platform.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/SourceFiles/RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Real_Time_Clock.cpp	Fri Nov 19 09:49:16 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,662 @@
+/* Driver For PCF8583T Real Time Clock IC */
+/* ************************************** */
+/* Version 1.00 */
+/* Start Date: 23/6/2009 */
+/* The RTC Clock IC is part of the communications module */
+/* Include Files Here */
+#include "mbed.h"                                /* mbed header file */
+#include "misra_types.h"                         /* MISRA Types header file */
+#include "defines.h"
+#include "RSEDP_Slave_Address_Defines.h"        /* Slave Address of CNTRL I2C devices */
+#include "mbed_Port_Structure.h"                /* Port structure for MBED Module */
+#include "RSEDP_CNTRL_I2C.h"                    /* Control I2C Driver */
+#define START_YEAR (uint16_t) 2009                /* Value used for real time clock */
+/* Function Prototypes Here */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_setup_PCF8583(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t mode);                                                  /* Setup the device */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_Status_Register(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t *status_register);                       /* Read the status register of the device */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Write_Status_Register(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t payload);                               /* Status register write */
+/* RTC Function */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Write_RTC(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t *RTC_Array);                                        /* Write raw data to the RTC device */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_RTC(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t *RTC_Array);                                         /* Read raw data from the real time clock */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Set_Clock(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t hours, uint8_t minutes, uint8_t seconds,uint8_t F24hour_flag, uint8_t AMPM_flag);    /* Set the clock only */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Set_Date(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t dow, uint8_t day,uint8_t month, uint16_t year);      /* Set the date only */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_Clock(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t *Time_Array);                                      /* Read the time component only */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_Date(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t *Date_Array);                                       /* Read the date component only */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_Clock_And_Date(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t *Time_Array,uint8_t *Date_Array);         /* Read time and date */ 
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Start_Clock(uint8_t Slave_Address);                                                          /* Start the clock counting */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Stop_Clock(uint8_t Slave_Address);                                                           /* Stop the clock */
+/* Battery Maintained SRAM functions */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_SRAM(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t *read_data,uint8_t address);                        /* Read data from the battery maintained SRAM */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Write_SRAM(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t payload,uint8_t address);                          /* Write data to the battery maintained SRAM */
+/* Print Functions */
+void RSEDP_COM_Print_Time(uint8_t *Time_Array);
+void RSEDP_COM_Print_Date(uint8_t *Date_Array);
+void RSEDP_COM_Print_Time_Date_Year(uint8_t *RTC_Array);
+/* Static local functions */
+static void delay_small(void);
+/* Setup the device */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_setup_PCF8583(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t mode)
+    {
+        sint32_t Ack_Status = 0;
+        /* Assume the I2C Peripheral is already configured */
+        if ((mode=='c') | (mode== 'C')) 
+            {
+                /* Configure for Clock mode */
+                Ack_Status = RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Write_Status_Register(Slave_Address, 0x00);
+            }
+        if ((mode=='e') | (mode== 'E')) 
+            {
+                /* configure for Event Counter Mode */
+                Ack_Status = RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Write_Status_Register(Slave_Address, 0x20);
+            } 
+        return Ack_Status;
+    }
+/* Read the status register of the device */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_Status_Register(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t *status_register)
