Concept code which launches two threads, one of which implements a Modbus Tunnel protocol to talk with an ISEM, the other which launches a Modbus RTU protocol to talk to a CPUM (most of the Modbus code has been removed prior to publishing.) A canned AC and DC spectra is provided to display wave forms on start-up however the project normally polls for spectra from the ISEM and then plots is (that functionality has been removed prior to publishing.)

Dependencies:   LCD_DISCO_F429ZI mbed TS_DISCO_F429ZI mbed-os BSP_DISCO_F429ZI


Plot of the initial start-up canned AC and DC spectra.



File content as of revision 0:387684ec9d92:

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// NextGen-Exerciser-Tunnel.cpp
// Fredric L. Rice, May 2019
// o A digital output for an LED is instantiated
// o A Serial object is instantiated on Serial-2
// o A thread's mailbox object is instantiated
// o A Thread object is instantiated
// o The serial interface is configured
// o The module's thread is start()ed
// The LED is toggled according to timing established by a periodic
// wait() and according to messages pending in the thread's mailbox
// The mailbox is checked for any messages that need to go out the
// serial interface, and if there are any, the message is extracted
// from the mailbox and gets sent out the serial interface. If there
// are no messages waiting to go out, a Modbus polling message is
// sent out the serial interface instead.
// If there is serial data waiting to be read, the data is collected
// in to a Modbus frame and it gets handled by examining the content
// of the inbound frame.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "mbed.h"                       // The mbed operating system
#include "NextGen-Exerciser-Tunnel.h"   // Always include ourself
#include "NextGen-Exerciser-Defines.h"  // For defined constants and MACROs

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Allocate local data storage
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    static DigitalOut                  st_digitalOutTunnelLED(LED2);
    static Serial                      st_TunnelSerial(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);     // TX, RX, Serial 2 (Don't see anything)
    static Mail<st_pendingMessage, 16> st_TunnelMailbox;
    static Thread                      st_threadTunnel;
    static bool                        b_TunnelInitialized = false;
    static char                        c_flipFlop = 0;
    static unsigned char               uch_tunnelPollFrame[] =
        0xF7, 0x41, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x92, 0xDE
    } ;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// TunnelCheckInbound()
// This function will:
//      o Check to see if the serial interface is readable
//      o If there are bytes waiting, the bytes are read and get
//        assembled in to a full Modbus frame.
//      o The inbound message is handled by passing it to a function
//        which examines the content of the inbound message
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
static void TunnelCheckInbound(void)
    // See if there is inbound serial data
    if (st_TunnelSerial.readable())


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// TunnelCheckOutbound()
// This function will:
//      o Get a message from the thread's mailbox, waiting for up to
//        2 milliseconds for a message
//      o If a message is pending, the message is extracted and then
//        gets formatted in to an output Modbus message frame
//      o The newly-formatted Modbus frame gets transmitted out the
//        serial interface
//      o The mailbox message gets released back in to the memory pool
//      o If there was no output message waiting in the mailbox, a
//        Modbus polling message is sent out the serial interface
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
static void TunnelCheckOutbound(void)
    // Is there an outbound message waiting? Wait for up to 2 milliseconds
    osEvent st_eventResult = st_TunnelMailbox.get(2);
    if (st_eventResult.status == osEventMail)
        // Get a pointer to the message
        st_pendingMessage * pst_outFrame = (st_pendingMessage *)st_eventResult.value.p;
        // Format and send the Modbus Tunnel frame
        // Finished with the message so release it even if it was not sent;
        // Send a poll frame
        st_TunnelSerial.write((uint8_t *)uch_tunnelPollFrame, sizeof(uch_tunnelPollFrame), NULL);

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// TunnelThread()
// This function will:
//      o Get invoked as a thread under the mbed operating system
//      o Turn ON the lED associated with this module and protocol
//      o Enter in to a forever loop which wakes up ten times a second
//      o Drives the module's LED so that it flashes frim time to time
//        to indicate that the thread is running
//      o Check to ensure that the module has been initialized
//      o If the module is initialized (and it should be) checks to
//        see if there are inbound serial Modbus messages
//      o Checks to see if there are any outbound serial Modbus messages
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
static void TunnelThread(void)
    char ch_halfSecond = 5;
    // Set the Modbus Tunnel LED to ON to indicate that the thread has started
    st_digitalOutTunnelLED = 1;
    // Enter in to a forever loop 
    while (true)
        // Sleep for one tenth of a second
        // Count down the half second timer and see if it expired
        if (0 == --ch_halfSecond)
            // It has expired so restart the half second time
            ch_halfSecond = 5;
            // See if we turn on or turn off the LED
            if (0 == c_flipFlop)
                c_flipFlop = 1;
                c_flipFlop = 0;
            st_digitalOutTunnelLED = c_flipFlop;
        // We check to see if there is inbound or outbound serial traffic 10 times a second
        if (TRUE == b_TunnelInitialized)
            // Check for inbound Modbus Tunnel frames
            // See if we need to send outbound Tunnel frames

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// TunnelInit()
// This function will:
//      o Initialize the module protocol's serial interface
//      o Flag the fact that things are initialized
//      o Launch the module's thread
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void TunnelInit(void)
    // We configure the Modbus Tunnel serial interface
    st_TunnelSerial.format(8, SerialBase::None, 1);
    // Flag the fact that the module has been initialized
    b_TunnelInitialized = true;

    // Launch the Modbus Tunnel thread
 // End of file