SOES implementation i.c.w. ET1100 (Beckhoff ASIC)

Dependencies:   KL25Z_ClockControl MODSERIAL mbed

Fork of EtherCAT-XbusMaster by First Last

--- a/EtherCAT/objectlist.h	Thu Dec 11 21:16:00 2014 +0000
+++ b/EtherCAT/objectlist.h	Thu Dec 11 21:49:07 2014 +0000
@@ -1,286 +1,286 @@
- * SOES Simple Open EtherCAT Slave
- *
- * File    : objectlist.h
- * Version : 0.9.2
- * Date    : 22-02-2010
- * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Arthur Ketels
- *
- * SOES is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
- * Software Foundation.
- *
- * SOES is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
- * for more details.
- *
- * As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
- * or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
- * with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
- * by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
- * License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
- * in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
- *
- * This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
- * this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
- *
- * The EtherCAT Technology, the trade name and logo "EtherCAT" are the intellectual
- * property of, and protected by Beckhoff Automation GmbH.
- */
-#ifndef __objectlist__
-#define __objectlist__
-For info about this file, please check
-typedef const struct
-  {
-    uint16        subindex;
-    uint16        datatype;
-    uint16        bitlength;
-    uint16        access;
-    char   const *name;
-    uint32        value;
-    void          *data;
-  } _objd;
-typedef const struct
-  {
-    uint16        index;
-    uint16        objtype;
-    uint8         maxsub;
-    uint8         pad1;
-    char   const *name;
-    _objd   const *objdesc;
-  } _objectlist;
-#define OBJH_READ               0
-#define OBJH_WRITE              1
-#define _ac const char
-#define nil 0
-//Described in Table 63 & Table 64 of ETG1000.6
-#define OTYPE_DOMAIN            0x0002
-#define OTYPE_DEFTYPE           0x0005
-#define OTYPE_DEFSTRUCT         0x0006
-#define OTYPE_VAR               0x0007
-#define OTYPE_ARRAY             0x0008
-#define OTYPE_RECORD            0x0009
-//Described in Table 70 of ETG1000.6
-#define DTYPE_BOOLEAN           0x0001
-#define DTYPE_INTEGER8          0x0002
-#define DTYPE_INTEGER16         0x0003
-#define DTYPE_INTEGER32         0x0004
-#define DTYPE_UNSIGNED8         0x0005
-#define DTYPE_UNSIGNED16        0x0006
-#define DTYPE_UNSIGNED32        0x0007
-#define DTYPE_REAL32            0x0008
-#define DTYPE_VISIBLE_STRING    0x0009
-#define DTYPE_OCTET_STRING      0x000A
-#define DTYPE_UNICODE_STRING    0x000B
-#define DTYPE_INTEGER24         0x0010
-#define DTYPE_UNSIGNED24        0x0016
-#define DTYPE_INTEGER64         0x0015
-#define DTYPE_UNSIGNED64        0x001B
-#define DTYPE_REAL64            0x0011
-#define DTYPE_PDO_MAPPING       0x0021
-#define DTYPE_IDENTITY          0x0023
-#define DTYPE_BIT1              0x0030
-#define DTYPE_BIT2              0x0031
-#define DTYPE_BIT3              0x0032
-#define DTYPE_BIT4              0x0033
-#define DTYPE_BIT5              0x0034
-#define DTYPE_BIT6              0x0035
-#define DTYPE_BIT7              0x0036
-#define DTYPE_BIT8              0x0037
-//See 'Object Access' in Table 47 of ETG1000.6
-#define ATYPE_R                 0x07
-#define ATYPE_RW                0x3F
-#define ATYPE_RWpre             0x0F
-#define ATYPE_RXPDO             0x40
-#define ATYPE_TXPDO             0x80
-/** Mapping of parameters is according to ETG.5000 document, and ETG.1000.6
-_ac acName1000[]="Device Type";
-_ac acName1008[]="Manufacturer Device Name";
-_ac acName1009[]="Manufacturer Hardware Version";
-_ac acName100A[]="Manufacturer Software Version";
-_ac acName1018[]="Identity Object";
-/*Subindexes for Identity Object*/
-_ac acName1018_01[]="Vendor ID";
-_ac acName1018_02[]="Product Code";
