Ball drop game with menus and highscore tracking developed for ELEC2645 at the University of Leeds.

Dependencies:   N5110 mbed PowerControl

Game developed for ELEC 2645.

Extremely detailed report outlining all aspects of project found below. /media/uploads/AppleJuice/projectreport.pdf

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API Documentation at this revision

Tue May 05 11:57:46 2015 +0000
Commit message:
updated docs;

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GameScreen.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/GameScreen.h	Sun May 03 18:46:10 2015 +0000
+++ b/GameScreen.h	Tue May 05 11:57:46 2015 +0000
@@ -34,15 +34,17 @@
     int y;      ///< ball y-location (top pixel)
-GameScreen Class
-inherets N5110 class
+/** GameScreen Class
+*Nokia 5110 screen controller with specific functions for manageing game objects and screens.
 class GameScreen: public N5110::N5110
     /** Create GameScreen object connected to specific pins
+    *
     * constructor inhereted from base class
     * @param pwr Pin connected to Vcc on the LCD display (pin 1)
     * @param sce Pin connected to chip enable (pin 3)
@@ -60,12 +62,15 @@
     *   Calls N5110::init() which powers up display and sets starting brightness
     *   initialises ball position and creates platform list.
+    *
     void Initialize();
     /** Print String
+    *
     * Overrides N5110::printString(*) to allow vertical orientation text.
-    * needs refresh.
+    * requires a refresh to display.
+    *
     *@param str - string to be printed
     *@param x - x coordinate of the string
     *@param y - y coordinate of the string
@@ -76,14 +81,14 @@
     /** Draw Ball
-    * Draws ball on screen from playerBall in object
+    * Draws ball on screen from playerBall struct in object, requires refresh.
     void drawBall();
     /** Erases Ball
-    * Erases ball on screen from playerBall in object, requires refresh.
+    * Erases ball on screen from playerBall struct in object, requires refresh.
     void eraseBall();  
@@ -97,14 +102,14 @@
     /** Erases All Platforms
-    * Erases all platforms from array allPlatforms in object, requires refresh.
+    * Erases all platforms on screen from array allPlatforms in object, requires refresh.
     void eraseAllPlatforms();
     /** Shifts Platforms Up
-    * Alter array of platforms to shift each platform up, requires refresh.
+    * Alter array of platforms to shift each platform up n pisxels, requires refresh.
     *@param n - number of pixels to shift platform.
@@ -200,28 +205,49 @@
     /** @return ball Y coordinate*/ 
     int         getBallY()                      { return playerBall.y;      }
-    //creates array of platforms, giving each a random gap location
+    /** Creates All Platforms
+    *
+    * Randomly selects location of gap in each platform and adds all to 'allPlatforms' array.
+    *
+    */
     void createAllPlatforms();
-    // Draw a platform at pos y, gap x.
+   /** Draws Platform
+   *
+   * Draws a platform with thickness _platThickness at height y and gap x.
+   *
+   *@param x - location of gap on platform (right hand pixel)
+   *@param y - y position of platform
+   *
+   */
     void drawPlatform(int x,int y);
-    // Erase Platform at pos y
+    /** Draws Platform
+    *
+    * Erases a platform with thickness _platThickness at height y.
+    *
+    *@param y - y position of platform
+    *
+    */
     void erasePlatform(int y);
-    // Garbage cleanup of allPlatfrom array.
+    /** Free All Platforms
+    *
+    * frees memory of each platform in 'allPlatforms' array and destroys the array.
+    *
+    */
     void freeAllPlatforms();      
-    static const int platGapSize_ = 8;          //standard platform gap width in pixels
-    static const int platThickness_ = 2;        //platform thickness in pixels
-    static const int platSpacing_ = 14;         // subsequent platform spacing in pixels
-    static const int maxX_ = 48;                // maximun horizontal pixel
-    static const int maxY_ = 84;                // maximum vertical pixel
-    static const int ballRadius_ = 4;           // size of player ball
-    static const int numPlatforms_ = 6;         // total number of platforms
-    Ball playerBall;                            
-    Platform *allPlatforms[numPlatforms_];      //array used to track each platform, and refresh when needed!
+    static const int platGapSize_ = 8;          ///< standard platform gap width in pixels
+    static const int platThickness_ = 2;        ///< platform thickness in pixels
+    static const int platSpacing_ = 14;         ///< subsequent platform spacing in pixels
+    static const int maxX_ = 48;                ///< maximun horizontal pixel
+    static const int maxY_ = 84;                ///< maximum vertical pixel
+    static const int ballRadius_ = 4;           ///< size of player ball
+    static const int numPlatforms_ = 6;         ///< total number of platforms
+    Ball playerBall;                            ///< player ball structure
+    Platform *allPlatforms[numPlatforms_];      ///< array used to track each platform, and refresh when needed!