Fork of Smoothie to port to mbed non-LPC targets.

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Smoothie by Stéphane Cachat

diff -r 1df0b61d3b5a -r f151d08d335c libs/LPC17xx/LPC17xxLib/inc/lpc17xx_pwm.h
--- a/libs/LPC17xx/LPC17xxLib/inc/lpc17xx_pwm.h	Fri Feb 28 18:52:52 2014 -0800
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-* $Id$		lpc17xx_pwm.h				2011-03-31
-* @file		lpc17xx_pwm.h
-* @brief	Contains all macro definitions and function prototypes
-* 			support for PWM firmware library on LPC17xx
-* @version	2.1
-* @date		31. Mar. 2011
-* @author	NXP MCU SW Application Team
-* Copyright(C) 2011, NXP Semiconductor
-* All rights reserved.
-* Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
-* which provides customers with programming information regarding the
-* products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
-* NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
-* use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
-* copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
-* reserves the right to make changes in the software without
-* notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
-* warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
-* use without further testing or modification.
-/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-/** @defgroup PWM PWM (Pulse Width Modulator)
- * @ingroup LPC1700CMSIS_FwLib_Drivers
- * @{
- */
-#ifndef LPC17XX_PWM_H_
-#define LPC17XX_PWM_H_
-/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-#include "LPC17xx.h"
-#include "lpc_types.h"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C"
-/* Private Macros ------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/** @defgroup PWM_Private_Macros PWM Private Macros
- * @{
- */
-/* --------------------- BIT DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------- */
-* IR register definitions
-/** Interrupt flag for PWM match channel for 6 channel */
-#define PWM_IR_PWMMRn(n)    	((uint32_t)((n<4)?(1<<n):(1<<(n+4))))
-/** Interrupt flag for capture input */
-#define PWM_IR_PWMCAPn(n)		((uint32_t)(1<<(n+4)))
-/**  IR register mask */
-#define PWM_IR_BITMASK			((uint32_t)(0x0000073F))
-* TCR register definitions
-/** TCR register mask */
-#define PWM_TCR_BITMASK				((uint32_t)(0x0000000B))
-#define PWM_TCR_COUNTER_ENABLE      ((uint32_t)(1<<0)) /*!< PWM Counter Enable */
-#define PWM_TCR_COUNTER_RESET       ((uint32_t)(1<<1)) /*!< PWM Counter Reset */
-#define PWM_TCR_PWM_ENABLE          ((uint32_t)(1<<3)) /*!< PWM Enable */
-* CTCR register definitions
-/** CTCR register mask */
-#define PWM_CTCR_BITMASK			((uint32_t)(0x0000000F))
-/** PWM Counter-Timer Mode */
-#define PWM_CTCR_MODE(n)        	((uint32_t)(n&0x03))
-/** PWM Capture input select */
-#define PWM_CTCR_SELECT_INPUT(n)	((uint32_t)((n&0x03)<<2))
-* MCR register definitions
-/** MCR register mask */
-#define PWM_MCR_BITMASK				((uint32_t)(0x001FFFFF))
-/** generate a PWM interrupt when a MATCHn occurs */
-#define PWM_MCR_INT_ON_MATCH(n)     ((uint32_t)(1<<(((n&0x7)<<1)+(n&0x07))))
-/** reset the PWM when a MATCHn occurs */
-#define PWM_MCR_RESET_ON_MATCH(n)   ((uint32_t)(1<<(((n&0x7)<<1)+(n&0x07)+1)))
-/** stop the PWM when a MATCHn occurs */
-#define PWM_MCR_STOP_ON_MATCH(n)    ((uint32_t)(1<<(((n&0x7)<<1)+(n&0x07)+2)))
-* CCR register definitions
-/** CCR register mask */
-#define PWM_CCR_BITMASK				((uint32_t)(0x0000003F))
-/** PCAPn is rising edge sensitive */
-#define PWM_CCR_CAP_RISING(n) 	 	((uint32_t)(1<<(((n&0x2)<<1)+(n&0x1))))
-/** PCAPn is falling edge sensitive */
-#define PWM_CCR_CAP_FALLING(n) 		((uint32_t)(1<<(((n&0x2)<<1)+(n&0x1)+1)))
-/** PWM interrupt is generated on a PCAP event */
