This is a demonstration program which draws a keypad on the LCD and uses the touch screen to allow an operator to key-in an access code. Two possible codes are allowed to grant to different levels of access. Additionally the push button is used to allow an operator to send Moorse Code pulses in to the device which is checked against two characters to determine if there was a match, and if so, access is granted.

Dependencies:   LCD_DISCO_F429ZI mbed TS_DISCO_F429ZI mbed-os BSP_DISCO_F429ZI

Also draws a mushroom on the screen and animates it.



File content as of revision 3:0e554d8d5a19:

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SecurityUnlockDemo-Main.cpp
// Fredric L. Rice, June 2019
// This is a demonstration of how to build a keypad on the liquid 
// crystal display and then use the touch screen as a keypad to enter
// an access code which grants access to other functionality. Two
// levels of access is possible, with the more permissive access a
// longer series of digits than the lesser-permissive access code.
// The keypad is built using position information in a table with some
// fairly easy ways to move the keypad around on the display.
// The demonstration code also allows for the push button to be used
// to key in Moorse Code pulses which are timed and then checked to
// see if they match an expected access code for Moorse access.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "mbed.h"                           // The mbed operating system
#include "LCD_DISCO_F429ZI.h"               // For controlling the LCD
#include "TS_DISCO_F429ZI.h"                // For controlling the touch screen
#include "SecurityUnlockDemo-Main.h"        // Always include our own header
#include "SecurityUnlockDemo-Keypad.h"      // For all of the keypad functionality
#include "SecurityUnlockDemo-Moorse.h"      // For all of the Moorse Code functionality
#include "SecurityUnlockDemo-Animation.h"   // For performing animation

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Define global data storage which we will export
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // We will be using the LCD so instantiate an object locally
    LCD_DISCO_F429ZI st_lcd;

    // We will be using the touch screen so instantiate an object
    TS_DISCO_F429ZI st_touchScreen;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Local data storage this module will hold
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Because the mbed randomizer is not very good, we maintain the
    // following counter which is incremented every time the main
    // thread executes so that we can use it to assist in randoming
    // our numbers for the animation
    static uint32_t u32_randomSeeder;
    // We keep track of what access level we may have granted
    static uint8_t u8_thisAccessLevel;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MainInit()
// This function will:
//      o Initialize the module's locally-held data
//      o Clear the LCD and set the display to WHITE
//      o Set the default character font size
//      o Initialize the touch screen by polling the size of the LCD
//      o Sets the push button to have no pull-up
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
static void MainInit(void)
    // Initialize locally-held data
    u32_randomSeeder   = 0;
    u8_thisAccessLevel = 0;
    uint8_t u8_TouchScreenStatus = 0;
    // Bring the LCD up 
    // Set the default font size
    // Initialize the touch screen
    u8_TouchScreenStatus = st_touchScreen.Init(st_lcd.GetXSize(), st_lcd.GetYSize());
    if (TS_OK != u8_TouchScreenStatus)
        st_lcd.DisplayStringAt(1, LINE(ENTERED_KEYS_LINE), 
            (uint8_t *)"Touch screen failed", CENTER_MODE);    

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MainGrantAccess()
// This function is invoked to display what access level has been 
// granted.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
void MainGrantAccess(uint8_t u8_thisAccessLevel)
    uint8_t au8_reportString[21] = { 0 };
    // Clear the display 
    // Build a report to offer    
    (void)sprintf((char *)au8_reportString, "Level %u", u8_thisAccessLevel);
    // Display the level of access that was granted
    st_lcd.DisplayStringAt(1, LINE(1), (uint8_t *)"Access granted", CENTER_MODE);
    st_lcd.DisplayStringAt(1, LINE(2), au8_reportString, CENTER_MODE);
    st_lcd.DisplayStringAt(1, LINE(3), (uint8_t *)"Press RESET to exit", CENTER_MODE);
    // Perform the screen animation
    // Flag the fact that we have granted access already
    uint8_t u8_accessLevelGranted = u8_thisAccessLevel;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// MainThread()
// Called ten times a second.
// This function will:
//      o Get the state of the touch screen
//      o Check to see if a touch screen touch was detected
//      o Extract the X and Y coordinates of the screen touch
//      o Call a function which will handle the screen touch
//      o Call a function to monitor the push button to drive the
//        Moorse Code access functionality
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
static void MainThread(void)
    uint16_t        u16_screenX          = 0;
    uint16_t        u16_screenY          = 0;
    TS_StateTypeDef st_touchScreenState;
    // Have we not offered access already?
    if (0 == u8_thisAccessLevel)
        // Get the status of the Touch Screen interface
        // Has the screen been touched?
        if (st_touchScreenState.TouchDetected)
            // It has been, extract the X and Y coordinates touched
            u16_screenX = st_touchScreenState.X;
            u16_screenY = st_touchScreenState.Y;
            // Call the routine which handles the key press
            KeypadHandleKeyPress(u16_screenX, u16_screenY);
        // Drive the Moorse Code access functionality, scanning the
        // push button 10 times a second
    // Keep track of how many times this function has been called
    // so that we can attempt to see the random generator

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// main()
// This is the main entry called by thembed operating system.
// This function will:
//      o Initialize this module
//      o Call the function that established the LCD screen and
//        draws the keypad
//      o Goes in to a forever loop that wakes up 10 times a second
//      o Calls a function which drives the main task which scans the
//        LCD touch screen for screen touches
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(void)
    // Perform local module initialization, if any
    // Initialize the Keypad module
    // Initialize the Moorse Code module
    // Initialize the Animation module
    // When we start up we will draw the touch screen keypad

    // Enter in to a forever loop which wakes up once a second
    while (true)
        // Sleep for a tenth of a second
        // Call the main process

// End of file