Program to demonstrate the use of the LowPowerSleep class on the u-blox C030 platform.

Dependencies:   gnss low-power-sleep

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00001 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
00002  * Copyright (c) 2017 u-blox
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00017 #include "mbed.h"
00018 #include "low_power.h"
00019 #include "gnss.h"
00021 #define GNSS_WAIT_TIME_SECONDS 120
00022 #define STOP_TIME_SECONDS 5
00023 #define STANDBY_TIME_SECONDS 5
00024 #define CHECK_TALKER(s) ((buffer[3] == s[0]) && (buffer[4] == s[1]) && (buffer[5] == s[2]))
00025 #define BACKUP_SRAM_STRING "Back from Standby mode!"
00027 // Put the time at the start of back-up SRAM
00029 static time_t timeNow;
00031 // The rest of backup SRAM
00033 static char backupSram[BACKUP_SRAM_SIZE - sizeof (timeNow)];
00035 // LEDs
00036 DigitalOut ledRed(LED1, 1);
00037 DigitalOut ledGreen(LED2, 1);
00038 DigitalOut ledBlue(LED3, 1);
00040 /* IMPORTANT: this code puts the STM32F4xx chip into its lowest power state.
00041  * The ability to do this is affected by the state of the debug chip on the C030
00042  * board. To be sure that this code executes correctly, you MUST completely
00043  * power off the board after downloading code, and power it back on again.
00044  */
00046 /* This example program for the u-blox C030 board demonstrates the use of
00047  * the low power driver.  It waits for GNSS to obtain the time, entering Stop
00048  * mode while waiting for the GNSS to return results and, once the time has
00049  * been obtained, it enters Standby mode, putting some stored information
00050  * into backup SRAM where it will remain safe during Standby mode.
00051  * Note: the use of GNSS is in no way related to the LowPowerSleep class,
00052  * it's simply something to do in this demonstration.
00053  * Progress may be monitored with a serial terminal running at 9600 baud.
00054  * The LED on the C030 board will turn green when this program is operating
00055  * correctly, flash white when GNSS time is received, and turn red if GNSS
00056  * time was not received or there is a failure.
00057  */
00059 // Get the time from GNSS
00060 static bool gnssGetTime(GnssSerial *gnss)
00061 {
00062     char buffer[256];
00063     bool gotTime = false;
00064     int gnssReturnCode;
00065     int32_t length;
00067     while ((gnssReturnCode = gnss->getMessage(buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) {
00068         length = LENGTH(gnssReturnCode);
00070         if ((PROTOCOL(gnssReturnCode) == GnssParser::NMEA) && (length > 6)) {
00071             // Talker is $GA=Galileo $GB=Beidou $GL=Glonass $GN=Combined $GP=GNSS
00072             if ((buffer[0] == '$') || buffer[1] == 'G') {
00073                 if (CHECK_TALKER("GGA") || CHECK_TALKER("GNS")) {
00074                     const char *timeString = NULL;
00075                     // Retrieve the time
00076                     timeString = gnss->findNmeaItemPos(1, buffer, buffer + length);
00077                     if (timeString != NULL) {
00078                         gotTime = true;
00079                         printf("\nGNSS: time is %.6s (UTC).\n", timeString);
00080                         ledBlue = 0;
00081                         ledGreen = 0;
00082                         ledRed = 0;
00083                         wait_ms(1000);        
00084                     }
00085                 }
00086             }
00087         }
00088     }
00090     return gotTime;
00091 }
00093 // Main
00094 int main()
00095 {
00096     GnssSerial gnss;
00097     LowPower lowPower;
00098     bool gotTime = false;
00100     // First exit Debug mode on the chip, otherwise it will not be
00101     // able to enter Standby mode
00102     lowPower.exitDebugMode();
00104     ledGreen = 0;
00105     ledRed = 1;
00106     ledBlue = 1;
00108     // Initialise GNSS
00109     if (gnss.init()) {
00110         if (time(NULL) != 0) {
00111             // If the RTC is running, we must have been awake previously
00112             printf ("Awake from Standby mode after %d second(s).\n", 
00113                     (int) (time(NULL) - timeNow));
00114             printf ("Backup RAM contains \"%.*s\".\n\n", sizeof(BACKUP_SRAM_STRING),
00115                      backupSram);
00116         } else {
00117             printf("\n\nStarting up from a cold start.\n");
00118             printf("IMPORTANT: this code puts the STM32F4xx chip into its lowest power state.\n");
00119             printf("The ability to do this is affected by the state of the debug chip on the C030\n");
00120             printf("board. To be sure that this code executes correctly, you must completely power\n");
00121             printf("off the board after downloading code, and power it back on again.\n\n");
00122         }
00124         printf ("Waiting up to %d second(s) for GNSS to receive the time...\n", GNSS_WAIT_TIME_SECONDS);
00125         for (uint32_t x = 0; (x < GNSS_WAIT_TIME_SECONDS) && !gotTime; x+= STOP_TIME_SECONDS) {
00126             gotTime = gnssGetTime(&gnss);
00128             if (!gotTime) {
00129                 printf ("  Entering Stop mode for %d second(s) while waiting...\n", STOP_TIME_SECONDS);
00130                 // Let the printf leave the building
00131                 wait_ms(100);
00132                 time_t y = time(NULL);
00133                 lowPower.enterStop(STOP_TIME_SECONDS * 1000);
00134                 printf ("  Awake from Stop mode after %d second(s).\n", (int) (time(NULL) - y));
00135             }
00136         }
00138         ledGreen = 1;
00139         ledRed = 1;
00140         ledBlue = 1;
00141         if (!gotTime) {
00142             ledRed = 0;
00143         }
00145         printf ("\nPutting \"%s\" into BKPSRAM...\n", BACKUP_SRAM_STRING);
00146         memcpy (backupSram, BACKUP_SRAM_STRING, sizeof(BACKUP_SRAM_STRING));
00148         printf ("Entering Standby mode, losing all RAM contents, for %d second(s)...\n\n", STANDBY_TIME_SECONDS);
00149         // Let the printf leave the building
00150         wait_ms(100);
00151         // We will return at the start of main() when the Standby time expires
00152         timeNow = time(NULL);
00153         lowPower.enterStandby(STANDBY_TIME_SECONDS * 1000);
00154     } else {
00155         printf("Unable to initialise GNSS.\n");
00156     }
00158     ledRed = 0;
00159     ledGreen = 1;
00160     ledBlue = 1;
00161     printf("Should never get here.\n");
00162     MBED_ASSERT(false);
00163 }
00165 // End Of File