Calculations for a Dual-Arm SCARA robot Computes the shoulder angles to make the robot move to an XY position Also the reverse calculation - mainly useful as a cross-check
Description of a Dual-Arm SCARA robot (more info at
The two arms of the robot are akin to two human arms with the hands permanently clasped together The arms are always in the same plane (generally horizontal) and the hands hold a stick (also in the same plane) On the end of the stick is the tool (pen/actuayor/nozzle/laser etc)
The measurements required to describe a Dual-Arm SCARA robot of the kind described above are: 1) Distance between shoulders 2) Distance from shoulder to elbow 3) Distance from elbow to hand 4) Distance from hand to tool (length of stick holding the tool)
Example Usage
Setup calculation double betweenShouldersMM = 320; double shoulderToElbowMM = 138; double elbowToHandMM = 307; double handToToolMM = 22.5; ScaraArms scaraArms(betweenShouldersMM, shoulderToElbowMM, elbowToHandMM, handToToolMM);
Compute the angles at the shoulders given the required XY position of the tool in radians double requiredX = 200; double requiredY = 180; double theta1, theta2; scaraArms.ConvertXYtoScara(requiredX, requiredY, theta1, theta2);
Show result printf("Angles required: left (from 3 O'Clock counter-clockwise) %f and right (from 9 O'Clock clockwise) %f", theta1, theta2);
Revisions of ScaraArms.h
Revision | Date | Message | Actions |
0:9a3fc5ff8de3 | 2015-05-15 | Initial revision | File Diff Annotate |