Library for using the xbee-compatible Bluetooth Bee Module on an m3pi.

Dependencies:   SensoryTest

Fork of btbee by Nikolas Goldin

Fri May 09 12:31:40 2014 +0000
added test comment

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
ngoldin 0:e7cb710c8900 1 #include "mbed.h"
ngoldin 0:e7cb710c8900 2 #include "platform.h"
ngoldin 0:e7cb710c8900 3
ngoldin 2:12c38a710982 4 #define FACTORY_BAUD 9600
ngoldin 2:12c38a710982 5 #define DEFAULT_BAUD 115200
ngoldin 2:12c38a710982 6 #define AT_BAUD 38400
ngoldin 2:12c38a710982 7
MatthiasK 5:2e759cc06191 8 // this is a test comment
ngoldin 0:e7cb710c8900 9 class btbee: public Serial{
ngoldin 0:e7cb710c8900 10 public:
ngoldin 0:e7cb710c8900 11 btbee(PinName respin, PinName tx, PinName rx);
ngoldin 0:e7cb710c8900 12 btbee(void);
ngoldin 0:e7cb710c8900 13 void reset(void);
ngoldin 2:12c38a710982 14 void at_baud(void);
ngoldin 2:12c38a710982 15 void factory_baud(void);
ngoldin 2:12c38a710982 16 void default_baud(void);
ngoldin 1:56f437e4d9e0 17 int read_all(char*,const int, int*);
ngoldin 3:ddeb620fb25e 18 int read_line(char*,const int, int*);
ngoldin 0:e7cb710c8900 19
ngoldin 0:e7cb710c8900 20 protected:
ngoldin 0:e7cb710c8900 21 DigitalOut reset_out;
ngoldin 0:e7cb710c8900 22 };