A set of data recording functions to locally store data in a circular buffer, with functions for offloading to an SD Card when convenient. dataRecorderr.h shows accessible functions to the main program - all direct SD operations are abstracted away by the library. When using this library, #include dataRecorder.h

Dependencies:   sd-driver_compatible_with_MAX32630FTHR

Fork of CircularBufferSDCardLib by Daniel Levine

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Apr 04 16:17:34 2018 -0400
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Apr 04 17:15:36 2018 -0400
@@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "sdCardReader.h"
 #include "dataRecorder.h"
-static const char *sd_file_path = "/sd/out.txt";
 DataRecorder* boba = new DataRecorder();
-static SDCardReader soba;// = new SDCardReader();
 //For SDCard 
-// Set up the button to trigger an erase
-InterruptIn irq(BUTTON1);      
-DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+// Set up the button
+InterruptIn irq(PF_2);      
+DigitalOut led1(PE_0);
 // main() runs in its own thread in the OS
 int main() {
@@ -22,13 +17,25 @@
      uint16_t c = 1040;
      uint16_t d = 8;
      uint16_t e = 980;
+     uint32_t ta = 2121;
+     uint32_t tb = 8181;
+     uint32_t tc = 6262;
+     uint32_t td = 3535;
+     uint32_t te = 1212;
-    boba->LogDistancePoint(a);
-    boba->LogDistancePoint(b);
-    boba->LogDistancePoint(c);
-    boba->LogDistancePoint(d);
-    boba->LogDistancePoint(e);
+    boba->logDistancePoint(a);
+    boba->logDistancePoint(b);
+    boba->logDistancePoint(c);
+    boba->logDistancePoint(d);
+    boba->logDistancePoint(e);
+    boba->logTimeStamp(a);
+    boba->logTimeStamp(b);
+    boba->logTimeStamp(c);
+    boba->logTimeStamp(d);
+    boba->logTimeStamp(e);
     //printf("ERE IS %i \n",ere);