Provides an interface to an AX-12A servo. Requires the Dynamixel bus protocol library/

Fork of AX-12A by Jonathan Pickett

--- a/AX12.h	Thu Dec 10 21:45:59 2015 +0000
+++ b/AX12.h	Tue Dec 15 04:37:54 2015 +0000
@@ -25,56 +25,56 @@
 enum ControlTable
-    ModelNumberLow      = 0,        // RD
-    ModelNumberHigh     = 1,        // RD
-    FirmwareVersion     = 2,        // RD
-    ID                  = 3,        // RD/WR
-    BaudRate            = 4,        // RD/WR
-    ReturnDelayTime     = 5,        // RD/WR
-    CWAngleLimitL       = 6,        // RD/WR
-    CWAngleLimitH       = 7,        // RD/WR
-    CCWAngleLimitL      = 8,        // RD/WR
-    CCWAngleLimitH      = 9,        // RD/WR
-    Reserved1           = 10,
-    TemperatureLimit    = 11,       // RD/WR
-    VoltageLow          = 12,       // RD/WR
-    VoltageHigh         = 13,       // RD/WR
-    MaxTorqueL          = 14,       // RD/WR
-    MaxTorqueH          = 15,       // RD/WR
-    StatusReturnLevel   = 16,       // RD/WR
-    AlarmLED            = 17,       // RD/WR
-    AlarmShutdown       = 18,       // RD/WR
-    Reserved2           = 19,
-    DownCalibrationL    = 20,       // RR
-    DownCalibrationH    = 21,       // RD
-    UpCalibrationL      = 22,       // RD
-    UpCalibrationH      = 23,       // RD
-    TorqueEnable        = 24,       // RD/WR
-    LED                 = 25,       // RD/WR
-    CWComplianceMargin  = 26,       // RD/WR
-    CCWComplianceMargin = 27,       // RD/WR
-    CWComplianceSlope   = 28,       // RD/WR
-    CCWComplianceSlope  = 29,       // RD/WR
-    GoalPositionL       = 30,       // RD/WR
-    GoalPositionH       = 31,       // RD/WR
-    MovingSpeedL        = 32,       // RD/WR
-    MovingSpeedH        = 33,       // RD/WR
-    TorqueLimitL        = 34,       // RD/WR
-    TorqueLimitH        = 35,       // RD/WR
-    PresentPositionL    = 36,       // RD
-    PresentPositionH    = 37,       // RD
-    PresentSpeedL       = 38,       // RD
-    PresentSpeedH       = 39,       // RD
-    PresentLoadL        = 40,       // RD
-    PresentLoadH        = 41,       // RD
-    PresentVoltage      = 42,       // RD
-    PresentTemperature  = 43,       // RD
-    RegisteredInst      = 44,       // RD/WR
-    Reserved3           = 45,       
-    Moving              = 46,       // RD
-    Lock                = 47,       // RD/WR
-    PunchL              = 48,       // RD/WR
-    PunchH              = 49        // RD/WR
+    ctModelNumberLow      = 0,        // RD
+    ctModelNumberHigh     = 1,        // RD
+    ctFirmwareVersion     = 2,        // RD
+    ctID                  = 3,        // RD/WR
+    ctBaudRate            = 4,        // RD/WR
+    ctReturnDelayTime     = 5,        // RD/WR
+    ctCWAngleLimitL       = 6,        // RD/WR
+    ctCWAngleLimitH       = 7,        // RD/WR
+    ctCCWAngleLimitL      = 8,        // RD/WR
+    ctCCWAngleLimitH      = 9,        // RD/WR
+    ctReserved1           = 10,
+    ctTemperatureLimit    = 11,       // RD/WR
+    ctVoltageLow          = 12,       // RD/WR
+    ctVoltageHigh         = 13,       // RD/WR
+    ctMaxTorqueL          = 14,       // RD/WR
+    ctMaxTorqueH          = 15,       // RD/WR
+    ctStatusReturnLevel   = 16,       // RD/WR
+    ctAlarmLED            = 17,       // RD/WR
+    ctAlarmShutdown       = 18,       // RD/WR
+    ctReserved2           = 19,
+    ctDownCalibrationL    = 20,       // RR
+    ctDownCalibrationH    = 21,       // RD
+    ctUpCalibrationL      = 22,       // RD
+    ctUpCalibrationH      = 23,       // RD
+    ctTorqueEnable        = 24,       // RD/WR
+    ctLED                 = 25,       // RD/WR
+    ctCWComplianceMargin  = 26,       // RD/WR
+    ctCCWComplianceMargin = 27,       // RD/WR
+    ctCWComplianceSlope   = 28,       // RD/WR
+    ctCCWComplianceSlope  = 29,       // RD/WR
+    ctGoalPositionL       = 30,       // RD/WR
+    ctGoalPositionH       = 31,       // RD/WR
+    ctMovingSpeedL        = 32,       // RD/WR
+    ctMovingSpeedH        = 33,       // RD/WR
+    ctTorqueLimitL        = 34,       // RD/WR
+    ctTorqueLimitH        = 35,       // RD/WR
+    ctPresentPositionL    = 36,       // RD
+    ctPresentPositionH    = 37,       // RD
+    ctPresentSpeedL       = 38,       // RD
+    ctPresentSpeedH       = 39,       // RD
+    ctPresentLoadL        = 40,       // RD
+    ctPresentLoadH        = 41,       // RD
+    ctPresentVoltage      = 42,       // RD
+    ctPresentTemperature  = 43,       // RD
+    ctRegisteredInst      = 44,       // RD/WR
+    ctReserved3           = 45,       
+    ctMoving              = 46,       // RD
+    ctLock                = 47,       // RD/WR
+    ctPunchL              = 48,       // RD/WR
+    ctPunchH              = 49        // RD/WR
 class AX12
@@ -96,10 +96,13 @@
     float GetPosition();
     // gets the internal temperature of the servo
-    float GetTemperature(void);
+    int GetTemperature(void);
     // gets the servo power supply voltage
     float GetSupplyVoltage(void);
+    // enables/disables holding torque 
+    StatusCode TorqueEnable( bool );
 private :
     ServoId _ID;