+    {
+        sint32_t Ack_Status = 0;
+        sint8_t tx_array[2];
+        sint8_t rx_array=0;                                                        /* Variable used to receive data from slave */
+        tx_array[0] = 0x00;                                                        /* Memory address 0x00 */
+        Ack_Status = CNTRL_I2C_Master_Mode_Transmit(Slave_Address, tx_array, 1);   /* Set the RTC address */
+        if (Ack_Status == ACK)
+            {
+                Ack_Status = CNTRL_I2C_Master_Mode_Receive(Slave_Address,  &rx_array,1);                /* Read single byte address */
+            }
+        *status_register = rx_array;                                               /* Load value from RTC into receive pointer */
+        return Ack_Status;
+    }    
+/* Status register write */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Write_Status_Register(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t payload)
+    {
+        sint32_t Ack_Status = 0;
+        sint8_t tx_array[2];                                                           /* Transmission array */
+        tx_array[0] = 0x00;                                                            /* Address 0x00 is where the control register is located */
+        tx_array[1] = payload;                                                         /* Data to be written */
+        Ack_Status  = CNTRL_I2C_Master_Mode_Transmit(Slave_Address,  tx_array,2);                   /* Send the data */
+        return Ack_Status;
+    }
+/* Read the real time clock information */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_RTC(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t *RTC_Array)
+    {                        
+        sint32_t Ack_Status = 0;
+        sint8_t tx_array[2];
+        sint8_t local_array[8];    
+        uint8_t n = 0u;
+        tx_array[0] = 0x01;                                                        /* Memory address 0x01 */
+        Ack_Status = CNTRL_I2C_Master_Mode_Transmit(Slave_Address, tx_array, 1);                /* Set the RTC memory address */
+        if (Ack_Status == ACK)
+            {
+                Ack_Status = CNTRL_I2C_Master_Mode_Receive(Slave_Address, local_array,7);            /* Read single byte address */
+            }
+        for (n = 0; n < 7; n++)
+            {
+                RTC_Array[n] = (uint8_t) (local_array[n]);
+            }
+        return Ack_Status;
+    }
+/* Write the real time clock information */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Write_RTC(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t *RTC_Array)                    
+     {                        
+        sint32_t Ack_Status = 0;
+        sint8_t tx_array[8];
+        uint8_t n = 0;
+        tx_array[0] = 0x01;                                                        /* Memory address 0x01 */
+        for (n = 1; n < 8; n++)                                                    /* Copy data into array */    
+            {
+                tx_array[n] = *RTC_Array;
+                RTC_Array++;
+            }
+        Ack_Status = CNTRL_I2C_Master_Mode_Transmit(Slave_Address, tx_array, 8);   /* Transmit the data */
+        delay_small();                                                             /* RTC is busy writing */
+        return Ack_Status;
+    }
+/* Set the clock inside the device */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Set_Clock(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t hours, uint8_t minutes, uint8_t seconds,uint8_t F24hour_flag, uint8_t AMPM_flag)
+    {
+        sint32_t Ack_Status = 0;
+        sint8_t RTC_Array[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
+        uint8_t high = 0;
+        uint8_t low = 0;
+           /* Hundreths */
+        RTC_Array[1] = 0x00;                                                    /* Hundreths of a second -set to zero */
+        /* Seconds */                                                            /* Convert to BCD */
+        low = (seconds % 10);
+        high = (seconds / 10);
+        RTC_Array[2] = ((high << 4) + low);
+        /* Minutes */                                                             /* Convert to BCD */
+        low = (minutes % 10);
+        high = (minutes / 10);
+        RTC_Array[3] = ((high << 4) + low);
+        /* Hours */                                                                /* Convert to BCD  and add in 24 hour and AM/PM flag */
+        low = (hours % 10);
+        high = (hours / 10);
+        RTC_Array[4] = ((high << 4) + low);
+        RTC_Array[4] = (RTC_Array[4] & 0x3f);
+           F24hour_flag = ((F24hour_flag & 0x01) << 7);
+        AMPM_flag = ((AMPM_flag & 0x01) << 6);
+        RTC_Array[4] += F24hour_flag + AMPM_flag;
+        RTC_Array[0] = 0x01;                                                    /* Target destination address of data */
+        Ack_Status = CNTRL_I2C_Master_Mode_Transmit(Slave_Address, RTC_Array, 5);    /* Transmit the data */
