Microsoft Azure IoTHub client libraries

Dependents:   sht15_remote_monitoring RobotArmDemo iothub_client_sample_amqp f767zi_mqtt ... more

This library implements the Microsoft Azure IoTHub client library. The code is replicated from

diff -r 1cc3c6d07cad -r 1e5a1ca1f274 iothub_client.h
--- a/iothub_client.h	Thu Oct 20 17:07:32 2016 -0700
+++ b/iothub_client.h	Wed Nov 16 21:37:53 2016 -0800
@@ -17,8 +17,13 @@
+#include "iothubtransport.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
 #include "iothub_client_ll.h"
-#include "iothubtransport.h"
+#include "azure_c_shared_utility/umock_c_prod.h"
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C"
@@ -32,113 +37,113 @@
         typedef void(*IOTHUB_CLIENT_FILE_UPLOAD_CALLBACK)(IOTHUB_CLIENT_FILE_UPLOAD_RESULT result, void* userContextCallback);
-	/**
-	* @brief	Creates a IoT Hub client for communication with an existing
-	* 			IoT Hub using the specified connection string parameter.
-	*
-	* @param	connectionString	Pointer to a character string
-	* @param	protocol			Function pointer for protocol implementation
-	*
-	*			Sample connection string:
-	*				<blockquote>
-	*					<pre>HostName=[IoT Hub name goes here].[IoT Hub suffix goes here, e.g.,];DeviceId=[Device ID goes here];SharedAccessKey=[Device key goes here];</pre>
-	*                   <pre>HostName=[IoT Hub name goes here].[IoT Hub suffix goes here, e.g.,];DeviceId=[Device ID goes here];SharedAccessSignature=SharedAccessSignature sr=[IoT Hub name goes here].[IoT Hub suffix goes here, e.g.,]/devices/[Device ID goes here]&sig=[SAS Token goes here]&se=[Expiry Time goes here];</pre>
-	*				</blockquote>
-	*
-	* @return	A non-NULL @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE value that is used when
-	* 			invoking other functions for IoT Hub client and @c NULL on failure.
-	*/
-	extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE IoTHubClient_CreateFromConnectionString(const char* connectionString, IOTHUB_CLIENT_TRANSPORT_PROVIDER protocol);
+    /**
+    * @brief	Creates a IoT Hub client for communication with an existing
+    * 			IoT Hub using the specified connection string parameter.
+    *
+    * @param	connectionString	Pointer to a character string
+    * @param	protocol			Function pointer for protocol implementation
+    *
+    *			Sample connection string:
+    *				<blockquote>
+    *					<pre>HostName=[IoT Hub name goes here].[IoT Hub suffix goes here, e.g.,];DeviceId=[Device ID goes here];SharedAccessKey=[Device key goes here];</pre>
+    *                   <pre>HostName=[IoT Hub name goes here].[IoT Hub suffix goes here, e.g.,];DeviceId=[Device ID goes here];SharedAccessSignature=SharedAccessSignature sr=[IoT Hub name goes here].[IoT Hub suffix goes here, e.g.,]/devices/[Device ID goes here]&sig=[SAS Token goes here]&se=[Expiry Time goes here];</pre>
+    *				</blockquote>
+    *
+    * @return	A non-NULL @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE value that is used when
+    * 			invoking other functions for IoT Hub client and @c NULL on failure.
+    */
+    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE, IoTHubClient_CreateFromConnectionString, const char*, connectionString, IOTHUB_CLIENT_TRANSPORT_PROVIDER, protocol);
-	/**
-	* @brief	Creates a IoT Hub client for communication with an existing IoT
-	* 			Hub using the specified parameters.
-	*
-	* @param	config	Pointer to an @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG structure
-	*
-	*			The API does not allow sharing of a connection across multiple
-	*			devices. This is a blocking call.
-	*
-	* @return	A non-NULL @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE value that is used when
-	* 			invoking other functions for IoT Hub client and @c NULL on failure.
-	*/
-	extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE IoTHubClient_Create(const IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG* config);
+    /**
+    * @brief	Creates a IoT Hub client for communication with an existing IoT
+    * 			Hub using the specified parameters.
+    *
+    * @param	config	Pointer to an @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG structure
+    *
+    *			The API does not allow sharing of a connection across multiple
+    *			devices. This is a blocking call.
+    *
+    * @return	A non-NULL @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE value that is used when
+    * 			invoking other functions for IoT Hub client and @c NULL on failure.