-_ac acName1018_03[]="Revision Number";
-_ac acName1018_04[]="Serial Number";
-/*End of subindexes for Identity Object*/
-_ac acNameMO[]="Mapped object";
-_ac acName1600[]="Receive PDO mapping";
-_ac acName1A00[]="Transmit PDO mapping - Digital";
-_ac acName1A10[]="Transmit PDO mapping - Analog";
-_ac acName1C00[]="Sync Manager Communication type";
-/*Subindexes for Sync Manager Communication type*/
-_ac acName1C00_01[]="Communications type SM0";
-_ac acName1C00_02[]="Communications type SM1";
-_ac acName1C00_03[]="Communications type SM2";
-_ac acName1C00_04[]="Communications type SM3";
-/*End of subindexes for Sync Manager Communication type*/
-_ac acName1C10[]="Sync Manager 0 PDO Assignment";
-_ac acName1C11[]="Sync Manager 1 PDO Assignment";
-_ac acName1C12[]="Sync Manager 2 PDO Assignment";
-_ac acName1C13[]="Sync Manager 3 PDO Assignment";
-_ac acNameNOE[]="Number of entries";
-_ac acName6000[]="Digital Inputs";
-/*Subindexes for Digital Inputs*/
-_ac acName6000_01[]="Status";
-_ac acName6000_02[]="Counter";
-_ac acName6000_03[]="Digital inputs";
-/*End of subindexes for Digital Inputs*/
-_ac acName6001[]="Analog Inputs";
-/*Subindexes for Analog inputs*/
-_ac acName6001_01[]="Analog 1";
-_ac acName6001_02[]="Analog 2";
-_ac acName6001_03[]="Analog 3";
-_ac acName6001_04[]="Analog 4";
-_ac acName6001_05[]="Analog 5";
-_ac acName6001_06[]="Analog 6";
-_ac acName6001_07[]="Analog 7";
-_ac acName6001_08[]="Analog 8";
-_ac acName6001_09[]="Timestamp";
-/*End of subindexes for Analog inputs*/
-_ac acName7000[]="Outputs";
-/*Subindexes of Outputs*/
-_ac acName7000_01[]="Control";
-_ac acName7000_02[]="digoutput";
-/*End of subindexes for Outputs*/
-_ac acName8000[]="Configuration";
-/*Subindexes of configuration*/
-_ac acName8000_01[]="Settings 8";
-_ac acName8000_02[]="Settings 16";
-/*End of subindexes of configuration*/
-/** Definiton of Device Name */
-char ac1008_00[]="SOES Simple Open EtherCAT Slave";
-/** Definition of Hardware version*/
-char ac1009_00[]="0.0.1";
-/** Definition of Software version*/
-char ac100A_00[]="0.0.1";
-/** Service Data Object 1000: Device Type */
-const _objd SDO1000[]=
-/** Service Data Object 1008: Device Name */
-const _objd SDO1008[]=
-/** Service Data Object 1009: Hardware Version */
-const _objd SDO1009[]=
-/** Service Data Object 100A: Software Version */
-const _objd SDO100A[]=
-const _objd SDO1018[]=                                              //See ETG.1000.6 'Identity Object'
- {{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x04},               //Number of Entries
-  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acName1018_01[0],0x500},  //Vendor ID
-  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acName1018_02[0],0x00908001 },  //Product Code
-  {0x03,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acName1018_03[0],0x002},  //Revision Number
-  {0x04,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acName1018_04[0],0x001}   //Serial Number};
-const _objd SDO1600[]=                                              //RxPDO mapping (objects from master to slave)
-{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x02},               //Number of RxPDOs
-  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x70000108},       //First Object, pointing to object 7001:01
-  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x70000208}       //Second Object, pointing to object 7001:02
-const _objd SDO1A00[]=                                              //TxPDO mapping (objects from slave to master)
-{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x03},               //Number of TxPDOs
-  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60000108},       //First Object, pointing to object  6000:01
-  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60000208},       //Second Object, pointing to object 6000:02
-  {0x03,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60000308}       //..
