first publish not working

Dependencies:   MODSERIAL mbed ttmath FastPWM Motor_with_encoder biquadFilter

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Nov 01 15:30:59 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Nov 02 11:59:11 2017 +0000
@@ -11,34 +11,57 @@
 DigitalOut ledb(LED_BLUE);
 DigitalOut ledr(LED_RED);
 DigitalOut ledg(LED_GREEN);
 DigitalOut motor1DC(D7);
 DigitalOut motor2DC(D4);
 FastPWM motor1PWM(D6);
 FastPWM motor2PWM(D5);
-AnalogIn   potMeter1(A0);
-AnalogIn   potMeter2(A1);
-DigitalIn  button1(D11);
-DigitalIn  button2(D12);
-Encoder Encoder1(D12,D13);
-Encoder Encoder2(D8,D9);
+AnalogIn    potMeter1(A0);
+AnalogIn    potMeter2(A1);
+AnalogIn    emg1(A2);   
+AnalogIn    emg2(A3);
+AnalogIn    emg3(A4);
+AnalogIn    emg4(A5);
+DigitalIn   button1(D11);
+DigitalIn   button2(D12);
+DigitalIn   button3(SW2);
+DigitalIn   button4(SW3);
+Encoder     Encoder1(D12,D13);
+Encoder     Encoder2(D8,D9);
 Ticker controller;
+// Constants EMG ----------------------- Start
+double X;
+double X_maxTreshold = 560;
+double X_minTreshold = 20;
+const double X_Callibrate  = 300;
+double Y;
+double Y_maxTreshold = 560;
+double Y_minTreshold = 0;
+const double Y_Callibrate  = 300;
 // ---- Motor Constants-------
-float Pwmperiod = 0.001f;
-int potmultiplier = 600;    // Multiplier for the pot meter reference which is normally between 0 and 1
-float gainM1 = 1/35.17;     // encoder pulses per degree theta
-float gainM2 = 1/109.4;      // gain for radius r
+const double pi = 3.1415926535897;
+float   Pwmperiod = 0.001f;
+int     potmultiplier = 600;    // Multiplier for the pot meter reference which is normally between 0 and 1
+const float gearM1 = 6.2;
+const double   gainM1 = 1/35.17;       // encoder pulses per degree theta
+const double   gainM2 = 1/(2*gearM1*pi);       // gain for radius r
-volatile float motor1;
-volatile float motor2;
+double motor1;
+double motor2;
+double pos_M1;
+double pos_M2;
 //Start constants PID ------------------------------- 
-const double pi = 3.1415926535897;
-const double M1_TS = 0.01; // (was 0.0001) 0.001 and 0.01 work without biquad filter. // // Sample time (motor - timestep)
+const double M1_TS = 0.01;      // (was 0.0001) 0.001 and 0.01 work without biquad filter. // // Sample time (motor - timestep)
 const float     RAD_PER_PULSE = (2*pi)/4200;
@@ -50,7 +73,7 @@
 double          m1_err_int = 0;
 double          m1_prev_err = 0;
-const float     M2_KP = 10; 
+const float     M2_KP = 5; 
 const float     M2_KI = 0.5;
 const float     M2_KD = 0.5; //was KP=10 KI=0.5 KD=0.5
 double          m2_err_int = 0;
@@ -64,6 +87,9 @@
 const double    M1_F_B2  = 4.0;
 double          m1_f_v1  = 0;
 double          m1_f_v2  = 0;
 //---------------------------------End of constants PID
 //-----------------Start PID part----------------------------START
@@ -74,7 +100,15 @@
     //e_der = biquad(e_der, f_v1, f_v2, f_a1, f_a2, f_b0, f_b1, f_b2);
     e_prev1 = e1;
-    e_int1 += Ts*e1;                                                          // Integral   
+    e_int1 += Ts*e1;
+    if(button3 == 0 || button4 ==0){
+        e1 = 0;
+        e_prev1 = 0;
+        e_int1 = 0;
+        e_der1 = 0;
+    }
+                                                              // Integral   
