A set of data recording functions to locally store data in a circular buffer, with functions for offloading to an SD Card when convenient. dataRecorderr.h shows accessible functions to the main program - all direct SD operations are abstracted away by the library. When using this library, #include dataRecorder.h

Dependencies:   sd-driver_compatible_with_MAX32630FTHR

Fork of CircularBufferSDCardLib by Daniel Levine


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
13:91350588d530 2018-07-11 DVLevine added /fs/ to be able to actually read and write to text file denoting log number default tip
12:c09a50d9469a 2018-04-27 DVLevine Added incrementor that uses a designated text file trialNum.txt to write an integer and to increment that integer everytime it is read.
11:c70e8305ddd7 2018-04-10 DVLevine Fixed SD Card. Get Kalman Angle and prox, with arbitrarily many data fields as needed now. Also added indicator light - red for logging, green for in process of saving. Blue is defautly there to let know that system IMU is working.
10:f5fdba83488a 2018-04-07 DVLevine added field to change number of data fields to be written
9:a2ba4015796e 2018-04-06 DVLevine removed some print statements for speed
8:c62a1aeda47a 2018-04-05 DVLevine removed redundant mbed os
7:f9dcfbedd1b2 2018-04-05 DVLevine Prepared As Library
6:a36eda5701df 2018-04-05 DVLevine V1 Completed!!!!!!!!!
5:0a4ff027086c 2018-04-05 DVLevine bugs ironed out. Uses circular buffer and saves information.
4:fe6d2823b7cb 2018-04-05 DVLevine Finished fixing bug pieces but no print statement.....
3:df8fb1b5d868 2018-04-04 DVLevine Corrected a lot of small errors. Stil some more left.
2:c2cfb0ebc3bd 2018-04-04 DVLevine Completed first round. Now need to bug check
1:45627bbdeb69 2018-04-03 DVLevine Heavily revised and refactored code. SDCardReader class should be about pat, before reviewing syntax bugs. DataRecorder needs to be fleshed out using SDCardReader Implementation.
0:ebe71c7e7854 2018-04-03 DVLevine SD Card Reading library testbed;