-const _objd SDO1A10[]=                                              //Second TxPDO module
-  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010110},
-  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010210},
-  {0x03,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010310},
-  {0x04,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010410},
-  {0x05,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010510},
-  {0x06,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010610},
-  {0x07,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010710},
-  {0x08,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010810},
-  {0x09,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010920}
-const _objd SDO1C00[]=                                              //Sync Manager
-{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x04},               //Number of used Sync Manager channels
-  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acName1C00_01[0],0x01},          //Sync Manager 0: Mailbox Receive (master->slave)
-  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acName1C00_02[0],0x02},          //Sync Manager 1: Mailbos send    (slave->master)
-  {0x03,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acName1C00_03[0],0x03},          //Process Data Output (or Inputs if no Outputs are used)
-  {0x04,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acName1C00_04[0],0x04}           //Process Data Input
-const _objd SDO1C10[]=                                              //Sync Manager 0 PDO Assignment
-const _objd SDO1C11[]=                                              //Sync Manager 1 PDO Assignment
-const _objd SDO1C12[]=                                              //RxPDO Assign objects
-{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x01},               //Number of Entries
-  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED16,16,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x1600}           //Send objects in index 0x1600
-const _objd SDO1C13[]=                                              //TxPDO Assign objects ; CHANGEABLE, thus 'RWpre' mode
-{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_RWpre,&acNameNOE[0],0x02},               //Number of Entries
-  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED16,16,ATYPE_RWpre,&acNameMO[0],0x1A00},            //Send objects in index 0x1A00
-  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED16,16,ATYPE_RWpre,&acNameMO[0],0x1A10}             //Send objects in index 0x1A10
-const _objd SDO6000[]=                                                      //TxPDO module
-{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x03},                     //Number of elements
-  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_R,&acName6000_01[0],0,&(Rb.status)},      //6000:01 is status
-  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_R,&acName6000_02[0],0,&(Rb.counter)},     //6000:02 is counter
-  {0x03,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_R,&acName6000_03[0],0,&(Rb.diginput)}     //6000:03 is digital inputs
-const _objd SDO6001[]=                                                      //TxPDO module
-{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x09},                     //Number of elements
-  {0x01,DTYPE_INTEGER16  ,16,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_01[0],0,&(Rb.analog[0])},  //6001:1 is analog 0
-  {0x02,DTYPE_INTEGER16  ,16,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_02[0],0,&(Rb.analog[1])},  //6001:2 is analog 1
-  {0x03,DTYPE_INTEGER16  ,16,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_03[0],0,&(Rb.analog[2])},  //6001:3 is analog 2
-  {0x04,DTYPE_INTEGER16  ,16,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_04[0],0,&(Rb.analog[3])},  //6001:4 is analog 3
-  {0x05,DTYPE_INTEGER16  ,16,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_05[0],0,&(Rb.analog[4])},  //6001:5 is analog 4
-  {0x06,DTYPE_INTEGER16  ,16,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_06[0],0,&(Rb.analog[5])},  //6001:6 is analog 5
-  {0x07,DTYPE_INTEGER16  ,16,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_07[0],0,&(Rb.analog[6])},  //6001:7 is analog 6
-  {0x08,DTYPE_INTEGER16  ,16,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_08[0],0,&(Rb.analog[7])},  //6001:8 is analog 7
