This program demonstrates serial communications and digital output. I have a similar program for the Arduino Uno. The purpose of this program is to compare mbed and Arduino code.
Fork of Serial_ex_2 by
This is the corresponding Arduino/Wiring .ino program:
/* Serial2RGB_A
Toggles RGB LED junctions based on characters received via serial connection. Echos characters sent.
Hardware Required:
Arduino (or similar board as written)
Created by Dr. C. S. Tritt
Revision History
16-07-07 v. 1.0 Initial development (on TI MSP432). 17-03-13 v. 1.1 Ported to Arduino boards. 17-03-14 v. 1.2 Added echo of read characters.
- /
Use defines for pin IDs and other constants
- define RED_PIN 9 RED_LED
- define GRN_PIN 10 GREEN_LED
- define BLU_PIN 11 BLUE_LED
- define BAUD 9600 Other settings default to 8-N-1.
char inChar; boolean redState = LOW; boolean grnState = LOW; boolean bluState = LOW;
void setup() { Initialize the pins as an output. Assumes adjacent pins. for (int led = RED_PIN; led <= BLU_PIN; led++) { pinMode(led, OUTPUT); } Initialize serial communication. Serial.begin(BAUD); Set baud rate. }
void loop() { Read serial if available. if (Serial.available() > 0) { get incoming byte: inChar = (char) Serial.read(); Read and convert a value. Serial.print(inChar); Echo what was read. Use it to toggle outputs (LED states) if (inChar == 'r') { redState = !redState; digitalWrite(RED_PIN, redState); } else if (inChar == 'g') { grnState = !grnState; digitalWrite(GRN_PIN, grnState); } else if (inChar == 'b') { bluState = !bluState; digitalWrite(BLU_PIN, bluState); } } }