-#define PWM_CCR_INT_ON_CAP(n)  		((uint32_t)(1<<(((n&0x2)<<1)+(n&0x1)+2)))
-* PCR register definitions
-/** PCR register mask */
-#define PWM_PCR_BITMASK			(uint32_t)0x00007E7C
-/** PWM output n is a single edge controlled output */
-#define PWM_PCR_PWMSELn(n)   	((uint32_t)(((n&0x7)<2) ? 0 : (1<<n)))
-/** enable PWM output n */
-#define PWM_PCR_PWMENAn(n)   	((uint32_t)(((n&0x7)<1) ? 0 : (1<<(n+8))))
-* LER register definitions
-/** LER register mask*/
-#define PWM_LER_BITMASK				((uint32_t)(0x0000007F))
-/** PWM MATCHn register update control */
-#define PWM_LER_EN_MATCHn_LATCH(n)   ((uint32_t)((n<7) ? (1<<n) : 0))
-/* ---------------- CHECK PARAMETER DEFINITIONS ---------------------------- */
-/** Macro to determine if it is valid PWM peripheral or not */
-#define PARAM_PWMx(n)	(((uint32_t *)n)==((uint32_t *)LPC_PWM1))
-/** Macro check PWM1 match channel value */
-#define PARAM_PWM1_MATCH_CHANNEL(n)		((n>=0) && (n<=6))
-/** Macro check PWM1 channel value */
-#define PARAM_PWM1_CHANNEL(n)			((n>=1) && (n<=6))
-/** Macro check PWM1 edge channel mode */
-#define PARAM_PWM1_EDGE_MODE_CHANNEL(n)			((n>=2) && (n<=6))
-/** Macro check PWM1 capture channel mode */
-#define PARAM_PWM1_CAPTURE_CHANNEL(n)	((n==0) || (n==1))
-/** Macro check PWM1 interrupt status type */
-|| (n==PWM_INTSTAT_MR3) || (n==PWM_INTSTAT_MR4) || (n==PWM_INTSTAT_MR5) \
- * @}
- */
-/* Public Types --------------------------------------------------------------- */
-/** @defgroup PWM_Public_Types PWM Public Types
- * @{
- */
-/** @brief Configuration structure in PWM TIMER mode */
-typedef struct {
-	uint8_t PrescaleOption;		/**< Prescale option, should be:
-								- PWM_TIMER_PRESCALE_TICKVAL: Prescale in absolute value
-								- PWM_TIMER_PRESCALE_USVAL: Prescale in microsecond value
-								*/
-	uint8_t Reserved[3];
-	uint32_t PrescaleValue;		/**< Prescale value, 32-bit long, should be matched
-								with PrescaleOption
-								*/
-/** @brief Configuration structure in PWM COUNTER mode */
-typedef struct {
-	uint8_t CounterOption;		/**< Counter Option, should be:
-								- PWM_COUNTER_RISING: Rising Edge
-								- PWM_COUNTER_FALLING: Falling Edge
-								- PWM_COUNTER_ANY: Both rising and falling mode
-								*/
-	uint8_t CountInputSelect;	/**< Counter input select, should be:
-								- PWM_COUNTER_PCAP1_0: PWM Counter input selected is PCAP1.0 pin
-								- PWM_COUNTER_PCAP1_1: PWM Counter input selected is PCAP1.1 pin
-								*/
-	uint8_t Reserved[2];
-/** @brief PWM Match channel configuration structure */
-typedef struct {
-	uint8_t MatchChannel;	/**< Match channel, should be in range
-							from 0..6 */
-	uint8_t IntOnMatch;		/**< Interrupt On match, should be:
-							- ENABLE: Enable this function.
-							- DISABLE: Disable this function.
-							*/
-	uint8_t StopOnMatch;	/**< Stop On match, should be:
-							- ENABLE: Enable this function.
-							- DISABLE: Disable this function.
-							*/
-	uint8_t ResetOnMatch;	/**< Reset On match, should be:
-							- ENABLE: Enable this function.
-							- DISABLE: Disable this function.
-							*/
-/** @brief PWM Capture Input configuration structure */
-typedef struct {
-	uint8_t CaptureChannel;	/**< Capture channel, should be in range
-							from 0..1 */
-	uint8_t RisingEdge;		/**< caption rising edge, should be:
-							- ENABLE: Enable rising edge.
-							- DISABLE: Disable this function.
-							*/
-	uint8_t FallingEdge;		/**< caption falling edge, should be:
-							- ENABLE: Enable falling edge.
-							- DISABLE: Disable this function.
-								*/
-	uint8_t IntOnCaption;	/**< Interrupt On caption, should be:
-							- ENABLE: Enable interrupt function.
-							- DISABLE: Disable this function.
