Port to C027 (using AppShield and Cellular)

Dependencies:   C027_Support C12832 LM75B MMA7660 MQTT mbed-rtos mbed


Fork of IBMIoTClientEthernetExample by u-blox

diff -r d6b94e8051b0 -r 6a0af5deb2db main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Thu Mar 12 12:31:06 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Mar 13 06:23:30 2015 +0000
@@ -45,24 +45,42 @@
-#if defined(TARGET_UBLOX_C027)
-# warning "Compiling for mbed C027"
-# include "C027.h"
-#elif defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
-# warning "Compiling for mbed LPC1768"
-# include "LPC1768.h"
-#elif defined(TARGET_K64F)
-# warning "Compiling for mbed K64F"
-# include "K64F.h"
+C12832 lcd(D11, D13, D12, D7, D10);
+PwmOut r(D5);
+PwmOut g(D9);
+PwmOut b(D8);
+DigitalOut led1(LED1); DigitalOut led2(LED2); DigitalOut led3(LED3);
+MMA7660 MMA(D14, D15);
+LM75B sensor(D14,D15);
+DigitalIn Up(A2); DigitalIn Down(A3); DigitalIn Left(A4); DigitalIn Right(A5); DigitalIn Click(D4);
+AnalogIn ain1 (A0); AnalogIn ain2 (A1);
+#define LED2_OFF 0
+#define LED2_ON 1
+#define DEFAULT_TYPE_NAME "iotsample-mbed-c027"
-# include "MQTTSocket.h"
-# define MQTT_CLIENT_TYPE MQTTEthernet
-# include "MQTTEthernet.h"
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// You need to configure these cellular modem / SIM parameters.
+// These parameters are ignored for LISA-C200 variants and can be left NULL.
+# include "MDM.h"
+//! Set your secret SIM pin here (e.g. "1234"). Check your SIM manual.
+# define SIMPIN      NULL
+/*! The APN of your network operator SIM, sometimes it is "internet" check your 
+    contract with the network operator. You can also try to look-up your settings in 
+    google: https://www.google.de/search?q=APN+list */
+# define APN         NULL
+//! Set the user name for your APN, or NULL if not needed
+# define USERNAME    NULL
+//! Set the password for your APN, or NULL if not needed
+# define PASSWORD    NULL 
+#include "MQTTSocket.h"
+// need a wrapper since K64F and LPC1768 wont have the same name for mii read methods
+static uint32_t linkStatus(void) { return true; }
 bool quickstartMode = true;
 char org[11] = ORG;  
@@ -298,43 +316,6 @@
     return client->publish(pubTopic, message);
-#if defined(TARGET_K64F)
-int getUUID48(char* buf, int buflen) 
-    unsigned int UUID_LOC_WORD0 = 0x40048060;
-    unsigned int UUID_LOC_WORD1 = 0x4004805C;
-    // Fetch word 0
-    uint32_t word0 = *(uint32_t *)UUID_LOC_WORD0;
-    // Fetch word 1
-    // we only want bottom 16 bits of word1 (MAC bits 32-47)
-    // and bit 9 forced to 1, bit 8 forced to 0
-    // Locally administered MAC, reduced conflicts
-    // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAC_address
-    uint32_t word1 = *(uint32_t *)UUID_LOC_WORD1;
-    word1 |= 0x00000200;
-    word1 &= 0x0000FEFF;
-    int rc = snprintf(buf, buflen, "%4x%08x", word1, word0);   // Device id must be in lower case
-    return rc;
-#elif !defined(USE_CELLULAR)
-char* getMac(EthernetInterface& eth, char* buf, int buflen)    // Obtain MAC address
-    strncpy(buf, eth.getMACAddress(), buflen);
-    char* pos;                                                 // Remove colons from mac address
-    while ((pos = strchr(buf, ':')) != NULL)
-        memmove(pos, pos + 1, strlen(pos) + 1);
-    return buf;
 void messageArrived(MQTT::MessageData& md)
     MQTT::Message &message = md.message;
@@ -384,28 +365,21 @@
     Thread yellow_thread(flashing_yellow);  
     MDMSerial mdm;
     //mdm.setDebug(4); // enable this for debugging issues 
     if (!mdm.connect(SIMPIN, APN,USERNAME,PASSWORD))
         return -1;
     MQTT_CLIENT_TYPE ipstack;
     MQTT::Client<MQTT_CLIENT_TYPE, Countdown, MQTT_MAX_PACKET_SIZE> client(ipstack);
     if (quickstartMode)
-#if defined(TARGET_K64F)
-        getUUID48(id, sizeof(id));  // getMac doesn't work on the K64F
-#elif !defined(USE_CELLULAR)
-        getMac(ipstack.getEth(), id, sizeof(id));
         MDMParser::NetStatus status;
         if (mdm.checkNetStatus(&status) && *status.num) {
             int l = strlen(status.num);
             strcpy(id, "000000000000");
             strcpy(id+12-l, status.num);
     attemptConnect(&client, &ipstack);