New example. Initial version.

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Oct 13 13:08:42 2021 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Oct 17 02:15:18 2021 +0000
@@ -1,35 +1,64 @@
-Project: 21_TimeSense_v5
+Project: 21_SerialPass_v5
 File: main.cpp
- A simple time sense game.
+Demonstrates how to pass a Serial objectto a function by reference. Also 
+introduces C strings and uses VT-100 escape sequences to prevent scrolling. 
- Uses VT-100 escape sequences to prevent scrolling. See
- and/or
+* C Strings:
+* String literal escape sequences (this is a different meaning than the VT-100
+  terminal escape sequences):
+* VT-100 Escape sequences:
+* ANSI Escape Sequences:
+* ANSI Color Codes, etc.
- Written by: Dr. C. S. Tritt; Last revised 10/13/21 (v. 1.1)
+ Written by: Dr. C. S. Tritt; Last revised 10/16/21 (v. 1.0)
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "myFuncs.h"
 // Construct a USER_BUTTON digital input.
 DigitalIn myButton(USER_BUTTON);
- // Construct a timer object.
+ // Construct a timer object. Not yet used. May use later.
 Timer myTimer;
  // Construct a transmit only serial connection over our USB.
 Serial pc(USBTX, NC, 9600);
 int main()
-    const int TARGET = 5000; // Target time in mS.
-    const int TRIALS = 3; // Number of trials (cycles).
-    int rSum = 0; // Running sum for average in mS.
-    clrTerm(&pc); // Clear the terminal.
-    pc.printf("Hold button down for %f seconds.\n", 
-        static_cast<float>(TARGET)/1000.f);
+    clrTerm(pc); // Clear the terminal at startup.
+    whiteText(pc); // Change text to white.
+    pc.printf("Welcome to SerialPass.\n");
+    pc.printf("Press the ");
+    blueText(pc); // Change text to blue. There are better approaches to this.
+    pc.printf("blue User Button");
+    whiteText(pc); // Change text to white.
+    pc.printf(" to clear this and continue...\n");
+    // Wait here for button to be pressed (making it low, false).
+    while (myButton) {
+        ThisThread::sleep_for(10); // Yield time to other threads.
+    }
+    clrTerm(pc); // Clear the terminal.
+    // This is the better approach. Define some char array constants containing
+    // the escape codes. The \x1B inserts the 1B_16 (escape) characters into the
+    // char vectors (really "C strings" because they are "null terminated"  
+    // (because they were created using the double quotes). Use the strings in
+    // printf statements to send the control text to the terminal. There are 
+    // probably even betters ways to do this, but this is good enough for now.
+    const char red[] = "\x1B[31m";
+    const char white[] = "\x1B[37m";
+    const char blue[] = "\x1B[34m";     
+    pc.printf("The screen should clear and this text appear in...\n");
+    // Note finish with white to leave terminal in a typical state.
+    pc.printf("%sred, %swhite, and %sblue%s.\n", red, white, blue, white);
     while(true) {  // Main forever loop.
         ThisThread::sleep_for(300000); // Sleep for 5 minutes, repeatedly.