-  {0x09,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32 ,32,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_09[0],0,&(Rb.timestamp)}   //6001:9 is timestamp
-const _objd SDO7000[]=                                                      //RxPDO module
-{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x02},                     //Number of elements
-  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_RW,&acName7000_01[0],0,&(Wb.control)},    //7001:01 is control
-  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_RW,&acName7000_02[0],0,&(Wb.digoutput)}   //7001:02 is digoutput
-const _objd SDO8000[]=                                                      //Configuration mailbox
-{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x02},                     //number of elements
-  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_RW,&acName8000_01[0],0,&(Eb.setting8)},   //8000:01 is setting8
-  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED16 ,16,ATYPE_RW,&acName8000_02[0],0,&(Eb.setting16)}  //8000:02 is setting16
-/** Object list; all objects used in EtherCAT slave */
-const _objectlist SDOobjects[]=
-{{0x1000,OTYPE_VAR     , 0,0,&acName1000[0],&SDO1000[0]},       //Device Type
-  {0x1008,OTYPE_VAR     , 0,0,&acName1008[0],&SDO1008[0]},      //Device Name
-  {0x1009,OTYPE_VAR     , 0,0,&acName1009[0],&SDO1009[0]},      //Hardware Version
-  {0x100A,OTYPE_VAR     , 0,0,&acName100A[0],&SDO100A[0]},      //Software Version
-  {0x1018,OTYPE_RECORD  , 4,0,&acName1018[0],&SDO1018[0]},      //Identity
-  {0x1600,OTYPE_RECORD  , 0x02,0,&acName1600[0],&SDO1600[0]},   //RxPDO mapping
-  {0x1A00,OTYPE_RECORD  , 0x03,0,&acName1A00[0],&SDO1A00[0]},   //TxPDO mapping
-  {0x1A10,OTYPE_RECORD  , 0x09,0,&acName1A10[0],&SDO1A10[0]},   //TxPDO mapping
-  {0x1C00,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 4,0,&acName1C00[0],&SDO1C00[0]},      //Sync Manager configuration
-  {0x1C10,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 0,0,&acName1C10[0],&SDO1C10[0]},      //Sync Manager 0 PDO assignment
-  {0x1C11,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 0,0,&acName1C11[0],&SDO1C11[0]},      //Sync Manager 1 PDO assignment
-  {0x1C12,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 1,0,&acName1C12[0],&SDO1C12[0]},      //RxPDO objects
-  {0x1C13,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 2,0,&acName1C13[0],&SDO1C13[0]},      //TxPDO objects
-  {0x6000,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 0x03,0,&acName6000[0],&SDO6000[0]},   //TxPDO module
-  {0x6001,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 0x09,0,&acName6001[0],&SDO6001[0]},   //TxPDO module
-  {0x7000,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 0x02,0,&acName7000[0],&SDO7000[0]},   //RxPDO module
-  {0x8000,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 0x02,0,&acName8000[0],&SDO8000[0]},   //RxPDO module
-  {0xffff,0xff,0xff,0xff,nil,nil}
+ * SOES Simple Open EtherCAT Slave
+ *
+ * File    : objectlist.h
+ * Version : 0.9.2
+ * Date    : 22-02-2010
+ * Copyright (C) 2007-2010 Arthur Ketels
+ *
+ * SOES is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free
+ * Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * SOES is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+ * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
+ * for more details.
+ *
+ * As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
+ * or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
+ * with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
+ * by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
+ * License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
+ * in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
+ *
+ * This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
+ * this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+ *
+ * The EtherCAT Technology, the trade name and logo "EtherCAT" are the intellectual
+ * property of, and protected by Beckhoff Automation GmbH.
+ */
+#ifndef __objectlist__
+#define __objectlist__
+For info about this file, please check
+typedef const struct
+  {
+    uint16        subindex;
+    uint16        datatype;
+    uint16        bitlength;
+    uint16        access;
+    char   const *name;
+    uint32        value;
+    void          *data;
+  } _objd;
+typedef const struct
+  {
+    uint16        index;
+    uint16        objtype;
+    uint8         maxsub;
+    uint8         pad1;
+    char   const *name;
