Latest version of my quadcopter controller with an LPC1768 and MPU9250.

Dependencies:   mbed

Currently running on a custom PCB with 30.5 x 30.5mm mounts. There are also 2 PC apps that go with the software; one to set up the PID controller and one to balance the motors and props. If anyone is interested, send me a message and I'll upload them.



File content as of revision 4:fab65ad01ab4:

// Coded by Erik van de Coevering

#include "mbed.h"

DigitalOut led1(LED1); // for stick arming (leds are active low)

extern float Kp, Ki, Kd;

void calccomp(int* ctrl, float* angles, int* motor) //ctrl: 0-rud 1-elev 2-throttle 3-aileron      angles: 0-ax 1-ay 2-az 3-gx 4-gy 5-gz
    //Rx variables
    int ruddercenter = 1562;
    int elevcenter = 1554;
    int aileroncenter = 1550;

    //Variables for calccomp
    float xcomp = 0;
    float ycomp = 0;
    int xcomp2 = 0;
    float ruddercomp = 0;
    int rud = 0;
    int zcomp = 0;
    int throttle = 0;
    static signed int m1 = 0;
    static signed int m2 = 0;
    static signed int m3 = 0;
    static signed int m4 = 0;
    static bool armed = false;
    float xcntrl = 0;
    float ycntrl = 0;
    float KPx, KPy, KIx, KIy, KDx, KDy;

    //Scale rx channels
    rud = (((float)(ctrl[0] - ruddercenter))/2.5);
    ycntrl = ((float)(ctrl[3] - elevcenter))/8;
    throttle = ctrl[2] - 20;
    xcntrl = ((float)(ctrl[1] - aileroncenter))/8;

    //Limit throttle
    if(throttle > 1950) throttle = 1950;

    //Start by mixing throttle
    m1 = throttle;
    m2 = throttle;
    m3 = throttle;
    m4 = throttle;

    // Current values used on a 250 size mini racer (still needs tuning): P: 1.45, I: 1.5, D: 0.34
    // Calc PID values and prevent integral windup on KIx
    KPx = (angles[0] - xcntrl) * Kp;
    KIx = KIx + ((angles[0] - xcntrl) * Ki * 0.001);

    if(KIx > 50) KIx = 50;
    if(KIx < -50) KIx = -50;
    KDx = (angles[3] + (angles[0] - xcntrl)) * Kd;

    xcomp = KPx + KIx + KDx;
    xcomp2 = xcomp*-1;

    //Mix aileron
    m1 = m1 - xcomp2;
    m2 = m2 + xcomp2;
    m3 = m3 + xcomp2;
    m4 = m4 - xcomp2;

    // Calc PID values and prevent integral windup on KIy
    KPy = (angles[1] + ycntrl) * Kp;
    KIy = KIy + ((angles[1] + ycntrl) * Ki * 0.001);

    if(KIy > 50) KIy = 50;
    if(KIy < -50) KIy = -50;
    KDy = (angles[4] + (angles[1] + ycntrl)) * Kd;

    ycomp = KPy + KIy + KDy;
    ycomp = ycomp*-1;

    //Mix elevator
    m1 = m1 + ycomp;
    m2 = m2 + ycomp;
    m3 = m3 - ycomp;
    m4 = m4 - ycomp;

    //Calc rudder compensation and mix
    ruddercomp = (rud + (angles[5]*1.0f));  //has drift
    zcomp = ruddercomp*-1;
    //zcomp = 0;

    //Mix rudder
    m1 = m1 - zcomp;
    m2 = m2 + zcomp;
    m3 = m3 - zcomp;
    m4 = m4 + zcomp;

    //When throttle down or if not armed, stop motors
    if(throttle < 1100 || armed == false) {

    //Stick arming
    if(throttle < 1100 && rud > 100) {
        armed = true;
        led1 = 0;
    if(throttle < 1100 && rud < -100) {
        armed = false;
        led1 = 1;

    //Output to motors
    motor[0] = m1;
    motor[1] = m2;
    motor[2] = m3;
    motor[3] = m4;