Spidey Wall is the name for a physical wall lit up by multiple addressable LED strips. This program is an LPC1768 web server to control the wall from a browser.

Dependencies:   EthernetInterfacePlusHostname RdWebServer mbed-rtos mbed

This project is part of a Light-Wall using addressable LED strips (WS2801). I have published a few posts on my blog about the construction of the wall and building a game to play on it (PacMan). I have also had a guest post from a friend who has set his children the task of producing some interesting animations. The original post is http://robdobson.com/2015/07/spidey-wall/ /media/uploads/Bobty/20130722_112945_img_9674_62895-1184x1579.jpg

So far, however, I hadn't fully connected the physical (and electronic) wall with the web-browser creations to drive it. This project is hopefully the final link. A fast and reliable web server using REST commands to drive the 1686 LEDs in the Spidey Wall from code running in a browser (say on an iPad while you are playing a game).

The approach taken here results in the ability to control the RGB values of all 1686 LEDs at a rate of 20 frames per second.

A blog post describing the whole thing is here:




File content as of revision 0:887096209439:

#ifndef LEDSTRIP__H
#define LEDSTRIP__H

#include "mbed.h"

class ledstrip
        unsigned char* mpLedValuesA;
        unsigned char* mpLedValuesB;
        unsigned char* mpCurLedValues;
        int mLedsInStrip;
        int mSplitPoint;
        int mLedsBufSize;
        SPI* mpSPI0;
        SPI* mpSPI1;
        static const int mColoursPerLed = 3;

        ledstrip(int length, int splitPoint);
        unsigned char* GetBuffer();
        int GetBufferSizeinBytes();
        bool Resize(int length, int splitPoint);
        bool IsBusy();
        int GetNumLeds()
            return mLedsInStrip;
        void Clear();
        void Fill(int startLed, int numLeds, 
                int r1, int g1, int b1, 
                int r2, int g2, int b2);
        void Fill(int startLed, int numLeds, 
                int r1, int g1, int b1);
        void ShowLeds();