+        delay_small();                                                             /* RTC is busy writing */
+        return Ack_Status;
+    }
+/* Write the time and date to the RTC clock */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Set_Date(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t dow, uint8_t day,uint8_t month, uint16_t year)
+    {
+        sint32_t Ack_Status = 0;
+        sint8_t RTC_Array[5] = {0,0,0,0,0};
+        uint8_t high = 0;
+        uint8_t low = 0;
+        /* day of month */                                                            /* Convert to BCD */
+        if (day > 31) day = 31;
+        low = (day % 10);
+        high = (day / 10);
+        RTC_Array[1] = (((high << 4) + low) & 0x3f);
+        /* year */
+        year = ((year - 2008) & 0x03);
+        RTC_Array[1] += (year << 6);
+        /* Day of week */
+           if (dow > 6) dow = 6;
+        dow = (dow << 5);
+        RTC_Array[2] = dow;
+        /* months */
+        if (month > 12) month = 12;
+        low = (month % 10);
+        high = (month / 10);
+        RTC_Array[2] += (((high << 4) + low));
+        RTC_Array[0] = 0x05;                                                          /* Target destination address of data */
+        Ack_Status = CNTRL_I2C_Master_Mode_Transmit(Slave_Address, RTC_Array, 3);     /* Transmit the data */
+        delay_small();                                                                /* RTC is busy writing */
+        return Ack_Status;
+    }
+/* Start the clock counting */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Start_Clock(uint8_t Slave_Address)
+    {
+        sint32_t Ack_Status = 0;
+        uint8_t status_reg = 0;
+        Ack_Status = RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_Status_Register(Slave_Address, &status_reg);
+        status_reg = (status_reg & 0x7f);
+        if (Ack_Status ==ACK)
+            {
+                Ack_Status = RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Write_Status_Register(Slave_Address, status_reg);
+            }
+        return Ack_Status;
+    }
+/* Stop the clock */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Stop_Clock(uint8_t Slave_Address)
+    {
+        sint32_t Ack_Status = 0;
+        uint8_t status_reg = 0;
+        Ack_Status = RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_Status_Register(Slave_Address, &status_reg);
+        status_reg = (status_reg | 0x80);
+        if (Ack_Status == ACK)
+            {
+                RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Write_Status_Register(Slave_Address, status_reg);
+            }
+        return Ack_Status;
+    }
+/* Read the time component only */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_Clock(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t *Time_Array)                          
+    {
+        sint32_t Ack_Status = 0;
+        uint8_t RTC_Array[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};                                        /* Hundreths, seconds, minutes,hours, year/date, weekday/month */
+        uint8_t temp8 = 0;    
+        Ack_Status = RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_RTC(Slave_Address, RTC_Array);
+        /* hours */
+        temp8 = (((RTC_Array[3] & 0x30) >> 4) * 10);
+        *Time_Array = ((RTC_Array[3] & 0x0f) + temp8);
+        Time_Array++;
+        /* Minutes */
+        temp8=(((RTC_Array[2] & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10);
+           *Time_Array = ((RTC_Array[2] & 0x0f) + temp8);
+        Time_Array++;
+        /* Seconds */
+        temp8=(((RTC_Array[1] & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10);
+           *Time_Array = ((RTC_Array[1] & 0x0f) + temp8);
+        Time_Array++;
+        /* Hundreths */
+        temp8=(((RTC_Array[0] & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10);
+           *Time_Array = ((RTC_Array[0] & 0x0f) + temp8);
+        Time_Array++;
+        // 24 Hour Flag
+        *Time_Array = ((RTC_Array[3] & 0x80) >> 7);
+        Time_Array++;
+        // AMPM Flag
+        *Time_Array = (( RTC_Array[3] & 0x40) >> 6);
+        return Ack_Status;
+    }                    
+/* Read the date component only */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_Date(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t *Date_Array)
+    {
+        sint32_t Ack_Status = 0;
+        uint8_t RTC_Array[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};                                        /* Hundreths, seconds, minutes,hours, year/date, weekday/month */
+        uint8_t temp8 = 0;    
+        Ack_Status = RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_RTC(Slave_Address, RTC_Array);
+        /* Weekday */
+        *Date_Array = ((RTC_Array[5] & 0xe0) >> 5);
+        Date_Array++;        
+        /* Date */
+        temp8=(((RTC_Array[4] & 0x30) >> 4) * 10);
+        *Date_Array = ((RTC_Array[4] & 0x0f) + temp8);
+        Date_Array++;
