This is an example program for the PololuLedStrip library. It generates a simple moving gradient pattern.

Dependencies:   PololuLedStrip mbed LedStripGradient

Dependents:   LedStripGradient led_phare_crf

For more information, see the PololuLedStrip library.

diff -r 59f1db26a9ff -r 242f14ed9055 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Tue Feb 26 02:50:13 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Feb 26 02:54:44 2013 +0000
@@ -37,50 +37,7 @@
-    /**
-      // Send a color to the LED strip.
-      // The assembly below also increments the 'colors' pointer,
-      // it will be pointing to the next color at the end of this loop.
-      __ASM volatile(
-        "ldr r12, [%0], #3\n"   // Read the next color and advance the pointer.
-        "rbit r12, r12\n"       // Reverse the order of the bits.
-        "rev r12, r12\n"        // Reverse the order of the bytes.
-        "mov r3, #24\n"         // Initialize the loop counter register.
-        "send_led_strip_bit%=:\n"
-        "str %[val], %[set]\n"            // Drive the line high.
-        "rrxs r12, r12\n"                 // Rotate right through carry.
-        "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n"
-        "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n"
-        "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n"
-        "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n"
-        "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n"
-        "nop\n"
-        "it cc\n" "strcc %[val], %[clear]\n"  // If the bit to send is 0, set the line low now.
-        "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n"
-        "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n"
-        "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n"
-        "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n"
-        "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n"
-        "it cs\n" "strcs %[val], %[clear]\n"  // If the bit to send is 1, set the line low now.
-        "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n"
-        "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n"
-        "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n"
-        "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n" "nop\n"
-        "sub r3, r3, #1\n"                // Decrement the loop counter.
-        "cbz r3, led_strip_asm_end%=\n"   // If we have sent 24 bits, go to the end.
-        "b send_led_strip_bit%=\n"
-        "led_strip_asm_end%=:\n"
-      : "=r" (colors)
-      : "0" (colors),
-        [set] "m" (gpio.reg_set),
-        [clear] "m" (gpio.reg_clr),
-        [val] "r" (pinValue)
-      : "r3", "r12", "cc"
-      );**/
+      led_strip_write_color(colors++, gpio.reg_set, gpio.reg_clr, gpio.mask);
       if (interruptFriendly)
@@ -89,8 +46,8 @@
-    __enable_irq();          // Re-enable interrupts now that we are done.
-    //delayMicroseconds(24);  // Hold the line low for 24 microseconds to send the reset signal.
+    __enable_irq();   // Re-enable interrupts now that we are done.
+    wait_us(24);      // Hold the line low for 24 microseconds to send the reset signal.
@@ -98,7 +55,7 @@
 using namespace Pololu;
 DigitalOut myled(LED1);
-PololuLedStrip ledStrip(LED1);
+PololuLedStrip ledStrip(p8);
 DigitalOut myled2(LED2);
@@ -111,7 +68,7 @@
     while(1) {
         myled2 = !;
-        led_strip_write_color(colors, gpio.reg_set, gpio.reg_clr, gpio.mask);
-        wait(0.2);
+        ledStrip.write(colors, LED_COUNT);
+        wait_ms(200);