     return Kp1*e1 + Ki1*e_int1 + Kd1 * e_der1;                                    //PID
@@ -85,30 +119,181 @@
     //e_der = biquad(e_der, f_v1, f_v2, f_a1, f_a2, f_b0, f_b1, f_b2);
     e_prev2 = e2;
-    e_int2 += Ts*e2;                                                          // Integral   
+    e_int2 += Ts*e2;
+    if(button3 == 0 || button4 ==0){
+        e2 = 0;
+        e_prev2 = 0;
+        e_int2 = 0;
+        e_der2 = 0;
+    }
+                                                              // Integral   
     return Kp2*e2 + Ki2*e_int2 + Kd2 * e_der2;                                    //PID
 //------------Get reference position-----------------START
 float Get_X_Position(){
-    double X = potMeter1 * potmultiplier;
+   // X = potMeter1 * potmultiplier;  //--------- for Potmerter use
+// -- Potmeter use ----------------------------------- 
+    if (potMeter1 < 0.3)              
+            {
+                X = X-0.5;
+            }
+        else if (potMeter1> 0.7)
+            {
+                X = X+0.5;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                X = X;
+            }
+    /*
+    double in1 =;
+    double in2 =;
+    double RA = in1+in2;
+    if (RA < 0.5)
+            {
+                X = X;
+            }
+        else if (RA > 1.5)
+            {
+                X = X-0.1;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                X = X+0.1;
+            }
+    */
+    if (X > X_maxTreshold){
+        X = X_maxTreshold;
+        }
+        else if (X < X_minTreshold){
+            X = X_minTreshold;
+            }
+        else{
+            X = X;
+            } 
+    if(button3 == 0){
+        X = X_minTreshold;
+        }
+        else if (button4 == 0){
+            X = X_Callibrate;
+            }
+        else{
+            X = X;
+            }
+    //pc.baud(115200);
+    //pc.printf("\r (in1,in2):(%f,%f), RA = %f, X = %f \n",in1, in2, RA, X);
     return X;
 float Get_Y_Position(){
-    double Y = potMeter2 * potmultiplier;
+    //Y = potMeter2 * potmultiplier; //--------- for Potmerter use
+// ---- Potmeter Use--------------------------   
+    if (potMeter2 < 0.3)
+            {
+                Y = Y-0.5;
+            }
+        else if (potMeter2 > 0.7)
+            {
+                Y = Y+0.5;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                Y = Y;
+            }
+    /*
+    double in3 =;
+    double in4 =;
+    double LA = in3+in4;
+    if (LA < 0.5)
+            {
+                Y = Y;
+            }
+        else if (LA > 1.5)
+            {
+                Y = Y-0.1;
+            }
+        else
+            {
+                Y = Y+0.1;
+            }
+    */        
+    if (Y > Y_maxTreshold){
+        Y = Y_maxTreshold;
+        }
+        else if (Y < Y_minTreshold){
+            Y = Y_minTreshold;
+            }
+        else{
+            Y = Y;
+            } 
+    if(button3 == 0){
+        Y = Y_minTreshold;
+        }
+        else if (button4 == 0){
+            Y = Y_Callibrate;
+            }
+        else{
+            Y = Y;
+            }        
+        //pc.printf("\r (in3,in4):(%f,%f), LA = %f, Y = %f \n",in3, in4, LA, Y);
     return Y;
