Test using the base BLE_HeartRate example to see the effect of increasing the "ticker" rate on stability (intending to do AnalogIn around 1ms rate)

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822

diff -r ec36dec086bb -r 259fe4d2ab16 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Sep 29 10:33:30 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Sep 29 11:17:04 2014 +0000
@@ -34,6 +34,13 @@
 #define DEBUG(...) /* nothing */
 #endif /* #if NEED_CONSOLE_OUTPUT */
+// Sample interval (uS)
+volatile uint32_t sampleIntervalUs = 1000;
+// Timer to do the sampling etc
+Timer intervalTimer;
+Timeout sampleTimeout;
 const static char     DEVICE_NAME[]        = "HRMonitor";
 static const uint16_t uuid16_list[]        = {GattService::UUID_HEART_RATE_SERVICE,
@@ -47,21 +54,33 @@
+static volatile int callbackCount = 0;
 void periodicCallback(void)
-    led1 = !led1; /* Do blinky on LED1 while we're waiting for BLE events */
-    /* Note that the periodicCallback() executes in interrupt context, so it is safer to do
-     * heavy-weight sensor polling from the main thread. */
-    triggerSensorPolling = true;
+    callbackCount++;
+    if (callbackCount == 1000)
+    {
+        callbackCount = 0;
+        led1 = !led1; /* Do blinky on LED1 while we're waiting for BLE events */
+        /* Note that the periodicCallback() executes in interrupt context, so it is safer to do
+         * heavy-weight sensor polling from the main thread. */
+        triggerSensorPolling = true;
+    }       
+    sampleTimeout.attach_us(periodicCallback, sampleIntervalUs);
 int main(void)
     led1 = 1;
     indicatorLed2 = 1;
-    Ticker ticker;
-    ticker.attach(periodicCallback, 1);
+    // Start timer and sampling
+    intervalTimer.start();
+    sampleTimeout.attach_us(periodicCallback, sampleIntervalUs);
+//    Ticker ticker;
+//    ticker.attach(periodicCallback, 1);
     DEBUG("Initialising the nRF51822\n\r");