Vito Lin
- Committer:
- nylon0212
- Date:
- 2018-11-05
- Revision:
- 9:07de3af99031
- Parent:
- 8:9c3b291b3288
- Child:
- 10:6a9de32601b1
File content as of revision 9:07de3af99031:
#define DEBUG_STDIO 1 #include "mbed.h" //不用gyro的data,只要輸出兩個imu的acce的xyz資料即可 #include "encoder.h" //#include "Mx28.h" //#include "PID.h" #include "LSM9DS1.h" //********************* Dynamxiel ****************************** #define SERVO_ID 0x01 // ID of which we will set Dynamixel too #define SERVO_ControlPin A2 // Control pin of buffer chip, NOTE: this does not matter becasue we are not using a half to full contorl buffer. #define SERVO_SET_Baudrate 1000000 // Baud rate speed which the Dynamixel will be set too (1Mbps) #define TxPin A0 #define RxPin A1 #define CW_LIMIT_ANGLE 1 // lowest clockwise angle is 1, as when set to 0 it set servo to wheel mode #define CCW_LIMIT_ANGLE 4095 // Highest anit-clockwise angle is 0XFFF, as when set to 0 it set servo to wheel mode #define _PI 3.14159265f //*************************************************************** Serial uart(USBTX, USBRX); //Serial uart(D10,D2); // TX : D10 RX : D2 // bluetooth DigitalOut LED(A4); // check if the code is running DigitalOut led2(PA_5); // check if the code is running interrupt uint8_t led2f; //測試用 AnalogIn EMG(PC_4); //肌電訊號 DigitalOut test(PC_8); DigitalOut CS(PA_8); //AnalogOut test2(PA_5); /*IMU*******************************************************************/ LSM9DS1 imu(D14, D15); //SDA SCL //LSM9DS1 imu2(PC_9,PA_8); //SDA SCL void init_IMU(); int16_t Gyro_axis_data[6] = {0}; // X, Y, Z axis int16_t Acce_axis_data[6] = {0}; // X, Y, Z axis float Acce_axis_data_f[6] = {0}; //_f代表經過低通濾波的資料 float Acce_axis_data_f_old[6] = {0}; float Gyro_axis_data_f[6] = {0}; float Gyro_axis_data_f_old[6] = {0}; // Timer Ticker timer1; float ITR_time1 = 100.0; //timer interrupt unit:us 多少us計時一次 10毫秒 float Ts = ITR_time1/1000000; //控馬達的某個時間參數 不用理他 uint8_t flag; // EMG float lpf(float input, float output_old, float frequency); //low pass filter float emg_value; float emg_value_f; float emg_value_f_old; float Tf = ITR_time1/1000000; // 低通濾波的採樣週期 // uart_tx union splitter { //將data切割為兩個byte short j; char C[2]; // C[0] is lowbyte of j, C[1] is highbyte of j }; uint8_t T[16] = {255,255,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // T[16]中的16是2+14,2為start btye 255 255,14為要傳7個參數到電腦,拆成high byte和low byte,所以是7*2=14 // 若要更改傳到電腦的參數個數,則改x*2=y,x為要傳的參數個數,y為char T[]裡面要有多少個0 int i = 0; // function void init_UART(); void init_TIMER(); void timer1_ITR(); void uart_tx(); // 傳data到電腦 /**************************************************************************/ int main() { // LED = 1; // darken // wait_ms(500); // initial sensor // init_SPI_encoder(); // init_encoder(); init_IMU(); // initial uart init_UART(); // wait_ms(500); // led2 = 1; // led2f = 0; // LED = 