+    */
-	/**
-	* @brief	Creates a IoT Hub client for communication with an existing IoT
-	* 			Hub using the specified parameters.
-	*
-	* @param	transportHandle	TRANSPORT_HANDLE which represents a connection.
-	* @param	config	Pointer to an @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG structure
-	*
-	*			The API allows sharing of a connection across multiple
-	*			devices. This is a blocking call.
-	*
-	* @return	A non-NULL @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE value that is used when
-	* 			invoking other functions for IoT Hub client and @c NULL on failure.
-	*/
-	extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE IoTHubClient_CreateWithTransport(TRANSPORT_HANDLE transportHandle, const IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG* config);
+    /**
+    * @brief	Creates a IoT Hub client for communication with an existing IoT
+    * 			Hub using the specified parameters.
+    *
+    * @param	transportHandle	TRANSPORT_HANDLE which represents a connection.
+    * @param	config	Pointer to an @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG structure
+    *
+    *			The API allows sharing of a connection across multiple
+    *			devices. This is a blocking call.
+    *
+    * @return	A non-NULL @c IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE value that is used when
+    * 			invoking other functions for IoT Hub client and @c NULL on failure.
+    */
+    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE, IoTHubClient_CreateWithTransport, TRANSPORT_HANDLE, transportHandle, const IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIG*, config);
-	/**
-	* @brief	Disposes of resources allocated by the IoT Hub client. This is a
-	* 			blocking call.
-	*
-	* @param	iotHubClientHandle	The handle created by a call to the create function.
-	*/
-	extern void IoTHubClient_Destroy(IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle);
+    /**
+    * @brief	Disposes of resources allocated by the IoT Hub client. This is a
+    * 			blocking call.
+    *
+    * @param	iotHubClientHandle	The handle created by a call to the create function.
+    */
+    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, void, IoTHubClient_Destroy, IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubClientHandle);
-	/**
-	* @brief	Asynchronous call to send the message specified by @p eventMessageHandle.
-	*
-	* @param	iotHubClientHandle		   	The handle created by a call to the create function.
-	* @param	eventMessageHandle		   	The handle to an IoT Hub message.
-	* @param	eventConfirmationCallback  	The callback specified by the device for receiving
-	* 										confirmation of the delivery of the IoT Hub message.
-	* 										This callback can be expected to invoke the
-	* 										::IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync function for the
-	* 										same message in an attempt to retry sending a failing
-	* 										message. The user can specify a @c NULL value here to
-	* 										indicate that no callback is required.
-	* @param	userContextCallback			User specified context that will be provided to the
-	* 										callback. This can be @c NULL.
-	*
-	*			@b NOTE: The application behavior is undefined if the user calls
-	*			the ::IoTHubClient_Destroy function from within any callback.
-	*
-	* @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
-	*/
-	extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync(IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE eventMessageHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_EVENT_CONFIRMATION_CALLBACK eventConfirmationCallback, void* userContextCallback);
+    /**
+    * @brief	Asynchronous call to send the message specified by @p eventMessageHandle.
+    *
+    * @param	iotHubClientHandle		   	The handle created by a call to the create function.
+    * @param	eventMessageHandle		   	The handle to an IoT Hub message.
+    * @param	eventConfirmationCallback  	The callback specified by the device for receiving
+    * 										confirmation of the delivery of the IoT Hub message.
+    * 										This callback can be expected to invoke the
+    * 										::IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync function for the
+    * 										same message in an attempt to retry sending a failing
+    * 										message. The user can specify a @c NULL value here to
+    * 										indicate that no callback is required.
+    * @param	userContextCallback			User specified context that will be provided to the
+    * 										callback. This can be @c NULL.
+    *
+    *			@b NOTE: The application behavior is undefined if the user calls
+    *			the ::IoTHubClient_Destroy function from within any callback.
+    *
+    * @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
+    */
+    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync, IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE, eventMessageHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_EVENT_CONFIRMATION_CALLBACK, eventConfirmationCallback, void*, userContextCallback);
-	/**
-	* @brief	This function returns the current sending status for IoTHubClient.
-	*
-	* @param	iotHubClientHandle		The handle created by a call to the create function.
-	* @param	iotHubClientStatus		The sending state is populated at the address pointed
-	* 									at by this parameter. The value will be set to
-	* 									@c IOTHUBCLIENT_SENDSTATUS_IDLE if there is currently
-	* 								    no item to be sent and @c IOTHUBCLIENT_SENDSTATUS_BUSY
-	* 								    if there are.