+        /* Month */
+        temp8 = (((RTC_Array[5] & 0x10) >> 4) * 10);
+        *Date_Array = ((RTC_Array[5] & 0x0f) + temp8);    
+        Date_Array++;
+        /* Year */
+        *Date_Array = ((RTC_Array[4] & 0xc0) >> 6);
+        return Ack_Status;
+    }
+/* Read time and date */ 
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_Clock_And_Date(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t *Time_Array,uint8_t *Date_Array) 
+    {
+        sint32_t Ack_Status = 0;
+        uint8_t RTC_Array[6] = {0,0,0,0,0,0};                                        /* Hundreths, seconds, minutes,hours, year/date, weekday/month */
+        uint8_t temp8 = 0;    
+        Ack_Status = RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_RTC(Slave_Address, RTC_Array);
+        /* hours */
+        temp8 = (((RTC_Array[3] & 0x30) >> 4) * 10);
+        *Time_Array = ((RTC_Array[3] & 0x0f) + temp8);
+        Time_Array++;
+        /* Minutes */
+        temp8 = (((RTC_Array[2] & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10);
+        *Time_Array = ((RTC_Array[2] & 0x0f) + temp8);
+        Time_Array++;
+        /* Seconds */
+        temp8 = (((RTC_Array[1] & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10);
+           *Time_Array = ((RTC_Array[1] & 0x0f) + temp8);
+        Time_Array++;
+        /* Hundreths */
+        temp8 = (((RTC_Array[0] & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10);
+           *Time_Array = ((RTC_Array[0] & 0x0f) + temp8);
+        Time_Array++;
+        /* 24 Hour Flag */
+        *Time_Array = ((RTC_Array[3] & 0x80)>>7);
+        Time_Array++;
+        /* AMPM Flag */
+        *Time_Array = (( RTC_Array[3] & 0x40) >> 6);
+        /* Date */
+        /* Weekday */
+        *Date_Array = ((RTC_Array[5] & 0xe0) >> 5);
+        Date_Array++;        
+        /* Date */
+        temp8 = (((RTC_Array[4] & 0x30) >> 4) * 10);
+        *Date_Array = ((RTC_Array[4] & 0x0f) + temp8);
+        Date_Array++;
+        /* Month */
+        temp8 = (((RTC_Array[5] & 0x10) >> 4) * 10);
+        *Date_Array = ((RTC_Array[5] & 0x0f) + temp8);    
+        Date_Array++;
+        /* Year */
+        *Date_Array = ((RTC_Array[4] & 0xc0) >> 6);
+        return Ack_Status;
+    }
+/* Battery Maintained SRAM functions */
+/* Read data from the battery maintained SRAM */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Read_SRAM(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t *read_data, uint8_t address)    
+    {        
+        sint32_t Ack_Status = 0;
+        sint8_t tx_array[2];                                                    /* Transmission array of data */
+        sint8_t rx_array=0;                                                        /* Variable used to receive data from slave */
+        tx_array[0] = address;                                                    /* Memory address to read */
+        Ack_Status = CNTRL_I2C_Master_Mode_Transmit(Slave_Address, tx_array, 1);                /* Set the RTC address */
+        if (Ack_Status == ACK)
+            {
+                CNTRL_I2C_Master_Mode_Receive(Slave_Address, &rx_array,1);                /* Read single byte address */
+            }
+        *read_data=rx_array;                                                   /* Load value from RTC into receive pointer */
+        return Ack_Status;
+    }
+/* Write data to the battery maintained SRAM */
+sint32_t RSEDP_COM_PCF8583_Write_SRAM(uint8_t Slave_Address, uint8_t payload, uint8_t address)
+    {
+        sint32_t Ack_Status = 0;
+        sint8_t tx_array[2];                                                     /* Transmission array */
+        tx_array[0] = address;                                                    /* Address */
+        tx_array[1] = payload;                                                    /* Data */ 
+        Ack_Status = CNTRL_I2C_Master_Mode_Transmit(Slave_Address, tx_array,2);                   /* Send the data */
+        return Ack_Status;
+    }
+/* Print the time, date and year */
+void RSEDP_COM_Print_Time_Date_Year(uint8_t *RTC_Array)
+    {
+        uint8_t hundreths = 0;
+        uint8_t seconds = 0;
+        uint8_t minutes = 0;
+        uint8_t hours = 0;
+        uint8_t date = 0;
+        uint16_t year = 0;
+        uint8_t weekday = 0;
+        uint8_t month = 0;
+        uint8_t temp8 = 0;
+        uint8_t AMPM_flag = 0;
+        uint8_t F24hour_flag=0;
+        /* Hundreths */
+        temp8 = (((*RTC_Array & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10);
+        hundreths = ((*RTC_Array & 0x0f) + temp8);
+        RTC_Array++;
+        /* Seconds */
+        temp8 = (((*RTC_Array & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10);
+        seconds = ((*RTC_Array & 0x0f) + temp8);
+        RTC_Array++;
+        /* Minutes */
+        temp8 = (((*RTC_Array & 0xf0) >> 4) * 10);
+        minutes = ((*RTC_Array & 0x0f) + temp8);
+        RTC_Array++;
+        /* hours */
+        temp8 = (((*RTC_Array & 0x30) >> 4) * 10);