0; // lighten init_TIMER(); while(1) {} } void init_IMU() { imu.begin(); //imu.G_SCALE_245DPS,imu.A_SCALE_2G,imu.M_SCALE_4GS,imu.G_ODR_238_BW_14,imu.A_ODR_119,imu.M_ODR_0625 // imu2.begin(imu.G_SCALE_500DPS,imu.A_SCALE_2G,imu.M_SCALE_4GS,imu.G_ODR_476_BW_21,imu.A_ODR_476,imu.M_ODR_0625); } void init_UART() { uart.baud(115200); } void init_TIMER() { timer1.attach_us(&timer1_ITR, ITR_time1); } void timer1_ITR() //開始讀取資料 { // test = 1; led2 = !led2; // EMG //emg_value =; // emg_value_f = lpf(emg_value,emg_value_f_old,15); // emg_value_f_old = emg_value_f; CS = 1; // IMU imu.readAccel(); // imu.readGyro(); // imu2.readAccel(); // imu2.readGyro(); //Acce_axis_data[0] =*Acce_gain_x; // Acce_axis_data[1] = imu.ay*Acce_gain_y; // Acce_axis_data[2] =*Acce_gain_z; // Acce_axis_data[3] =*Acce_gain_x_2; // Acce_axis_data[4] =*Acce_gain_y_2; // Acce_axis_data[5] = imu2.ay*Acce_gain_z_2; //Gyro_axis_data[0] = imu.gx*Gyro_gain_x; // Gyro_axis_data[1] =*Gyro_gain_y; // Gyro_axis_data[2] = imu.gz*Gyro_gain_z; // Gyro_axis_data[3] = -imu2.gx*Gyro_gain_x_2; // Gyro_axis_data[4] = imu2.gz*Gyro_gain_y_2; // Gyro_axis_data[5] =*Gyro_gain_z_2; //for(i=0; i<6; i++) { // Acce_axis_data_f[i] = lpf(Acce_axis_data[i],Acce_axis_data_f_old[i],15); // Acce_axis_data_f_old[i] = Acce_axis_data_f[i]; // Gyro_axis_data_f[i] = lpf(Gyro_axis_data[i],Gyro_axis_data_f_old[i],15); // Gyro_axis_data_f_old[i] = Gyro_axis_data_f[i]; // } uart.printf("x: %7.4f, y: %7.4f, z: %7.4f\n\r",, imu.ay,; //uart_tx(); // flag = 0; // wait_ms(1); // test = 0; } void uart_tx() //分割資料 { splitter s1; splitter s2; splitter s3; splitter s4; splitter s5; splitter s6; splitter s7; // splitter s8; s1.j = Acce_axis_data_f[0]; // 0x6161;// s2.j = Acce_axis_data_f[1]; s3.j = Acce_axis_data_f[2]; s4.j = Acce_axis_data_f[3]; s5.j = Acce_axis_data_f[4]; s6.j = Acce_axis_data_f[5]; s7.j = emg_value_f; // s8.j = 1; // 若要傳的參數不足8個,則隨意打一個常數即可 T[2] = Acce_axis_data[0]; //0x5A; T[3] = Acce_axis_data[0] >>8; T[4] = s2.C[0]; T[5] = s2.C[1]; T[6] = s3.C[0]; T[7] = s3.C[1]; T[8] = s4.C[0]; T[9] = s4.C[1]; T[10] = s5.C[0]; T[11] = s5.C[1]; T[12] = s6.C[0]; T[13] = s6.C[1]; T[14] = s7.C[0]; T[15] = s7.C[1]; // uart.putc(T[0]); // uart.putc(T[1]); // uart.putc(T[2]); // uart.putc(T[3]); // uart.putc(T[4]); // uart.putc(T[5]); // uart.putc(T[6]); // uart.putc(T[7]); // uart.putc(T[8]); // uart.putc(T[9]); // uart.putc(T[10]); // uart.putc(T[11]); // uart.putc(T[12]); // uart.putc(T[13]); // uart.putc(T[14]); // uart.putc(T[15]); // while(1) { //開始傳到USB // if (uart.writeable() == 1) { // uart.putc(T[i]); // i++; // } // if (i >= sizeof(T)) { // i = 0; // break; // } // } } float lpf(float input, float output_old, float frequency) { float output = 0; output = (output_old + frequency*Tf*input) / (1 + frequency*Tf); return output; } //有估測器有delay,丟資料給機器學習時就不是及時動作,所以之後決定直接丟資料