-	*
-	* @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
-	*/
-	extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_GetSendStatus(IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_STATUS *iotHubClientStatus);
+    /**
+    * @brief	This function returns the current sending status for IoTHubClient.
+    *
+    * @param	iotHubClientHandle		The handle created by a call to the create function.
+    * @param	iotHubClientStatus		The sending state is populated at the address pointed
+    * 									at by this parameter. The value will be set to
+    * 									@c IOTHUBCLIENT_SENDSTATUS_IDLE if there is currently
+    * 								    no item to be sent and @c IOTHUBCLIENT_SENDSTATUS_BUSY
+    * 								    if there are.
+    *
+    * @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
+    */
-	/**
-	* @brief	Sets up the message callback to be invoked when IoT Hub issues a
-	* 			message to the device. This is a blocking call.
-	*
-	* @param	iotHubClientHandle		   	The handle created by a call to the create function.
-	* @param	messageCallback     	   	The callback specified by the device for receiving
-	* 										messages from IoT Hub.
-	* @param	userContextCallback			User specified context that will be provided to the
-	* 										callback. This can be @c NULL.
-	*
-	*			@b NOTE: The application behavior is undefined if the user calls
-	*			the ::IoTHubClient_Destroy function from within any callback.
-	*
-	* @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
-	*/
-	extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback(IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_MESSAGE_CALLBACK_ASYNC messageCallback, void* userContextCallback);
+    /**
+    * @brief	Sets up the message callback to be invoked when IoT Hub issues a
+    * 			message to the device. This is a blocking call.
+    *
+    * @param	iotHubClientHandle		   	The handle created by a call to the create function.
+    * @param	messageCallback     	   	The callback specified by the device for receiving
+    * 										messages from IoT Hub.
+    * @param	userContextCallback			User specified context that will be provided to the
+    * 										callback. This can be @c NULL.
+    *
+    *			@b NOTE: The application behavior is undefined if the user calls
+    *			the ::IoTHubClient_Destroy function from within any callback.
+    *
+    * @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
+    */
+    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubClient_SetMessageCallback, IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_MESSAGE_CALLBACK_ASYNC, messageCallback, void*, userContextCallback);
     * @brief	Sets up the connection status callback to be invoked representing the status of
@@ -155,7 +160,7 @@
     * @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
-    extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_SetConnectionStatusCallback(IOTHUB_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONNECTION_STATUS_CALLBACK connectionStatusCallback, void* userContextCallback);
+    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubClient_SetConnectionStatusCallback, IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONNECTION_STATUS_CALLBACK, connectionStatusCallback, void*, userContextCallback);
     * @brief	Sets up the connection status callback to be invoked representing the status of
@@ -164,7 +169,7 @@
     * @param	iotHubClientHandle		   	        The handle created by a call to the create function.
     * @param	retryPolicy                  	   	The policy to use to reconnect to IoT Hub when a
     *                                               connection drops.
-    * @param	retryTimeoutLimitinSeconds			Maximum amount of time(seconds) to attempt reconnection when a
+    * @param	retryTimeoutLimitInSeconds			Maximum amount of time(seconds) to attempt reconnection when a
     *                                               connection drops to IOT Hub.
     *			@b NOTE: The application behavior is undefined if the user calls
@@ -172,7 +177,7 @@
     * @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
-    extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_SetRetryPolicy(IOTHUB_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_POLICY retryPolicy, size_t retryTimeoutLimitinSeconds);
+    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubClient_SetRetryPolicy, IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_POLICY, retryPolicy, size_t, retryTimeoutLimitInSeconds);
     * @brief	Sets up the connection status callback to be invoked representing the status of
@@ -180,7 +185,7 @@
     * @param	iotHubClientHandle		   	        The handle created by a call to the create function.
     * @param	retryPolicy                  	   	Out parameter containing the policy to use to reconnect to IoT Hub.
-    * @param	retryTimeoutLimitinSeconds			Out parameter containing maximum amount of time in seconds to attempt reconnection
+    * @param	retryTimeoutLimitInSeconds			Out parameter containing maximum amount of time in seconds to attempt reconnection
     to IOT Hub.