+    _objd   const *objdesc;
+  } _objectlist;
+#define OBJH_READ               0
+#define OBJH_WRITE              1
+#define _ac const char
+#define nil 0
+//Described in Table 63 & Table 64 of ETG1000.6
+#define OTYPE_DOMAIN            0x0002
+#define OTYPE_DEFTYPE           0x0005
+#define OTYPE_DEFSTRUCT         0x0006
+#define OTYPE_VAR               0x0007
+#define OTYPE_ARRAY             0x0008
+#define OTYPE_RECORD            0x0009
+//Described in Table 70 of ETG1000.6
+#define DTYPE_BOOLEAN           0x0001
+#define DTYPE_INTEGER8          0x0002
+#define DTYPE_INTEGER16         0x0003
+#define DTYPE_INTEGER32         0x0004
+#define DTYPE_UNSIGNED8         0x0005
+#define DTYPE_UNSIGNED16        0x0006
+#define DTYPE_UNSIGNED32        0x0007
+#define DTYPE_REAL32            0x0008
+#define DTYPE_VISIBLE_STRING    0x0009
+#define DTYPE_OCTET_STRING      0x000A
+#define DTYPE_UNICODE_STRING    0x000B
+#define DTYPE_INTEGER24         0x0010
+#define DTYPE_UNSIGNED24        0x0016
+#define DTYPE_INTEGER64         0x0015
+#define DTYPE_UNSIGNED64        0x001B
+#define DTYPE_REAL64            0x0011
+#define DTYPE_PDO_MAPPING       0x0021
+#define DTYPE_IDENTITY          0x0023
+#define DTYPE_BIT1              0x0030
+#define DTYPE_BIT2              0x0031
+#define DTYPE_BIT3              0x0032
+#define DTYPE_BIT4              0x0033
+#define DTYPE_BIT5              0x0034
+#define DTYPE_BIT6              0x0035
+#define DTYPE_BIT7              0x0036
+#define DTYPE_BIT8              0x0037
+//See 'Object Access' in Table 47 of ETG1000.6
+#define ATYPE_R                 0x07
+#define ATYPE_RW                0x3F
+#define ATYPE_RWpre             0x0F
+#define ATYPE_RXPDO             0x40
+#define ATYPE_TXPDO             0x80
+/** Mapping of parameters is according to ETG.5000 document, and ETG.1000.6
+_ac acName1000[]="Device Type";
+_ac acName1008[]="Manufacturer Device Name";
+_ac acName1009[]="Manufacturer Hardware Version";
+_ac acName100A[]="Manufacturer Software Version";
+_ac acName1018[]="Identity Object";
+/*Subindexes for Identity Object*/
+_ac acName1018_01[]="Vendor ID";
+_ac acName1018_02[]="Product Code";
+_ac acName1018_03[]="Revision Number";
+_ac acName1018_04[]="Serial Number";
+/*End of subindexes for Identity Object*/
+_ac acNameMO[]="Mapped object";
+_ac acName1600[]="Receive PDO mapping";
+_ac acName1A00[]="Transmit PDO mapping - Digital";
+_ac acName1A10[]="Transmit PDO mapping - Analog";
+_ac acName1C00[]="Sync Manager Communication type";
+/*Subindexes for Sync Manager Communication type*/
+_ac acName1C00_01[]="Communications type SM0";
+_ac acName1C00_02[]="Communications type SM1";
+_ac acName1C00_03[]="Communications type SM2";
+_ac acName1C00_04[]="Communications type SM3";
+/*End of subindexes for Sync Manager Communication type*/
+_ac acName1C10[]="Sync Manager 0 PDO Assignment";
+_ac acName1C11[]="Sync Manager 1 PDO Assignment";
+_ac acName1C12[]="Sync Manager 2 PDO Assignment";
+_ac acName1C13[]="Sync Manager 3 PDO Assignment";
+_ac acNameNOE[]="Number of entries";
+_ac acName6000[]="Digital Inputs";
+/*Subindexes for Digital Inputs*/
+_ac acName6000_01[]="Status";
+_ac acName6000_02[]="Counter";
+_ac acName6000_03[]="Digital inputs";
+/*End of subindexes for Digital Inputs*/
+_ac acName6001[]="Analog Inputs";
+/*Subindexes for Analog inputs*/
+_ac acName6001_01[]="Analog 1";
+_ac acName6001_02[]="Analog 2";
+_ac acName6001_03[]="Analog 3";
+_ac acName6001_04[]="Analog 4";
+_ac acName6001_05[]="Analog 5";
+_ac acName6001_06[]="Analog 6";
+_ac acName6001_07[]="Analog 7";
+_ac acName6001_08[]="Analog 8";
+_ac acName6001_09[]="Timestamp";
+/*End of subindexes for Analog inputs*/
+_ac acName7000[]="Outputs";
+/*Subindexes of Outputs*/
+_ac acName7000_01[]="Control";
+_ac acName7000_02[]="digoutput";
+/*End of subindexes for Outputs*/
+_ac acName8000[]="Configuration";
+/*Subindexes of configuration*/
+_ac acName8000_01[]="Settings 8";
+_ac acName8000_02[]="Settings 16";
+/*End of subindexes of configuration*/
+/** Definiton of Device Name */
+char ac1008_00[]="BalanceBoard";
+/** Definition of Hardware version*/
+char ac1009_00[]="0.0.1";
+/** Definition of Software version*/
+char ac100A_00[]="0.0.1";
+/** Service Data Object 1000: Device Type */
+const _objd SDO1000[]=
+/** Service Data Object 1008: Device Name */
+const _objd SDO1008[]=
+/** Service Data Object 1009: Hardware Version */
+const _objd SDO1009[]=