 //-------------Get current Position-------------------START
 double motor1_Position(){ // has as output Theta
-    double pos_m1 = gainM1*Encoder1.getPosition(); // current position for theta   
-    return pos_m1;       
+    if (button3 == 0){
+           int T1 = ((atan(Y_minTreshold/X_minTreshold)*180)/pi)/gainM1;
+           Encoder1.setPosition(T1);
+        }
+        else if (button4 ==0){
+           int T1 = ((atan(Y_Callibrate/X_Callibrate)*180)/pi)/gainM1;
+            Encoder1.setPosition(T1);
+        }
+        else{          
+        }
+    double pos_M1 = gainM1*Encoder1.getPosition(); // current position for theta
+    return pos_M1;       
 double motor2_Position(){ //output R
-    double pos_m2 = gainM2 *Encoder2.getPosition(); // current position for the radius;
-    return pos_m2;
+    int R1;
+    if (button3 == 0){
+           R1 = (sqrt(X_minTreshold*X_minTreshold+Y_minTreshold*Y_minTreshold))/gainM2;
+           Encoder2.setPosition(R1);
+        }
+        else if (button4 ==0){
+            R1 = (sqrt(X_Callibrate*X_Callibrate+Y_Callibrate*Y_Callibrate))/gainM2;
+            Encoder2.setPosition(R1);
+        }
+        else{          
+        }
+    double pos_M2 = gainM2 *Encoder2.getPosition(); // current position for the radius;
+    pc.baud(115200);
+   // pc.printf("\r R1 = %f, pos_m2 = %f\n", R1,pos_m2);
+    return pos_M2;
@@ -122,9 +307,9 @@
     double reference_motor1 = (atan(y/x)*180)/pi;       // reference for Theta
     double reference_motor2 = sqrt((x*x+y*y));          // reference for radius
-    float pos_M1 = motor1_Position(); // current position for theta   
-    float pos_M2 = motor2_Position(); // current position for the radius
+    double pos_M1 = motor1_Position(); // current position for theta   
+    double pos_M2 = motor2_Position(); // current position for the radius
     double delta1 = PID1(reference_motor1 - pos_M1, M1_KP, M1_KI, M1_KD, M1_TS, m1_err_int, m1_prev_err, m1_f_v1, m1_f_v2, M1_F_A1, M1_F_A2, M1_F_B0, M1_F_B1, M1_F_B2);
     double delta2 = PID2(reference_motor2 - pos_M2, M2_KP, M2_KI, M2_KD, M1_TS, m2_err_int, m2_prev_err, m1_f_v1, m1_f_v2, M1_F_A1, M1_F_A2, M1_F_B0, M1_F_B1, M1_F_B2);
@@ -132,7 +317,8 @@
     double dRadius  = reference_motor2 - pos_M2;
-    pc.printf("\r DesPosition(X,Y):(%f,%f), pos Error(dTheta, dError):(%f,%f)\n",x,y, dTheta ,dRadius);
+    //pc.printf("\r DesPosition(X,Y):(%f,%f), posError(dTheta, dError):(%f,%f), (delta1,delta2):(%f,%f), posM(M1,M2):(%f,%f) \n",x,y, dTheta ,dRadius,delta1, delta2, pos_M1,pos_M2);
+    pc.printf("\r pos(M1,M2):(%f,%f)\n", pos_M1, pos_M2);
     //motor1PWM = motor1;
     //motor2PWM = motor2;
@@ -161,8 +347,8 @@
     motor1 = abs(delta1)/1000.0;
-        if(motor1 >= 0.50) {
-        motor1 = 0.50;
+        if(motor1 >= 0.35) {
+        motor1 = 0.35;
       //pc.printf("\r val motor1: %f\n", motor1);
@@ -195,11 +381,11 @@
         motor2 = 0.50;
-    motor1PWM = motor1 + 0.20;
-    motor2PWM = motor2 + 0.20;
+    motor1PWM = motor1 + 0.65;
+    motor2PWM = motor2 + 0.50;
     //pc.printf("\r delta(1,2):(%f,%f)\n", delta1,delta2);
-    //pc.printf("\r motorvalues (M1,M2):(%f,%f),\n",  motor1, motor2);
+    //pc.printf("\r motorvalues (M1,M2):(%f,%f),\n",  motor1 + 0.65, motor2 + 0.20);