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lpc_phy.h File Reference

lpc_phy.h File Reference

Common PHY definitions used with all PHYs. More...

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s32_t lpc_phy_sts_sm (struct netif *netif)
 Phy status update state machine.
err_t lpc_phy_init (struct netif *netif, int rmii)
 Initialize the PHY.
void lpc_mii_write_noblock (u32_t PhyReg, u32_t Value)
 Write a value via the MII link (non-blocking)
err_t lpc_mii_write (u32_t PhyReg, u32_t Value)
 Write a value via the MII link (blocking)
u32_t lpc_mii_is_busy (void)
 Reads current MII link busy status.
u32_t lpc_mii_read_data (void)
 Starts a read operation via the MII link (non-blocking)
err_t lpc_mii_read (u32_t PhyReg, u32_t *data)
 Starts a read operation via the MII link (non-blocking)
void lpc_mii_read_noblock (u32_t PhyReg)
 Read a value via the MII link (blocking)
void lpc_emac_set_duplex (int full_duplex)
 This function provides a method for the PHY to setup the EMAC for the PHY negotiated duplex mode.
void lpc_emac_set_speed (int mbs_100)
 This function provides a method for the PHY to setup the EMAC for the PHY negotiated bit rate.

Detailed Description

Common PHY definitions used with all PHYs.

20 Nov. 2011
NXP MCU SW Application Team

Copyright(C) 2011, NXP Semiconductor All rights reserved.

Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only which provides customers with programming information regarding the products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties. NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes in the software without notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or modification.

Definition in file lpc_phy.h.

Function Documentation

void lpc_emac_set_duplex ( int  full_duplex )

This function provides a method for the PHY to setup the EMAC for the PHY negotiated duplex mode.

[in]full_duplex0 = half duplex, 1 = full duplex
void lpc_emac_set_speed ( int  mbs_100 )

This function provides a method for the PHY to setup the EMAC for the PHY negotiated bit rate.

[in]mbs_1000 = 10mbs mode, 1 = 100mbs mode