+/** Service Data Object 100A: Software Version */
+const _objd SDO100A[]=
+const _objd SDO1018[]=                                              //See ETG.1000.6 'Identity Object'
+ {{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x04},               //Number of Entries
+  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acName1018_01[0],0x500},  //Vendor ID
+  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acName1018_02[0],0x00000004 },  //Product Code
+  {0x03,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acName1018_03[0],0x001},  //Revision Number
+  {0x04,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acName1018_04[0],0x001}   //Serial Number};
+const _objd SDO1600[]=                                              //RxPDO mapping (objects from master to slave)
+{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x02},               //Number of RxPDOs
+  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x70000108},       //First Object, pointing to object 7001:01
+  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x70000208}       //Second Object, pointing to object 7001:02
+const _objd SDO1A00[]=                                              //TxPDO mapping (objects from slave to master)
+{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x03},               //Number of TxPDOs
+  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60000108},       //First Object, pointing to object  6000:01
+  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60000208},       //Second Object, pointing to object 6000:02
+  {0x03,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60000308}       //..
+const _objd SDO1A10[]=                                              //Second TxPDO module
+  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010110},
+  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010210},
+  {0x03,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010310},
+  {0x04,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010410},
+  {0x05,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010510},
+  {0x06,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010610},
+  {0x07,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010710},
+  {0x08,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010810},
+  {0x09,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32,32,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x60010920}
+const _objd SDO1C00[]=                                              //Sync Manager
+{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x04},               //Number of used Sync Manager channels
+  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acName1C00_01[0],0x01},          //Sync Manager 0: Mailbox Receive (master->slave)
+  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acName1C00_02[0],0x02},          //Sync Manager 1: Mailbos send    (slave->master)
+  {0x03,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acName1C00_03[0],0x03},          //Process Data Output (or Inputs if no Outputs are used)
+  {0x04,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acName1C00_04[0],0x04}           //Process Data Input
+const _objd SDO1C10[]=                                              //Sync Manager 0 PDO Assignment
+const _objd SDO1C11[]=                                              //Sync Manager 1 PDO Assignment
+const _objd SDO1C12[]=                                              //RxPDO Assign objects
+{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x01},               //Number of Entries
+  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED16,16,ATYPE_R,&acNameMO[0],0x1600}           //Send objects in index 0x1600
+const _objd SDO1C13[]=                                              //TxPDO Assign objects ; CHANGEABLE, thus 'RWpre' mode
+{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8,8,ATYPE_RWpre,&acNameNOE[0],0x02},               //Number of Entries
+  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED16,16,ATYPE_RWpre,&acNameMO[0],0x1A00},            //Send objects in index 0x1A00
+  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED16,16,ATYPE_RWpre,&acNameMO[0],0x1A10}             //Send objects in index 0x1A10
+const _objd SDO6000[]=                                                      //TxPDO module
+{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x03},                     //Number of elements