     *			@b NOTE: The application behavior is undefined if the user calls
@@ -188,61 +193,110 @@
     * @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
-    extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_GetRetryPolicy(IOTHUB_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_POLICY* retryPolicy, size_t* retryTimeoutLimitinSeconds);
+    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubClient_GetRetryPolicy, IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RETRY_POLICY*, retryPolicy, size_t*, retryTimeoutLimitInSeconds);
-	/**
-	* @brief	This function returns in the out parameter @p lastMessageReceiveTime
-	* 			what was the value of the @c time function when the last message was
-	* 			received at the client.
-	*
-	* @param	iotHubClientHandle				The handle created by a call to the create function.
-	* @param	lastMessageReceiveTime  		Out parameter containing the value of @c time function
-	* 											when the last message was received.
-	*
-	* @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
-	*/
-	extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_GetLastMessageReceiveTime(IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, time_t* lastMessageReceiveTime);
+    /**
+    * @brief	This function returns in the out parameter @p lastMessageReceiveTime
+    * 			what was the value of the @c time function when the last message was
+    * 			received at the client.
+    *
+    * @param	iotHubClientHandle				The handle created by a call to the create function.
+    * @param	lastMessageReceiveTime  		Out parameter containing the value of @c time function
+    * 											when the last message was received.
+    *
+    * @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
+    */
+    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubClient_GetLastMessageReceiveTime, IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubClientHandle, time_t*, lastMessageReceiveTime);
-	/**
-	* @brief	This API sets a runtime option identified by parameter @p optionName
-	* 			to a value pointed to by @p value. @p optionName and the data type
-	* 			@p value is pointing to are specific for every option.
-	*
-	* @param	iotHubClientHandle	The handle created by a call to the create function.
-	* @param	optionName		  	Name of the option.
-	* @param	value			  	The value.
-	*
-	*			The options that can be set via this API are:
-	*				- @b timeout - the maximum time in milliseconds a communication is
-	*				  allowed to use. @p value is a pointer to an @c unsigned @c int with
-	*				  the timeout value in milliseconds. This is only supported for the HTTP
-	*				  protocol as of now. When the HTTP protocol uses CURL, the meaning of
-	*				  the parameter is <em>total request time</em>. When the HTTP protocol uses
-	*				  winhttp, the meaning is the same as the @c dwSendTimeout and
-	*				  @c dwReceiveTimeout parameters of the
-	*				  <a href="">
-	*				  WinHttpSetTimeouts</a> API.
-	*				- @b CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT - only available for HTTP protocol and only
-	*				  when CURL is used. It has the same meaning as CURL's option with the same
-	*				  name. @p value is pointer to a long.
-	*				- @b CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME - only available for HTTP protocol and only
-	*				  when CURL is used. It has the same meaning as CURL's option with the same
-	*				  name. @p value is pointer to a long.
-	*				- @b CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE - only available for HTTP protocol and only
-	*				  when CURL is used. It has the same meaning as CURL's option with the same
-	*				  name. @p value is pointer to a long.
-	*				- @b CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT - only available for HTTP protocol and only
-	*				  when CURL is used. It has the same meaning as CURL's option with the same
-	*				  name. @p value is pointer to a long.
-	*				- @b CURLOPT_VERBOSE - only available for HTTP protocol and only
-	*				  when CURL is used. It has the same meaning as CURL's option with the same
-	*				  name. @p value is pointer to a long.
-	*				- @b messageTimeout - the maximum time in milliseconds until a message
-	*                 is timeouted. The time starts at IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync. By default,
-	*                 messages do not expire. @p is a pointer to a uint64_t
-	* @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
-	*/
-	extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_SetOption(IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, const char* optionName, const void* value);
+    /**
+    * @brief	This API sets a runtime option identified by parameter @p optionName
+    * 			to a value pointed to by @p value. @p optionName and the data type
+    * 			@p value is pointing to are specific for every option.
+    *
+    * @param	iotHubClientHandle	The handle created by a call to the create function.
+    * @param	optionName		  	Name of the option.
+    * @param	value			  	The value.
+    *
+    *			The options that can be set via this API are:
+    *				- @b timeout - the maximum time in milliseconds a communication is
+    *				  allowed to use. @p value is a pointer to an @c unsigned @c int with
+    *				  the timeout value in milliseconds. This is only supported for the HTTP
+    *				  protocol as of now. When the HTTP protocol uses CURL, the meaning of
+    *				  the parameter is <em>total request time</em>. When the HTTP protocol uses
+    *				  winhttp, the meaning is the same as the @c dwSendTimeout and
+    *				  @c dwReceiveTimeout parameters of the
+    *				  <a href="">
+    *				  WinHttpSetTimeouts</a> API.
