Generates a test signal on an AnalogOut and monitors a signal on an AnalogIn, plotting the test signal or the actual signal depending on a conditional compile. The wait() and wait_ms() library calls for this board are highly inaccurate so a new function is provided to wait for X number of milliseconds -- which is not very accurate.

Dependencies:   LCD_DISCO_F429ZI mbed TS_DISCO_F429ZI mbed-os BSP_DISCO_F429ZI

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LaserMon-Main.cpp	Mon Jun 10 17:10:01 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// LaserMon-Main.cpp
+// Fredric L. Rice, June 2019
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+#include "mbed.h"                   // The mbed operating system
+#include "LCD_DISCO_F429ZI.h"       // For controlling the LCD
+#include "TS_DISCO_F429ZI.h"        // For controlling the touch screen
+#include "LaserMon-TestOutput.h"    // For generating test output signal
+#include "LaserMon-ScanInput.h"     // For monitoring laser power pin
+#include "LaserMon-Main.h"          // Always include ourself
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Local data storage
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    const char * pch_firstMessage  = "Test signal on PA_5";
+    const char * pch_secondMessage = "Laser Scan on PC_1";
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Define global data storage which we will export
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // We will be using the LCD so instantiate an object locally
+    LCD_DISCO_F429ZI st_lcd;
+    // We will be using the touch screen so instantiate an object
+    TS_DISCO_F429ZI st_touchScreen;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// MainInit()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+static void MainInit(void)
+    // Bring the LCD up 
+    st_lcd.Clear(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
+    // Set the default text color
+    st_lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLUE);
+    // Set the background color
+    st_lcd.SetBackColor(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);        
+    // Set the default font size
+    BSP_LCD_SetFont(&Font16);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// main()
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main(void)
+    // Perform local module initialization, if any
+    MainInit();
+    // Start generating the putput test signal
+    TestOutputInit();
+    // Start scanning the laser drive power
+    ScanInputInit();
+    // Display information about what signal pigs have what
+    st_lcd.DisplayStringAt(1, LINE(1), (uint8_t *)pch_firstMessage, LEFT_MODE);
+    st_lcd.DisplayStringAt(1, LINE(2), (uint8_t *)pch_secondMessage, LEFT_MODE);
+    // Go in to a forever loop for the main thread which does nothing
+    while(true)
+    {
+        // Wait for 1 second and then wait again
+        wait(1.0);
+    }
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// accurate_wait_ms()
+// Because the wait() and wait_ms() library calls for the board we are
+// using is not accurate, this function is provided which uses
+// microseconds to scale the requested wait offered in milliseconds.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+void accurate_wait_ms(uint16_t u16_thisManyMilliseconds)
+    // There are one million microseconds in a second
+    // There are one thousand milliseconds in a second
+    // Compute how many microseconds would normally be needed to
+    // perform the reqested number of milliseconds to wait if the
+    // system clock / crystal were accurate
+    uint64_t u64_thisManyMicroseconds = (u16_thisManyMilliseconds * 100000);
+    // Since the clock appears to run much faster than expected by 
+    // the mbed library, divide the number of microseconds by a
+    // hard-coded scaling factor to attempt to yield a number that
+    // is closer to what we actually get
+    u64_thisManyMicroseconds /= 300ul;
+    // Now wait that many microseconds asking the library to do it
+    wait_us((int)u64_thisManyMicroseconds);
+// End of file