A simple web server mainly based on ideas from Jasper Schuurmans Netduino web server

Dependents:   RdBlindsServer SpideyWallWeb RdGasUseMonitor

A fast and reliable web server for MBED! http://robdobson.com/2015/08/a-reliable-mbed-webserver/

It has a very neat way to implement REST commands and can serve files from local storage (on LPC1768 for instance) and from SD cards. It also has a caching facility which is particularly useful for serving files from local storage.

The server can be run in the main() thread (and has a sub-2ms response time if this is done) or in a mbed-rtos thread which increases the response time to (a still respectable) 30ms or so.

The latest project that uses this is here - https://developer.mbed.org/users/Bobty/code/SpideyWallWeb/

int main (void)
    // Ethernet interface

    // Connect ethernet

    // Init the web server
    pc.printf("Starting web server\r\n");
    char* baseWebFolder = "/sd/";  // should be /sd/ for SDcard files - not used for local file system
    RdWebServer webServer;
    // Add commands to handle the home page and favicon
    webServer.addCommand("", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_LOCALFILE, NULL, "index.htm", true);
    webServer.addCommand("favicon.ico", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_LOCALFILE, NULL, NULL, true);
    // Add the lightwall control commands
    webServer.addCommand("name", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_CALLBACK, &lightwallGetSystemName);
    webServer.addCommand("clear", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_CALLBACK, &lightwallClear);
    webServer.addCommand("rawfill", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_CALLBACK, &lightwallRawFill);
    webServer.addCommand("fill", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_CALLBACK, &lightwallFill);
    webServer.addCommand("showleds", RdWebServerCmdDef::CMD_CALLBACK, &lightwallShowLeds);
    // Start the server
    webServer.init(WEBPORT, &led4, baseWebFolder);


// Get system name - No arguments required
char* lightwallGetSystemName(int method, char*cmdStr, char* argStr, char* msgBuffer, int msgLen, 
                int contentLen, unsigned char* pPayload, int payloadLen, int splitPayloadPos)
    // Perform any required actions here ....

    // ...

    // Return the system name
    return systemName;

This server was originally based on a Netduino web server from Jasper Schuurmans but has been optimised for speed.

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Feb 08 14:08:42 2016 +0000
Commit message:
Fixed RTOS namespace issue

Changed in this revision

RdWebServer.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
RdWebServerDefs.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 99036ff32459 -r 46998f2e458f RdWebServer.h
--- a/RdWebServer.h	Mon Feb 08 13:47:29 2016 +0000
+++ b/RdWebServer.h	Mon Feb 08 14:08:42 2016 +0000
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
 class TCPSocketServer;
 class TCPSocketConnection;
-class Mutex;
+class rtos::Mutex;
 class RdWebServer
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
         static const int METHOD_GET = 1;
         static const int METHOD_POST = 2;
         static const int METHOD_OPTIONS = 3;
-        RdWebServer(TCPSocketServer& tcpServerSocket, Mutex* pSdCardMutex = NULL);
+        RdWebServer(TCPSocketServer& tcpServerSocket, rtos::Mutex* pSdCardMutex = NULL);
         virtual ~RdWebServer();
         bool init(int port, DigitalOut* pStatusLed, char* pBaseWebFolder);
diff -r 99036ff32459 -r 46998f2e458f RdWebServerDefs.h
--- a/RdWebServerDefs.h	Mon Feb 08 13:47:29 2016 +0000
+++ b/RdWebServerDefs.h	Mon Feb 08 14:08:42 2016 +0000
@@ -18,8 +18,15 @@
 // Change this to support display of files on the server
+// IP Stack choice (if not defined use standard Ethernet library
+//#define RD_WEB_SERVER_USE_CC3000 1
+#ifdef RD_WEB_SERVER_CC3000
 #include "cc3000.h"
 #include "TCPSocketConnection.h"
 #include "TCPSocketServer.h"
+#include "EthernetInterface.h"