
Dependents of DebounceIn

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Published for Bernard
Shape shifter - controller
HW 3 game
Game controller_v2: 091815. changed to read acceleration in x axis
Program to simulate gun for doom using BNO055 sensor
Renamed to program to Doom_Controller.
Testing USBKeyboard
/ HW3
Uses a randomly generated pattern that is output in the forms of colors on the RGB LED. The user matches this pattern and, if correct, the pattern increases by one …
Example program for the Midi5Pin library.
A simplified version of Galaga that can be run on an mbed
PS3 version
Test Binary account
Switch-led, interrupt, PinDetect Lib
A project that creates falling asteroids at random positions along the top of the screen for a space ship at the bottom to shoot, using a Nokia N5110 LCD, joystick …
Lab that has to do with basic IO on mbed.
Xbee robot with telemetry, controller code
Xbee robot with telemetry, robot code
Xbee robot with telemetry, controller code
A safe using the mbed, dc motor, solenoid, and more!
This is a Transmitter Code. Design and development of a wireless Robotic Arm that mirrors the movement of a hand in the horizontal and vertical direction. For this purpose, we … FRDM K64F, nRF24L01
Retractable steering wheel
Prueba con puertos seriales Nucleo F303K8
mbed version of the Dance Maniax game
4180 Lab 4 Project
An alarm clock that wakes you up naturally!
Code for the sword component of Clash!, a motion controlled pair of input devices for the game Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.
Modified code for 2 servo motors
t2d board