+    *				- @b CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT - only available for HTTP protocol and only
+    *				  when CURL is used. It has the same meaning as CURL's option with the same
+    *				  name. @p value is pointer to a long.
+    *				- @b CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME - only available for HTTP protocol and only
+    *				  when CURL is used. It has the same meaning as CURL's option with the same
+    *				  name. @p value is pointer to a long.
+    *				- @b CURLOPT_FORBID_REUSE - only available for HTTP protocol and only
+    *				  when CURL is used. It has the same meaning as CURL's option with the same
+    *				  name. @p value is pointer to a long.
+    *				- @b CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT - only available for HTTP protocol and only
+    *				  when CURL is used. It has the same meaning as CURL's option with the same
+    *				  name. @p value is pointer to a long.
+    *				- @b CURLOPT_VERBOSE - only available for HTTP protocol and only
+    *				  when CURL is used. It has the same meaning as CURL's option with the same
+    *				  name. @p value is pointer to a long.
+    *				- @b messageTimeout - the maximum time in milliseconds until a message
+    *                 is timeouted. The time starts at IoTHubClient_SendEventAsync. By default,
+    *                 messages do not expire. @p is a pointer to a uint64_t
+    * @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
+    */
+    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubClient_SetOption, IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubClientHandle, const char*, optionName, const void*, value);
+    /**
+    * @brief	This API specifies a call back to be used when the device receives a state update.
+    *
+    * @param	iotHubClientHandle		The handle created by a call to the create function.
+    * @param	deviceTwinCallback	    The callback specified by the device client to be used for updating
+    *									the desired state. The callback will be called in response to a 
+    *									request send by the IoTHub services. The payload will be passed to the
+    *									callback, along with two version numbers:
+    *										- Desired:
+    *										- LastSeenReported:
+    * @param	userContextCallback		User specified context that will be provided to the
+    * 									callback. This can be @c NULL.
+    *
+    *			@b NOTE: The application behavior is undefined if the user calls
+    *			the ::IoTHubClient_Destroy function from within any callback.
+    *
+    * @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
+    */
+    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubClient_SetDeviceTwinCallback, IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_DEVICE_TWIN_CALLBACK, deviceTwinCallback, void*, userContextCallback);
+    /**
+    * @brief	This API sends a report of the device's properties and their current values.
+    *
+    * @param	iotHubClientHandle		The handle created by a call to the create function.
+    * @param	reportedState			The current device property values to be 'reported' to the IoTHub.
+    * @param	reportedStateCallback	The callback specified by the device client to be called with the
+    *									result of the transaction.
+    * @param	userContextCallback		User specified context that will be provided to the
+    * 									callback. This can be @c NULL.
+    *
+    *			@b NOTE: The application behavior is undefined if the user calls
+    *			the ::IoTHubClient_Destroy function from within any callback.
+    *
+    * @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
+    */
+    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubClient_SendReportedState, IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubClientHandle, const unsigned char*, reportedState, size_t, size, IOTHUB_CLIENT_REPORTED_STATE_CALLBACK, reportedStateCallback, void*, userContextCallback);
+    /**
+    * @brief	This API sets callback for cloud to device method call.
+    *
+    * @param	iotHubClientHandle		The handle created by a call to the create function.
+    * @param	deviceMethodCallback	The callback which will be called by IoTHub.
+    * @param	userContextCallback		User specified context that will be provided to the
+    * 									callback. This can be @c NULL.
+    *
+    * @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
+    */
+    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubClient_SetDeviceMethodCallback, IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubClientHandle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_DEVICE_METHOD_CALLBACK_ASYNC, deviceMethodCallback, void*, userContextCallback);
@@ -257,7 +311,7 @@
     * @return	IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK upon success or an error code upon failure.
-    extern IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubClient_UploadToBlobAsync(IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, const char* destinationFileName, const unsigned char* source, size_t size, IOTHUB_CLIENT_FILE_UPLOAD_CALLBACK iotHubClientFileUploadCallback, void* context);
+    MOCKABLE_FUNCTION(, IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT, IoTHubClient_UploadToBlobAsync, IOTHUB_CLIENT_HANDLE, iotHubClientHandle, const char*, destinationFileName, const unsigned char*, source, size_t, size, IOTHUB_CLIENT_FILE_UPLOAD_CALLBACK, iotHubClientFileUploadCallback, void*, context);
 #ifdef __cplusplus