+        hours = ((*RTC_Array & 0x0f) + temp8);
+        F24hour_flag = ((*RTC_Array & 0x80) >> 7);
+        AMPM_flag = (( *RTC_Array & 0x40) >> 6);
+        RTC_Array++;
+        /* Date */
+        temp8 = (((*RTC_Array & 0x30) >> 4) * 10);
+        date = ((*RTC_Array & 0x0f) + temp8);
+        /* Year */
+        year = ((*RTC_Array & 0xc0) >> 6);
+        RTC_Array++;
+        /* Weekday */
+        weekday = ((*RTC_Array & 0xe0) >> 5);
+        /* Month */
+        temp8 = (((*RTC_Array & 0x10) >> 4) * 10);
+        month = ((*RTC_Array & 0x0f) + temp8);    
+        pc.printf("%.2d:", hours);
+        pc.printf("%.2d ", minutes); 
+        if (F24hour_flag==1)    
+                {
+                    if (AMPM_flag == 0) 
+                        {
+                            pc.printf("AM ");
+                        }
+                    if (AMPM_flag == 1) 
+                        {
+                            pc.printf("PM ");
+                        }
+                }
+        pc.printf("%.2d.",seconds);
+        pc.printf("%.2d seconds ", hundreths); 
+        if (weekday == 0) pc.printf("Monday");        
+        if (weekday == 1) pc.printf("Tuesday");        
+        if (weekday == 2) pc.printf("Wednesday");        
+        if (weekday == 3) pc.printf("Thursday");        
+        if (weekday == 4) pc.printf("Friday");        
+        if (weekday == 5) pc.printf("Saturday");        
+        if (weekday == 6) pc.printf("Sunday");        
+        pc.printf(" %.2d ",date);
+        if (month == 1) pc.printf("January");
+        if (month == 2) pc.printf("Febuary");
+        if (month == 3) pc.printf("March");
+        if (month == 4) pc.printf("April");
+        if (month == 5) pc.printf("May");
+        if (month == 6) pc.printf("June");
+        if (month == 7) pc.printf("July");
+        if (month == 8) pc.printf("August");
+        if (month == 9) pc.printf("September");
+        if (month == 10) pc.printf("October");
+        if (month == 11) pc.printf("November");
+        if (month == 12) pc.printf("December");
+           year = year + START_YEAR;
+        pc.printf(" %.4d       ", year);
+    }
+/* Print the Time */
+void RSEDP_COM_Print_Time(uint8_t *Time_Array)
+    {
+        uint8_t hours = 0;
+        uint8_t minutes = 0;
+        uint8_t seconds = 0;
+        uint8_t hundreths = 0;
+        uint8_t F24hour_flag=0;
+        uint8_t AMPM_flag = 0;
+        hours = *Time_Array;
+        Time_Array++;
+        minutes = *Time_Array;
+        Time_Array++;    
+        seconds = *Time_Array;
+        Time_Array++;
+        hundreths = *Time_Array;
+        Time_Array++;
+        F24hour_flag = *Time_Array;
+        Time_Array++;    
+        AMPM_flag = *Time_Array;
+        pc.printf("%.2d:",hours);
+        pc.printf("%.2d ",minutes); 
+        if (F24hour_flag == 1)    
+                {
+                    if (AMPM_flag == 0) 
+                        {
+                            pc.printf("AM ");
+                        }
+                    if (AMPM_flag == 1) 
+                        {
+                            pc.printf("PM ");
+                        }
+                }
+        pc.printf("%.2d.",seconds);
+        pc.printf("%.2d seconds ",hundreths); 
+    }
+/* Print the date */
+void RSEDP_COM_Print_Date(uint8_t *Date_Array)
+    {
+        uint8_t date = 0;
+        uint16_t year = 0;
+        uint8_t weekday = 0;
+        uint8_t month = 0;
+        weekday = *Date_Array;
+        Date_Array++;
+        date = *Date_Array;
+        Date_Array++;
+        month = *Date_Array;
+        Date_Array++;
+        year = *Date_Array;
+        Date_Array++;
+        if (weekday == 0) pc.printf("Monday");        
+        if (weekday == 1) pc.printf("Tuesday");        
+        if (weekday == 2) pc.printf("Wednesday");        
+        if (weekday == 3) pc.printf("Thursday");        
+        if (weekday == 4) pc.printf("Friday");        
+        if (weekday == 5) pc.printf("Saturday");        
+        if (weekday == 6) pc.printf("Sunday");        
+        pc.printf(" %.2d ",date);
+        if (month == 1) pc.printf("January");
+        if (month == 2) pc.printf("Febuary");
+        if (month == 3) pc.printf("March");
+        if (month == 4) pc.printf("April");
+        if (month == 5) pc.printf("May");
+        if (month == 6) pc.printf("June");
+        if (month == 7) pc.printf("July");
+        if (month == 8) pc.printf("August");
+        if (month == 9) pc.printf("September");
+        if (month == 10) pc.printf("October");
+        if (month == 11) pc.printf("November");
+        if (month == 12) pc.printf("December");
+           year = year + START_YEAR;
+        pc.printf(" %.4d       ", year);
+    }
+/* Small 5ms delay approx */
+/* Note: Change this delay to suite the write time/busy period of the RTC */
+static void delay_small(void)
+    {
+        uint32_t nnnn=0;
+        for(nnnn = 0; nnnn < 0x12000; nnnn++)
+            {
+                ;
+            }
+    }