-							*/
-/* Timer/Counter in PWM configuration type definition -----------------------------------*/
-/** @brief PMW TC mode select option */
-typedef enum {
-	PWM_MODE_TIMER = 0,		/*!< PWM using Timer mode */
-	PWM_MODE_COUNTER		/*!< PWM using Counter mode */
-/** @brief PWM Timer/Counter prescale option */
-typedef enum
-	PWM_TIMER_PRESCALE_TICKVAL = 0,			/*!< Prescale in absolute value */
-	PWM_TIMER_PRESCALE_USVAL				/*!< Prescale in microsecond value */
-/** @brief PWM Input Select in counter mode */
-typedef enum {
-	PWM_COUNTER_PCAP1_0 = 0,		/*!< PWM Counter input selected is PCAP1.0 pin */
-	PWM_COUNTER_PCAP1_1			/*!< PWM counter input selected is CAP1.1 pin */
-/** @brief PWM Input Edge Option in counter mode */
-typedef enum {
-    PWM_COUNTER_RISING = 1,		/*!< Rising edge mode */
-    PWM_COUNTER_FALLING = 2,	/*!< Falling edge mode */
-    PWM_COUNTER_ANY = 3			/*!< Both rising and falling mode */
-/* PWM configuration type definition ----------------------------------------------------- */
-/** @brief PWM operating mode options */
-typedef enum {
-    PWM_CHANNEL_SINGLE_EDGE,	/*!< PWM Channel Single edge mode */
-    PWM_CHANNEL_DUAL_EDGE		/*!< PWM Channel Dual edge mode */
-/** @brief PWM update type */
-typedef enum {
-	PWM_MATCH_UPDATE_NOW = 0,			/**< PWM Match Channel Update Now */
-	PWM_MATCH_UPDATE_NEXT_RST			/**< PWM Match Channel Update on next
-											PWM Counter resetting */
-/** @brief PWM interrupt status type definition ----------------------------------------------------- */
-/** @brief PWM Interrupt status type */
-typedef enum
-	PWM_INTSTAT_MR0 = PWM_IR_PWMMRn(0), 	/**< Interrupt flag for PWM match channel 0 */
-	PWM_INTSTAT_MR1 = PWM_IR_PWMMRn(1),		/**< Interrupt flag for PWM match channel 1 */
-	PWM_INTSTAT_MR2 = PWM_IR_PWMMRn(2),		/**< Interrupt flag for PWM match channel 2 */
-	PWM_INTSTAT_MR3 = PWM_IR_PWMMRn(3),		/**< Interrupt flag for PWM match channel 3 */
-	PWM_INTSTAT_CAP0 = PWM_IR_PWMCAPn(0),	/**< Interrupt flag for capture input 0 */
-	PWM_INTSTAT_CAP1 = PWM_IR_PWMCAPn(1),	/**< Interrupt flag for capture input 1 */
-	PWM_INTSTAT_MR4 = PWM_IR_PWMMRn(4),		/**< Interrupt flag for PWM match channel 4 */
-	PWM_INTSTAT_MR6 = PWM_IR_PWMMRn(5),		/**< Interrupt flag for PWM match channel 5 */
-	PWM_INTSTAT_MR5 = PWM_IR_PWMMRn(6)		/**< Interrupt flag for PWM match channel 6 */
-/** @brief Match update structure */
-typedef struct
-	uint32_t Matchvalue;
-	FlagStatus Status;
- * @}
- */
-/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
-/** @defgroup PWM_Public_Functions PWM Public Functions
- * @{
- */
-void PWM_PinConfig(LPC_PWM_TypeDef *PWMx, uint8_t PWM_Channel, uint8_t PinselOption);
-IntStatus PWM_GetIntStatus(LPC_PWM_TypeDef *PWMx, uint32_t IntFlag);
-void PWM_ClearIntPending(LPC_PWM_TypeDef *PWMx, uint32_t IntFlag);
-void PWM_ConfigStructInit(uint8_t PWMTimerCounterMode, void *PWM_InitStruct);
-void PWM_Init(LPC_PWM_TypeDef *PWMx, uint32_t PWMTimerCounterMode, void *PWM_ConfigStruct);
-void PWM_DeInit (LPC_PWM_TypeDef *PWMx);
-void PWM_Cmd(LPC_PWM_TypeDef *PWMx, FunctionalState NewState);
-void PWM_CounterCmd(LPC_PWM_TypeDef *PWMx, FunctionalState NewState);
-void PWM_ResetCounter(LPC_PWM_TypeDef *PWMx);
-void PWM_ConfigMatch(LPC_PWM_TypeDef *PWMx, PWM_MATCHCFG_Type *PWM_MatchConfigStruct);
-void PWM_ConfigCapture(LPC_PWM_TypeDef *PWMx, PWM_CAPTURECFG_Type *PWM_CaptureConfigStruct);
-uint32_t PWM_GetCaptureValue(LPC_PWM_TypeDef *PWMx, uint8_t CaptureChannel);
-void PWM_MatchUpdate(LPC_PWM_TypeDef *PWMx, uint8_t MatchChannel, \
-					uint32_t MatchValue, uint8_t UpdateType);
-void PWM_ChannelConfig(LPC_PWM_TypeDef *PWMx, uint8_t PWMChannel, uint8_t ModeOption);
-void PWM_ChannelCmd(LPC_PWM_TypeDef *PWMx, uint8_t PWMChannel, FunctionalState NewState);
- * @}
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* LPC17XX_PWM_H_ */
- * @}
- */
-/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */