Ball drop game with menus and highscore tracking developed for ELEC2645 at the University of Leeds.

Dependencies:   N5110 mbed PowerControl

Game developed for ELEC 2645.

Extremely detailed report outlining all aspects of project found below. /media/uploads/AppleJuice/projectreport.pdf


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
20:2c8bf36d1702 2015-05-08 AppleJuice backlight enabled default tip
19:97e0516dd6b2 2015-05-08 AppleJuice complete. Added power control aswell
18:0e8b1cc24706 2015-05-07 AppleJuice added collision detection for entire platform, not just top;
17:7c926de79e02 2015-05-05 AppleJuice Working version. Going to introduce ball and platform class
16:9d676eb9d8d1 2015-05-05 AppleJuice updated docs;
15:5718d1278f91 2015-05-03 AppleJuice documentation complete;
14:f5760f76fe83 2015-05-01 AppleJuice commented all files using Doxygen;
13:7071a14b2fab 2015-04-30 AppleJuice highscore screen complete. All that is left to do is pause screen, sounds, csv management and power cuts!;
12:9ba4b21f8220 2015-04-29 AppleJuice record entry screen complete;
11:c6c88617f7e7 2015-04-27 AppleJuice added game over screen, and text color inverting. Current state = game over is start screen. Need to do: button press detection, up/down on joystick, menu scrolling, alphabet selector, csv management, sounds!
10:d8ef8633bd98 2015-04-27 AppleJuice updated to new timer version. A single clock controls all animations. Also fixed fall through bug...;
9:c20f11f9b310 2015-04-27 AppleJuice working with old clock method. After this revision new clock method is in place.
8:ebddb721f1ee 2015-03-10 AppleJuice added: start screen, instructions, and countdown to start.; ; bugs: ball sometimes passes through platforms if it traveled sideways through another above. Should be easily fixed by adding left/right movement boundaries.
7:1bcd54606f34 2015-03-10 AppleJuice text is successfully rotated. ; ; To be done: get game working with good difficulty, start menu, pause menu/button, game end screen, high scores.;
6:b1c54f8b28fe 2015-03-10 AppleJuice ball rises/falls with platforms. ; ; Now working on overrideing "printString" to allow proper orientation...
5:d395a7134278 2015-03-09 AppleJuice ball collision detection working;
4:f8d04c073730 2015-03-07 AppleJuice platform animations complete. Began working on main routine. Timers in place for animation of platforms and gradual speed up.; ; Currently working on: isBallFalling()
3:00c0f63f4408 2015-03-07 AppleJuice new gaps were not random.;
2:d4402bc3dd45 2015-03-07 AppleJuice Added platform functions; - draw and erase platform; - manage platforms using Platform struct array; - draw/erase/free all platforms.; ; Added ball functions; - drawBall; - eraseBall
1:3305d7e44880 2015-03-07 AppleJuice extended initialization;
0:c2c1df1163f1 2015-03-07 AppleJuice First successful inheret of base class. Now coding can begin!