Provides an API software interface to TIMER2 to control upto four stepper motors.

Dependents:   Steppermotor

--- a/inc/SimpleSteppers.h	Mon May 02 10:06:00 2011 +0000
+++ b/inc/SimpleSteppers.h	Mon May 02 10:17:33 2011 +0000
@@ -50,9 +50,61 @@
  * Note, SimpleStepper uses the SimpleStepperController class to manage
  * the TIMER2. SimpleStepperController and SimpleStepper take total
  * control of the LPC17xx's TIMER2. Your application or other library that
- * your application uses, should use TIMER2.
+ * your application uses, should <b>not</b>use TIMER2.
+ *
+ * This library is a software interface to the TIMER2 MATCH system. It does 
+ * <b>not</b> provide position and/or acceleration, PID control, etc, of
+ * the motors. Your application or other library should provide the control
+ * function needed to position/run your stepper motor(s).
- * @include SimpleSteppers/inc/example1.h
+ * @code
+ * #include "mbed.h"
+ * #include "SimpleSteppers.h"
+ * 
+ * SimpleStepperOutput led1(LED1);
+ * 
+ * // SimpleStepperOutput is basically the same as
+ * // Mbed's DigitalOut class. However, it's more
+ * // portable to other platforms without having
+ * // to also port the entire Mbed library.
+ * SimpleStepperOutput sdir0(p17);
+ * SimpleStepperOutput sdir1(p18);
+ * SimpleStepperOutput sdir2(p19);
+ * SimpleStepperOutput sdir3(p20);
+ * 
+ * // Create four steppers.
+ * // Stepper0 has the pulse output on p8 and dir on p17
+ * SimpleStepper stepper0(p8, &sdir0);
+ * // Stepper1 has the pulse output on p7 and dir on p18
+ * SimpleStepper stepper1(p7, &sdir1);
+ * // Stepper2 has the pulse output on p7 and dir on p19
+ * SimpleStepper stepper2(p6, &sdir2);
+ * // Stepper3 has the pulse output on p7 and dir on p20
+ * SimpleStepper stepper3(p5, &sdir3);
+ * 
+ * int main() {
+ *     
+ *    // We do not need to maintain the stepper position
+ *    // for this simple example. This reduces the amount
+ *    // of work the ISR has to do.
+ *    stepper0.setMaintainPositionData(false);
+ *    stepper1.setMaintainPositionData(false);
+ *    stepper2.setMaintainPositionData(false);
+ *    stepper3.setMaintainPositionData(false);
+ *    
+ *    // Set all steppers to top speed of 5000 pulses/second.
+ *    stepper0.setSpeed(5000);
+ *    stepper1.setSpeed(5000);
+ *    stepper2.setSpeed(5000);
+ *    stepper3.setSpeed(5000);
+ *
+ *    while(1) {
+ *        led1 = !led1;
+ *        wait(0.2);        
+ *    }
+ * }
+ * @endcode
+ * @see example1.h
 class SimpleStepper {