W5500 driver for mbed OS 5

Dependents:   http-webserver-example mbed-os-example-sockets

Fork of W5500Interface by Sergei G



File content as of revision 0:77e050d1fb12:

/* W5500 implementation of NetworkInterfaceAPI
 * Copyright (c) 2015 ARM Limited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef W5500_INTERFACE_H
#define W5500_INTERFACE_H

#include "NetworkStack.h"
#include "EthInterface.h"

#include "rtos.h"
#include "WIZnet/W5500.h"

/** W5500Interface class
 *  Implementation of the NetworkStack for the W5500
class W5500Interface : public NetworkStack, public EthInterface, public WIZnet_Chip 
    W5500Interface(SPI* spi, PinName cs, PinName reset);
    W5500Interface(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sclk, PinName cs, PinName reset);
    int init();
    int init(uint8_t * mac);
    int init(const char* ip, const char* mask, const char* gateway);
    int init(uint8_t * mac, const char* ip, const char* mask, const char* gateway);

    /** Start the interface
     *  @return             0 on success, negative on failure
    virtual int connect();

    /** Stop the interface
     *  @return             0 on success, negative on failure
    virtual int disconnect();

    /** Get the internally stored IP address
     *  @return             IP address of the interface or null if not yet connected
    virtual const char *get_ip_address();

    /** Get the internally stored MAC address
     *  @return             MAC address of the interface
    virtual const char *get_mac_address();

    /** Opens a socket
     *  Creates a network socket and stores it in the specified handle.
     *  The handle must be passed to following calls on the socket.
     *  A stack may have a finite number of sockets, in this case
     *  NSAPI_ERROR_NO_SOCKET is returned if no socket is available.
     *  @param handle   Destination for the handle to a newly created socket
     *  @param proto    Protocol of socket to open, NSAPI_TCP or NSAPI_UDP
     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
    virtual nsapi_error_t socket_open(nsapi_socket_t *handle, nsapi_protocol_t proto);

    /** Close the socket
     *  Closes any open connection and deallocates any memory associated
     *  with the socket.
     *  @param handle   Socket handle
     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
    virtual nsapi_error_t socket_close(nsapi_socket_t handle);

    /** Bind a specific address to a socket
     *  Binding a socket specifies the address and port on which to recieve
     *  data. If the IP address is zeroed, only the port is bound.
     *  @param handle   Socket handle
     *  @param address  Local address to bind
     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure.
    virtual nsapi_error_t socket_bind(nsapi_socket_t handle, const SocketAddress &address);

    /** Listen for connections on a TCP socket
     *  Marks the socket as a passive socket that can be used to accept
     *  incoming connections.
     *  @param handle   Socket handle
     *  @param backlog  Number of pending connections that can be queued
     *                  simultaneously
     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
    virtual nsapi_error_t socket_listen(nsapi_socket_t handle, int backlog);

    /** Connects TCP socket to a remote host
     *  Initiates a connection to a remote server specified by the
     *  indicated address.
     *  @param handle   Socket handle
     *  @param address  The SocketAddress of the remote host
     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
    virtual nsapi_error_t socket_connect(nsapi_socket_t handle, const SocketAddress &address);

    /** Accepts a connection on a TCP socket
     *  The server socket must be bound and set to listen for connections.
     *  On a new connection, creates a network socket and stores it in the
     *  specified handle. The handle must be passed to following calls on
     *  the socket.
     *  A stack may have a finite number of sockets, in this case
     *  NSAPI_ERROR_NO_SOCKET is returned if no socket is available.
     *  This call is non-blocking. If accept would block,
     *  NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.
     *  @param server   Socket handle to server to accept from
     *  @param handle   Destination for a handle to the newly created socket
     *  @param address  Destination for the remote address or NULL
     *  @return         0 on success, negative error code on failure
    virtual nsapi_error_t socket_accept(nsapi_socket_t server,
            nsapi_socket_t *handle, SocketAddress *address=0);
    /** Send data over a TCP socket
     *  The socket must be connected to a remote host. Returns the number of
     *  bytes sent from the buffer.
     *  This call is non-blocking. If send would block,
     *  NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.
     *  @param handle   Socket handle
     *  @param data     Buffer of data to send to the host
     *  @param size     Size of the buffer in bytes
     *  @return         Number of sent bytes on success, negative error
     *                  code on failure
    virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t socket_send(nsapi_socket_t handle,
            const void *data, nsapi_size_t size);

    /** Receive data over a TCP socket
     *  The socket must be connected to a remote host. Returns the number of
     *  bytes received into the buffer.
     *  This call is non-blocking. If recv would block,
     *  NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.
     *  @param handle   Socket handle
     *  @param data     Destination buffer for data received from the host
     *  @param size     Size of the buffer in bytes
     *  @return         Number of received bytes on success, negative error
     *                  code on failure
    virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t socket_recv(nsapi_socket_t handle,
            void *data, nsapi_size_t size);

    /** Send a packet over a UDP socket
     *  Sends data to the specified address. Returns the number of bytes
     *  sent from the buffer.
     *  This call is non-blocking. If sendto would block,
     *  NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.
     *  @param handle   Socket handle
     *  @param address  The SocketAddress of the remote host
     *  @param data     Buffer of data to send to the host
     *  @param size     Size of the buffer in bytes
     *  @return         Number of sent bytes on success, negative error
     *                  code on failure
    virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t socket_sendto(nsapi_socket_t handle, const SocketAddress &address,
            const void *data, nsapi_size_t size);

    /** Receive a packet over a UDP socket
     *  Receives data and stores the source address in address if address
     *  is not NULL. Returns the number of bytes received into the buffer.
     *  This call is non-blocking. If recvfrom would block,
     *  NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK is returned immediately.
     *  @param handle   Socket handle
     *  @param address  Destination for the source address or NULL
     *  @param data     Destination buffer for data received from the host
     *  @param size     Size of the buffer in bytes
     *  @return         Number of received bytes on success, negative error
     *                  code on failure
    virtual nsapi_size_or_error_t socket_recvfrom(nsapi_socket_t handle, SocketAddress *address,
            void *buffer, nsapi_size_t size);

    /** Register a callback on state change of the socket
     *  The specified callback will be called on state changes such as when
     *  the socket can recv/send/accept successfully and on when an error
     *  occurs. The callback may also be called spuriously without reason.
     *  The callback may be called in an interrupt context and should not
     *  perform expensive operations such as recv/send calls.
     *  @param handle   Socket handle
     *  @param callback Function to call on state change
     *  @param data     Argument to pass to callback
    virtual void socket_attach(nsapi_socket_t handle, void (*callback)(void *), void *data);
    virtual NetworkStack* get_stack() {return this;}
    char ip_string[20];
    char mask_string[20];
    char gw_string[20];
    char mac_string[20];
    bool ip_set;    
    int listen_port;