+  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_R,&acName6000_01[0],0,&(Rb.status)},      //6000:01 is status
+  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_R,&acName6000_02[0],0,&(Rb.counter)},     //6000:02 is counter
+  {0x03,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_R,&acName6000_03[0],0,&(Rb.diginput)}     //6000:03 is digital inputs
+const _objd SDO6001[]=                                                      //TxPDO module
+{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x09},                     //Number of elements
+  {0x01,DTYPE_INTEGER16  ,16,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_01[0],0,&(Rb.analog[0])},  //6001:1 is analog 0
+  {0x02,DTYPE_INTEGER16  ,16,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_02[0],0,&(Rb.analog[1])},  //6001:2 is analog 1
+  {0x03,DTYPE_INTEGER16  ,16,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_03[0],0,&(Rb.analog[2])},  //6001:3 is analog 2
+  {0x04,DTYPE_INTEGER16  ,16,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_04[0],0,&(Rb.analog[3])},  //6001:4 is analog 3
+  {0x05,DTYPE_INTEGER16  ,16,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_05[0],0,&(Rb.analog[4])},  //6001:5 is analog 4
+  {0x06,DTYPE_INTEGER16  ,16,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_06[0],0,&(Rb.analog[5])},  //6001:6 is analog 5
+  {0x07,DTYPE_INTEGER16  ,16,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_07[0],0,&(Rb.analog[6])},  //6001:7 is analog 6
+  {0x08,DTYPE_INTEGER16  ,16,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_08[0],0,&(Rb.analog[7])},  //6001:8 is analog 7
+  {0x09,DTYPE_UNSIGNED32 ,32,ATYPE_R,&acName6001_09[0],0,&(Rb.timestamp)}   //6001:9 is timestamp
+const _objd SDO7000[]=                                                      //RxPDO module
+{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x02},                     //Number of elements
+  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_RW,&acName7000_01[0],0,&(Wb.control)},    //7001:01 is control
+  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_RW,&acName7000_02[0],0,&(Wb.digoutput)}   //7001:02 is digoutput
+const _objd SDO8000[]=                                                      //Configuration mailbox
+{{0x00,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_R,&acNameNOE[0],0x02},                     //number of elements
+  {0x01,DTYPE_UNSIGNED8  ,8,ATYPE_RW,&acName8000_01[0],0,&(Eb.setting8)},   //8000:01 is setting8
+  {0x02,DTYPE_UNSIGNED16 ,16,ATYPE_RW,&acName8000_02[0],0,&(Eb.setting16)}  //8000:02 is setting16
+/** Object list; all objects used in EtherCAT slave */
+const _objectlist SDOobjects[]=
+{{0x1000,OTYPE_VAR     , 0,0,&acName1000[0],&SDO1000[0]},       //Device Type
+  {0x1008,OTYPE_VAR     , 0,0,&acName1008[0],&SDO1008[0]},      //Device Name
+  {0x1009,OTYPE_VAR     , 0,0,&acName1009[0],&SDO1009[0]},      //Hardware Version
+  {0x100A,OTYPE_VAR     , 0,0,&acName100A[0],&SDO100A[0]},      //Software Version
+  {0x1018,OTYPE_RECORD  , 4,0,&acName1018[0],&SDO1018[0]},      //Identity
+  {0x1600,OTYPE_RECORD  , 0x02,0,&acName1600[0],&SDO1600[0]},   //RxPDO mapping
+  {0x1A00,OTYPE_RECORD  , 0x03,0,&acName1A00[0],&SDO1A00[0]},   //TxPDO mapping
+  {0x1A10,OTYPE_RECORD  , 0x09,0,&acName1A10[0],&SDO1A10[0]},   //TxPDO mapping
+  {0x1C00,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 4,0,&acName1C00[0],&SDO1C00[0]},      //Sync Manager configuration
+  {0x1C10,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 0,0,&acName1C10[0],&SDO1C10[0]},      //Sync Manager 0 PDO assignment
+  {0x1C11,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 0,0,&acName1C11[0],&SDO1C11[0]},      //Sync Manager 1 PDO assignment
+  {0x1C12,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 1,0,&acName1C12[0],&SDO1C12[0]},      //RxPDO objects
+  {0x1C13,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 2,0,&acName1C13[0],&SDO1C13[0]},      //TxPDO objects
+  {0x6000,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 0x03,0,&acName6000[0],&SDO6000[0]},   //TxPDO module
+  {0x6001,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 0x09,0,&acName6001[0],&SDO6001[0]},   //TxPDO module
+  {0x7000,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 0x02,0,&acName7000[0],&SDO7000[0]},   //RxPDO module
+  {0x8000,OTYPE_ARRAY   , 0x02,0,&acName8000[0],&SDO8000[0]},   //RxPDO module
+  {0xffff,0xff,0xff,0xff,nil,nil}